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Work-in-Progress: DSP education through web-based selective concept retrieval

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Computers in Education (CoED) Engineering Poster Session

Tagged Division

Computers in Education

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.1392.1 - 23.1392.10



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Gregory Augustus Krudysz Georgia Institute of Technology

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Gregory A. Krudysz is a Ph.D student in the School of Electrical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. His interests are in learning, DSP education, and intelligent tutoring systems. Currently, he is developing an educational research platform which has been deployed in the “Introduction to DSP” course at Georgia Tech.

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Work-in-Progress: Buyer’s Remorse - DSP education through web-based selective concept retrievalIn the age of user experience defined by big data, digital presence, and social media, education isincreasingly pursued on-line where the cognitive footprint of each student could be easilytracked, analyzed, and assessed. In this environment, like online-shopping, learners should beable to personalize their education by focusing on concepts which are of immediate interest orutility. Learning starts with knowledge gathering but also requires searching, organizing, andselecting conceptual tools that have the greatest potential and relevance. Within a course,education strives for students to demonstrate competence by knowing when, where, and why theselection of one concept over the other contributes to the solution of a given problem. During acourse, students practice solving problems in order to refine their selective skills for retrievingthe appropriate conceptual resources in the context of a problem. Incorrect concept selectionslead to buyer’s remorse.At Georgia Tech, we have been developing a concept-centric problem oriented on-line system(called ITS) specifically designed for repeated concept selection and retrieval. ITS is used in anintroductory Digital Signal Processing (DSP) course as a study aide and for on-line homeworkproblems. In this paper, we discuss ITS in the context of recent research on learning whichsupports the importance of repeated concept retrieval practice, with an emphasis on relevanceduring problem solving. One ITS interface presents a concept browser that not only delivers(asks) questions on a specific concept, but also provides links to resources that a learner canaccess during problem solving, with the intent of fostering cue building that strengthens alearner’s organization of knowledge and leads to greater fluency in selective retrieval.Over the last five semesters, we have been collecting on-line problem solving activity of 1043students. During each semester, students were required to work through 8 scheduledassignments consisting of 40+ questions; 60% of the questions had to be answered correctly. Each question was drawn at random from a database consisting of 404 DSP related questionsand presented as either a multiple-choice, matching, or computed question. ITS allows studentsto skip questions and provides the option to rate question difficulty. On average, studentsanswered 78% of the available questions with an average score of 68.5% correct per question. Students spent on average 2.37 minutes answering questions, and skipped 8% of the availablequestions, taking on average 11 seconds per question. In total, 16% of the students ratedquestions for difficulty, with an average rating of 2.92 out of 5, on a Likert scale.

Krudysz, G. A. (2013, June), Work-in-Progress: DSP education through web-based selective concept retrieval Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22778

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