Indianapolis, Indiana
June 15, 2014
June 15, 2014
June 18, 2014
Computers in Education
24.1394.1 - 24.1394.12
Walter Schilling is an Associate Professor in the Software Engineering program at the Milwaukee School of Engineering in Milwaukee, Wis. He received his B.S.E.E. from Ohio Northern University and M.S.E.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Toledo. He worked for Ford Motor Company and Visteon as an Embedded Software Engineer for several years prior to returning for doctoral work. He has spent time at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and consulted for multiple embedded systems companies in the Midwest. In addition to one U.S. patent, Schilling has numerous publications in refereed international conferences and other journals. He received the Ohio Space Grant Consortium Doctoral Fellowship and has received awards from the IEEE Southeastern Michigan and IEEE Toledo Sections. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society and ASEE. At MSOE, he coordinates courses in software quality assurance, software verification, software engineering practices, real time systems, and operating systems, as well as teaching embedded systems software.
John K. Estell is a Professor of Computer Engineering and Computer Science at Ohio Northern University. He received his MS and PhD degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his BS in computer science and engineering from The University of Toledo. His areas of research include simplifying the outcomes assessment process, first-year engineering instruction, and the pedagogical aspects of writing computer games. John currently serves as Chair of the Computers in Education Division and was one of the principal authors of the Best Paper Rubric used for determining the Best Overall Conference Paper and Best Professional Interest Council (PIC) Papers for the ASEE Annual Conference. He is a past recipient of Best Paper awards from the Computers in Education, First-Year Programs, and Design in Engineering Education Divisions. Dr. Estell is an ABET Commissioner, Vice President of The Pledge of the Computing Professional, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.
Dr. Khalid S. Al-Olimat is professor and chair of the Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department at Ohio Northern University. He obtained his BS in Electrical Engineering from Far Eastern University in 1990, the MS in Manufacturing Engineering from Bradley University in 1994 and his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toledo in 1999. Dr. Al-Olimat is the recipient of Henry Horldt Outstanding Teacher Award in 2004. He is a senior member of IEEE and the chair of IEEE-Lima section. His areas of interest are power engineering, adaptive, fuzzy and intelligent control. Dr. Al-Olimat is a registered professional engineer in the State of Michigan.
WIP: Using Video Critiques to Provide Technical Critique of Student Capstone ProjectsAbstract: As part of ABET accreditation, students in engineering programs are required to complete acapstone project. One challenge that programs face is providing appropriate technical and professionalfeedback to students on their projects. Students may be working in an application domain in which thefaculty member has limited knowledge, or may be using newer technologies that the faculty memberhas not used before. To overcome these problems, it is often advantageous for the team to partnerwith an industrial mentor. The industrial mentor can provide technical assistance to the project as wellas provide impartial and unbiased feedback on the status of the project. However, this is not alwaysfeasible, as not all campuses are not located in urban areas, and stakeholders may not be local.This work in progress article describes the first part of a two part project to overcome some of theseproblems. In this project, capstone teams work directly with an alumni mentor on the project in anasynchronous format using videos and screen captures. As the students complete significantmilestones, deliverables are critiqued by an alumnus of the institution impartial to the project. Studentsreceive a short video with both written and verbal feedback on the deliverable, which can then beincorporated into future projects. This article describes the concept as well as provides a preliminaryassessment of the technique.
Schilling, W. W., & Estell, J. K., & Al-Olimat, K. S. (2014, June), Work in Progress: Using Videotelephony to Provide Independent Technical Critique of Student Capstone Projects Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--23327
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