Montreal, Canada
June 16, 2002
June 16, 2002
June 19, 2002
7.607.1 - 7.607.15
Main Menu Session 3413
Heat Transfer On-Line William B. Baratuci, Angela R. Linse University of Washington Department of Chemical Engineering / Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching
This paper describes a project in which the internet was used to deliver a core course in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington (UW). This web-based distance-learning section of Transport Processes II, commonly known as “heat transfer,” was offered in Spring 2001. The distance-learning section allowed students to participate in the College of Engineering Co-op Program without falling behind in the sequence of required chemical engineering courses. Baratuci designed the courseware for delivery of content on the web, called Heat Transfer On-Line (HTOL), and taught the course in its initial offering. Baratuci and a team of undergraduate students created the content for HTOL.
We first discuss the curricular context of the course. We then describe its unique technological characteristics. Next, we outline the procedure for collecting assessment data from the students and then present the results. In the final section of the paper, we present our thoughts about this course and distance learning in general and look ahead to the next time this course will be offered.
Project Objective
The UW College of Engineering funded development of a series of distance-learning courses to support its Engineering Co-op Program and make it easier for chemical engineers to participate. Students, potential employers, and our faculty agree that co-op can be a valuable part of an engineer’s education. Students may accept a summer-only assignment or they may extend their time-to-degree by working on a co-op assignment during the academic year.
The HTOL course was designed to resolve the problem that few students in the Department of Chemical Engineering participated in the engineering co-op program because it hindered progress through the department’s curriculum. Some required courses are offered only once per academic year. Students who are unable to enroll in a required course during the quarter in which it is offered, must delay graduation by one full year. As a result, there is a strong disincentive for Chemical Engineering undergraduates to participate in the co-op program in any quarter other than Summer.
Heat transfer was the first course selected for our new distance-learning program because it is the only course required for Chemical Engineering juniors in Spring Quarter. By offering this course at a distance, students could work a Spring or Spring-Summer co-op assignment without delaying graduation for a full year. The Co-op students enrolled in the course were both on Spring-Summer assignments.
Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ©2002, American Society for Engineering Education
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Baratuci, W., & Linse, A. (2002, June), Heat Transfer Online Paper presented at 2002 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada. 10.18260/1-2--11260
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