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Building Relationships by Avoiding the "Show-and-Go": A STEM Project for High Schools

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

High School Engineering Programs, Curriculum, and Evaluation

Tagged Division

K-12 & Pre-College Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.304.1 - 22.304.16



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Paper Authors


Kelly B Crittenden Louisiana Tech University Orcid 16x16

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Kelly Crittenden earned his B.S. and Ph.D. in BioMedical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University in 1996 and 2001 respectively. He is an Associate Professor of Engineering, and holds the Harrelson Professorship in Engineering. Dr. Crittenden has focused much of his effort in the arena of Engineering Education, and multidisciplinary design.

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Galen E. Turner III Louisiana Tech University

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James D. Nelson Louisiana Tech University


Jane A. Petrus Louisiana Tech University

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Jane Petrus serves as the Student Success Specialist for the College of Engineering and Science at Louisiana Tech University. She received her bachelor of science degree from Louisiana Tech in mechanical engineering and worked for The Dow Chemical Company as a Technical Services Engineering before joining the staff at Louisiana Tech. Her job responsibilities include academic advising for engineering and science students, coordinating the TechSTEP program, recruiting, and organizing the Freshman Enrichment Enrichment Program.

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Building Relationships by Avoiding the "Show-and-Go": A STEM Project for High SchoolsMany current political leaders in the United States advocate an increased emphasis on STEMtopics in the primary and secondary school systems. As a result of this focus, there are multiplesources of funding available in the STEM outreach arena. It is tempting to seek funding throughthese various means and produce what could be labeled as a "Show-and-Go" program. Thispaper defines "Show-and-Go" as a project with a short-term focus, with little-to-no long terminvestment. These projects do create a sizable amount of initial interest, but without follow up,those short-term gains can quickly fade.This paper describes one of several projects developed by the ____________ Research Center at__________________ University. The project described here is targeted toward high schooljuniors and seniors (although some sophomore students do attend). The students are on campusthree times throughout the year, while their teachers are on campus 6 times per year. Eventhough this project is geared to high school students, the real gains are made by building lastingrelationships with the high school teachers.This paper presents a full description of one of the low-cost projects, with a rationale for thevarious activities. Topics presented in this paper include material characterization, conservationof energy, communication through various media, teamwork, statistical analysis, and generalproblem solving. In addition to the paper, resources for the project will be available fordownload on the ______________ Research Center website.Along with the project description, data that reflects the effectiveness of the project towardbuilding lasting relationships with area feeder schools is presented. Since 2004, 74 differentteachers from 21 different high schools have participated in __________'s STEM outreachprograms. Although the primary focus of these programs is to build lasting relationships with thearea teachers, over 350 local high school students have been directly impacted by these programswith over 1500 indirectly impacted. The rising enrollment in the _________(college) at___________ University indicates that the direct and indirect impact of these programs on localhigh school students has created an increased interest in STEM topics in the region in the midstof falling high school graduation rates in ___________________(state). Additional data showthat the enrollment of students in STEM fields at ________________ University is increasing ata faster rate from high schools who participate in STEM outreach projects developed by the________________ Research Center at ___________________ University.

Crittenden, K. B., & Turner, G. E., & Nelson, J. D., & Petrus, J. A. (2011, June), Building Relationships by Avoiding the "Show-and-Go": A STEM Project for High Schools Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17585

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