Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
Design in Engineering Education
23.52.1 - 23.52.14
Jay R. Goldberg, Ph.D, P. E. is a Clinical Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Marquette University, and Director of the Healthcare Technologies Management program at Marquette University and the Medical College of Wisconsin (Milwaukee). He teaches courses involving project management, new product development, and medical device design. His experience includes development of new products in urology, orthopedics, GI, and dentistry.
Dr. Goldberg earned a BS in general engineering from the University of Illinois and an MS in bioengineering from the University of Michigan. He has a master’s degree in engineering management and a PhD in biomedical engineering from Northwestern University. He holds six patents for urological medical devices.
Before moving into academia, he was director of technology and quality assurance for Milestone Scientific Inc. (Deerfield, IL), a start-up dental product company. Prior to that, he worked for Surgitek (Racine, WI), Baxter (Deerfield, IL), and DePuy (Warsaw, IN). He is a consultant to the Gastroenterology and Urology Therapy Device Panel of the Medical Device Advisory Committee of the FDA. Dr. Goldberg is a co-creator of the BMES-idea national student design competition and writes a quarterly column on senior design for IEEE-Pulse magazine. In 2012 he received the National Society of Professional Engineers Engineering Education Excellence Award for linking professional practice to engineering education.
David has more than 28 years in the workforce with 19 of those working for Harley-Davidson, Inc.. The majority of his Harley-Davidson® experience was as their Softail® Platform Director, developing and caring for that family of motorcycles with his management team. Over the years, he has participated in international assembly bench-marking studies, manufacturing capability assessments and strategic product development methods development. David holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME, PE) and a Master of Science in New Product Management (MSNP).
A Hands-On, Active Learning Approach to Increasing Manufacturing Knowledge in Engineering StudentsISO 9001 requires specific elements to be part of a product design and development program.[1]These include design and development planning, design input, design output, design review,design verification and validation, and design transfer. The more engineering students becomefamiliar with each element, the better prepared they will be for careers in industry. Ideally,capstone design projects would involve each of these elements.A recent survey of capstone design instructors indicates that the duration of capstone designcourses varies in length.[2] As a result, some courses require paper designs while others requireconstruction and testing of prototypes as the final deliverable. Due to time, cost, resourceconstraints, and a lack of large scale manufacturing facilities available to students, it is beyondthe scope of many capstone design courses to require completion of the design transfer phase.According to a 2005 study, less than 30% of respondents indicated that their capstone designcourses included lectures on manufacturing processes or other related topics.[3] This lack offamiliarity with the design transfer phase and manufacturing related topics results in aknowledge gap among many biomedical engineering students in the areas of manufacturingoperations, lean manufacturing principles, and design for manufacturability.An understanding of manufacturing operations allows engineers to modify designs to ensure thata product can be manufactured at a reasonable cost. The ability to apply lean manufacturing anddesign for manufacturability principles can help speed assembly operations, avoid repetitivemotion injuries among production workers, and reduce waste and scrap, which result in time andcost savings.Surveys and interview with leaders from all manufacturing industries were conducted by theSociety for Manufacturing Engineers (SME) and identified competency gaps among newengineering graduates in process design and control and manufacturing processes andsystems.[4,5] To address this lack of manufacturing knowledge, students could take courses onthese topics. For those programs that cannot fit additional courses into the curriculum, a viableoption would be to create a module on design transfer as part of the capstone design course. Thismodule could cover basic manufacturing processes (cutting, molding, etc.), lean manufacturingprinciples (just-in-time, 6-sigma, 5S, reduced waste of materials, motions, and time, etc.), anddesign for manufacturability. Lectures, video presentations, in-class activities, and other studentcentered learning tools can be used to help students learn about these topics.This paper describes a new learning module implemented at Marquette University to teachbiomedical engineering students about basic manufacturing processes, lean manufacturingprinciples, and design for manufacturability. The module included several examples of activeand student centered learning as part of an in-class assembly line simulation exercise. Studentsreflected on this experience, and suggested process improvements to save time, reduce cost andwaste, and improve the assemble line process. They learned of the importance of design forassembly and the importance of documentation and process design. Details of how this modulewas designed, implemented, and assessed will be presented along with comments from studentsand assessment results.References1. Teixeira, M. B., and Bradley, R. Design Controls for the Medical Industry, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003.2. Pembridge, J., and Paretti, M. “The Current State of Capstone Design Pedagogy”, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Lexington, KY, 2010.3. Howe, S., and Wilbarger, J. “2005 National Survey of Engineering Capstone Design Courses”, presented at the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, June 2006.4. Ssemakula, M., Liao, G., and Ellis, D. “Closing the Competency Gap in Manufacturing Processes as it Applies to New Engineering Graduates”, Advances in Engineering Education, American Society for Engineering Education, Spring 2010.5. Cebeci, T. “Broadening the Manufacturing Practitioner’s Education”, Guest Editorial, Manufacturing Engineering, 130(1), 2003.
Goldberg, J. R., & Rank, D. B. (2013, June), A Hands-On, Active Learning Approach to Increasing Manufacturing Knowledge in Engineering Students Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19066
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