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A Three Year Longitudinal Study of Mobile Technology and Analysis of the Impact on STEM-Based Courses

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Computers in Education Division - General Technical Session 2

Tagged Division

Computers in Education

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.123.1 - 23.123.13



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Paper Authors


Oscar Antonio Perez University of Texas at El Paso

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Mr. Oscar Perez received his B.S. and master's in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso with a special focus on data communications. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Mr Perez has been teaching the Basic Engineering (BE) – BE 1301 course for over six years. Lead the design for the development of the new BE course (now UNIV 1301) for engineering at UTEP: Engineering, Science and University Colleges. Developed over five new courses, including UTEP technology and society core curriculum classes specifically for incoming freshman with a STEM background. Perez has eight years of professional experience working as an Electrical and Computer Engineer providing technical support to faculty and students utilizing UGLC classrooms and auditoriums. Perez is committed to the highest level of service to provide an exceptional experience to all of the UGLC guests. Perez strongly believes that by providing exceptional customer service that UGLC patrons will return to make use of the various services the university offers. Perez enjoys working on the professional development of the students’ employees at the UGLC. He shares with his student employees his practical experience in using electrical engineering concepts and computer technologies to help in everyday real-world applications. Perez has worked with the UTeach program at UTEP since its creation to streamline the transition process for engineering students from local area high schools to college by equipping their teachers with teaching strategies and technologies each summer. Oscar enjoys teamwork, believes in education as a process for achieving life-long learning rather than as a purely academic pursuit. He currently works on maintaining, upgrading and designing new computer classroom systems. Perez is inspired because he enjoys working with people and technology in the same environment.

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Mike Thomas Pitcher University of Texas, El Paso

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Pedro Arturo Espinoza University of Texas, El Paso

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Hugo Gomez University of Texas, El Paso

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Virgilio Gonzalez University of Texas, El Paso Orcid 16x16

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Herminia Hemmitt University of Texas at El Paso

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Randy Hazael Anaya University of Texas, El Paso

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Peter Golding University of Texas, El Paso

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A Three Year Longitudinal Study of Mobile Technology and Analysis of the Impact on STEM-Based CoursesWe have progressively advanced student use of Apple iPads within introductionto engineering courses at (removed). We report the findings of our analysis ofthree consecutive years of ipad utilization. This is pertinent to study since use ofiPads is blossoming. Student use of technology tools is pervasive. K-12 andcollege classroom use is increasing rapidly, as these technological tools providebalance between cost, functionality and portability. This has caused a paradigmshift in the use of computing devices for mainstream course applications.We have present our analysis of results from studying the impact of iPad use onstudents’ academic performance. This has been achieved using a subset of courseobjectives for a first year introductory engineering course at (removed). Theinherent focus is on student perceived value and learning impact (comprehensionof learning outcomes). An iPad was provided to students along with focusedactivities to gauge differences in comprehension of learning outcomes. Studentperceived value of using an iPad for a class was also measured, tested andevaluated within a learning environment featuring 21st century demographics forthe science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. The effect of iPadinclusion in the STEM classrooms was focused on two key indicators: (1)academic impact and (2) student perceived value. Student perceived value wasmeasured via a student attitudinal survey (Likert scale) completed prior to andsubsequent to iPad technology utilization managed through an independent third-party testing entity. The perceived value pre survey was done prior to studentshaving knowledge that they were going to be receiving iPads for use in the course.The assessment for the comprehension component of the study focused on fourcohorts of students. All cohorts of students were taught the same way from thecommencement of the semester until the time of the first course exam. This wasdone to limit and account for the possible variance of class grades. At thebeginning of week eight, iPads were then introduced and provided for the second,third and fourth cohort of students. The usage of the iPad in class assignmentswas focused on maximizing the impact of student learning on the following classareas: Class assignments, homework, quizzes and exams. Variances between thecohorts were assessed as part of the second and third semester exams. Three yearsof results enabling longitudinal comparison are now possible. This researchproject has yielded data in a field that has not been previously explored within theassociated demographic environment. The complete analysis on thecomprehension and student perceived value have been analyzed and veryinteresting results that have been obtain here within this paper. Continuous qualityimprovement of the instruments and utilization is included.

Perez, O. A., & Pitcher, M. T., & Espinoza, P. A., & Gomez, H., & Gonzalez, V., & Hemmitt, H., & Anaya, R. H., & Golding, P. (2013, June), A Three Year Longitudinal Study of Mobile Technology and Analysis of the Impact on STEM-Based Courses Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19137

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