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Engineering Economy: A Hybrid Course for the Engineering Technology Program

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Engineering Technology Curriculum Innovations

Tagged Division

Engineering Technology

Page Count


Page Numbers

25.541.1 - 25.541.5



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Paper Authors


Reynaldo M. Pablo Jr. Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne

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Reynaldo M. Pablo, Jr. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Manufacturing and Construction Engineering Technology and Interior Design at Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Ind. He received his Ph.D. in civil engineering from the Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. His expertise lies in the areas of bridge design loading
calibration, bridge design and evaluation, and reliability of bridge structures.

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Engineering Economy: A Hybrid Course for the Engineering Technology ProgramAbstractHybrid courses refer to classes where there is a carefully planned blend of both traditionalclassroom instruction and online learning activities. In other words, hybrid courses combine thebest of both styles of instruction. Instructors can teach courses through active-learningassignments over the internet rather that having their students sit in a lecture hall taking notes.The advantage is that they make it easy for more people to get a college education because of thelimited on-campus attendance. That's because hybrid courses require only limited on-campusattendance, which means these kinds of courses are now more accessible to more people in moreplaces, which is perhaps the biggest advantage of all. Hence, the introduction of an EngineeringEconomy hybrid course will greatly be beneficial not only to students but to the instructors aswell.This research will study the significant differences between the designing and teaching oftraditional Engineering Economy course and a hybrid one. To teach a successful hybrid coursean instructor must invest significant time and effort in redesigning a traditional course. Becauseclass time is reduced and a significant part of learning is moved online, the course goals andobjectives need to be re-examined. In addition, there is a need to acquire new teaching skills,such as learning to facilitate online discussions and assess student online learning.This study will explore steps to be taken in redesigning a traditional into a hybrid course. Thereasons for choosing a hybrid format and the characteristics of the students, as well asdetermination of the proportions of face-to-face on online time will be considered. Evaluation ofthe activities to determine which to present in class and which to redesign for online delivery willbe examined. Likewise, there is a need to take a detailed look at the activities traditionally usedin each course (i.e., content presentation, in-class activities, out-of-class activities like homeworkand projects, assessment mechanisms).Teaching a course in a hybrid style does not mean simply trying to replicate a syllabus for a face-to-face class. Effective hybrid design takes into consideration the differences between face-to-face and online learning, and incorporates different learning and teaching strategies. Developingan Engineering Economy hybrid course can be time consuming, but thoughtfully-designedcomponents can be reused in future deliveries.

Pablo, R. M. (2012, June), Engineering Economy: A Hybrid Course for the Engineering Technology Program Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21299

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