Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
NSF Grantees Poster Session
23.937.1 - 23.937.6
NUE: NanoCORE (Nanotechnology Concepts, Opportunities, Research and Education) at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Mei Zhang, Rufina Alamo, Petru Andrei, Amy Chan-Hilton, and Ongi Englander FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FLThe NanoCORE (Nanotechnology Concepts, Opportunities, Research and Education) andNanoCORE II programs at the Florida A&M University (FAMU)-Florida State University (FSU)College of Engineering were designed to introduce aspects of nanoscale science and engineering intothe core undergraduate curriculum. The NanoCORE II program integrates nanoscale science andengineering (NSE) as a permanent component of the undergraduate curriculum, presents multipleopportunities for undergraduate learning of concepts in nanoscale science and engineering, andcreates opportunities for undergraduates to pursue nanotechnology related research activities. TheNanoCORE II program builds upon a previous NUE NanoCORE program, which has made anoteworthy impact on our undergraduate educational content and experience since its inception inearly 2009. The fundamentals of nanotechnology have been introduced into the curriculum bypresenting nanotechnology modules (nanomodules) in required undergraduate courses across theengineering campus and by introducing two technical elective courses that offer in- depth NSEeducation. With the current project, a focus on hands-on and laboratory activities is added to ourongoing activities. Specifically, nanolabs in required undergraduate courses and nanotechnologyrelated capstone senior design projects are introduced. The project team also coordinatesundergraduate research opportunities in nanoscale science and engineering across the College.The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering is home to a diverse student body where 42% of theundergraduate student population belongs to traditionally under-represented groups. TheNanoCORE II topic areas and activities are designed to promote student interest and generateexcitement about NSE and thus improve student retention. Additionally, this program is designed toattract students into graduate studies in the field. The NanoCORE II program also brings togetherfaculty from across the College of Engineering and thus fosters an interdisciplinary and collaborativeresearch setting. Course materials developed through this project will be made widely availablethrough web resources and presented to the local community through outreach activities.Outcomes of the NanoCORE II program include piquing students’ interest and curiosity aboutnanotechnology, instilling positive attitudes toward nanotechnology, increasing NSE literacy andpromoting lifelong learning, and equipping students with the tools necessary to function effectivelyin a nanotechnology driven environment. At the same time, the NanoCORE II program modernizesour undergraduate curriculum and fosters interdisciplinary education and research activities.During the project period, we incorporated six nanomodules in eight engineering courses across allengineering disciplines. We have implemented these nanomodules in core courses, along with anintroductory nanomodule presented to incoming freshman. We have made a special effort to relatenanotechnology topics to existing course content. We also have implemented and added threenanolabs into three existing junior level courses. A total of 862 students have been impacted inthese courses that included the nanomodules and nanolabs. In addition, NanoCORE II sponsoredan interdisciplinary senior capstone design team, consisting of five industrial engineering andelectrical/computer engineering students, who developed and designed carbon nanotube speakers.Also 16 undergraduate students participated in nanotechnology research through the NanoCORE IIprogram during this period.
Zhang, M., & Chan Hilton, A. B. (2013, June), NUE: NanoCORE II (Nanotechnology Concepts, Opportunities, Research and Education) at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22322
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