Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
Curricular Issues in Computing and Information Technolog Programs
Computing & Information Technology
23.961.1 - 23.961.9
Hoda Baytiyeh holds a B.E. in Computer Engineering and M.S. in Computer Science. She has earned a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She is currently an assistant professor in the Education Department at The American University of Beirut where she teaches courses related to the integration of technology in education. Her research interests include Engineering Education, ubiquitous computing using Open Source Software, and online learning communities.
Perceptions of engineering professors and students regarding the acceptance and use of MoodleWith the current digital age, academic institutions are responsible for providing the latesttechnology for professors and students. Adopted by several organizations around the world, theopen source course management system, Moodle, is designed to assist educators in deliveringtheir courses to their students from a social constructivist perspective. The theoretical frameworkfor this study is drawn from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)that explains user intentions to use an information system and subsequent usage behavior. Thetheory holds that the following four keys are direct determinants of usage intention: performanceexpectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Twenty sevenengineering professors and 601 engineering students at the American University of Beirut (AUB)completed an online survey evaluating a set of 30 items on a scale of 5 that reflect the four keysof the UTAUT applied on Moodle. By examining the frequencies, a consistency in theevaluation was observed where both professors and students almost agree on all the items. AnIndependent-Sample t-Test was applied to compare the samples and showed no significancebetween the two groups for all items. Given the non-significance findings between both samples(27 professors and 601 students), all the available 628 observations were combined in one set ofdata in order to investigate users’ perceptions regarding the acceptance of Moodle. Anexploratory Factor Analysis (FA) was employed and generated four factors that were named:Learnability, Satisfaction, system quality, and Community influence. Four new variables werecomputed based on the mean of the items falling under each factor. In order to compare thefactors as rated by users, one-way repeated measures ANOVA was applied on the four variables.Repeated measures ANOVA showed Satisfaction as the highest rated by participants, followedby Community influence, Technical Quality, and Learnability. Although the Post Hoc tests usingBonferroni technique indicated significance between the four factors, this significance cannot beseen as meaningful since the difference is not important on a scale of “5”. Such result suggeststhat the four factors contribute almost equally to the acceptance and use of Moodle. By assessingthe results, users seem to agree that Moodle possesses an adequate acceptance level where all ofthe four attributes were rated above 3.5 on a scale of 5. The current research contributes toknowledge in the field of technology acceptance and demonstrated that CMS quality perceptionsplay an important role in the adoption of technology.
Baytiyeh, H. (2013, June), Perceptions of engineering professors and students regarding the acceptance and use of Moodle Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22346
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