Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
Design in Engineering Education (DEED) Engineering Poster Session
Design in Engineering Education
23.1185.1 - 23.1185.10
Mr. Patrick Rowsome is a post-graduate student investigating the evidencing and assessment of metacognitive processing in technology education. Currently working in pre-service teachers and examining their professional judgements and inferences made on evidence of metacognitive processes in technology education.
Dr. Diarmaid Lane received his B.Tech (Ed.) and Ph.D. in Technology Education from the University of Limerick in 2008 and 2011 respectively. He spent six years in the metal fabrication industry developing engineering craft based skills prior to pursuing his studies in technology education. He currently holds a faculty position at the University of Limerick where he teaches engineering graphics courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students of initial teacher education. He was the program chair for the 67th MidYear Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD) Conference in Limerick, Ireland in 2012. He has been awarded the EDGD Chair’s Award in 2010 and 2011 in addition to the prestigious Oppenheimer Award in 2012. He is the current director of Membership for the EDG Division. His research interests are in the development of spatial cognition through freehand sketching.
Dr. Seamus Gordon is a lecturer and course director. He holds a B.Tech.(ed) in Materials and Engineering Technology.
Evidencing learning; a dichotomy.Supporting diversity and personalised learning of students is one of the many challengesfaced by educators across engineering education disciplines. A shift from a linear approach toa more iterative approach to the design process allows for the development of higher orderthinking skills1. The use of open ended design tasks allows students to engage on a more in-depth level as they can personalise and tailor it to their own interests, yet at the same timestill develop desirable qualities such as analysis and synthesis2.This paper attempts to establish what is evidence of “good learning”? And what are thedesirable cognitive qualities we are looking for? We are also faced with a dichotomy. Ifcriteria is not defined in design briefs, how do students know what is evidence of meaningfullearning.Students in an initial teacher education course in the University of ________ were given asemi-open ended design brief in which they were asked to compile a design portfolio intandem with a design artefact. These students are engaged in a four year fulltime degreeprogramme in as perspective teachers of technology subjects at second level education. Theproject was a semi-open design brief where students were given a certain amount of definedcriteria. The criterion for the portfolio was student defined. The students’ portfolios werethen democratically judged by their peers and a rank order was agreed. A qualitativeapproach was taken where a sample of students were asked to concurrently andretrospectively verbally externalise their thoughts as they were engaging in the judgementprocess. Judgements were based on what the students valued as evidence of “good learning”.Engagement in this process gives the researcher insight into the students’ epistemologicalbeliefs of what they deem as meaningful learning. From the recordings of students’verbalised thoughts, different categories of cognitive qualities were identified includingsynthesis and problem solving3.There is considerable qualitative evidence of cognitive qualities which highlight theimportance of allowing for personalised learning and also shows how valuable design tasksare in cultivating these desirable qualities.
Rowsome, P., & Seery, N., & Lane, D., & Gordon, S. (2013, June), The development of pre-service design educator's capacity to make professional judgments on design capability using Adaptive Comparative Judgment Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22570
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