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Using Innovation Configuration Mapping for the Implementation of Engineering Infused Science Lessons (Research to Practice)

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2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Indianapolis, Indiana

Publication Date

June 15, 2014

Start Date

June 15, 2014

End Date

June 18, 2014



Conference Session

Addressing the NGSS, Part 3 of 3: Supporting High School Science Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering-Science Connections

Tagged Division

K-12 & Pre-College Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

24.1333.1 - 24.1333.9



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Paper Authors

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Julia M. Ross University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Jenny Daugherty Purdue University, West Lafayette

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Assistant Professor in the Department of Technology Leadership & Innovation at Purdue University

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Rodney L Custer Black Hills State University

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Dr. Custer is Provost and V.P. for Academic Affairs at Black Hills State University. He is PI on Project Infuse, a NSF funded project to research an engineering concept-based approach to professional development in life and physical science at the secondary level.

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Using Innovation Configuration Mapping for the Implementation of Engineering Infused Science Lessons (research to practice)This paper describes the process for developing and using an innovation configuration (IC) mapto guide the efforts of a National Science Foundation teacher professional development researchproject. The project was funded to research science teacher learning using an engineering-concept driven professional development program. This is particularly timely with the recentpublication of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the inclusion of anengineering dimension in science. The project research team has been investigating how toinfuse engineering concepts into science given the time, resource, and curricular constraints ofschool environments. Specific implementation issues have been identified as important asteachers incorporate engineering infused lessons into their instruction.An innovation configuration (IC) map is a tool used to understand implementation of aninnovation at the individual level (Hall & Hord, 2011). The developers of the Stages of Concerninstrument have used this approach to understand how the innovation looks when implementedby teachers and students. An IC map is a word-picture description of the innovation in practice;outlining what the individuals are doing when the innovation is implemented. An IC mapindicates to what degree close adherence to the developer’s intended model is advocated (i.e.,fidelity) by presenting carefully developed descriptions of different ways of doing theinnovation, including a number of components and variations. The major goal is to be asdescriptive and visual as possible in creating word pictures that describe the variousconfigurations possible with the innovation. The process is designed to provide the teachers witha clear vision of what infusing engineering concepts into their instruction looks like while theyare engaged in the professional development program.The process outlined by Hall and Hord (2011) involves: (a) reviewing all printed materialsrelated to the innovation; (b) observing a range of classrooms where the innovation is in use; (c)generating a list of possible components that represent the major parts of the innovation; (d)clustering suggestions that are similar and creating one statement to represent each set of thesuggestions; (e) agreeing on which components are key and should be developed; (f) developingthe wording of components (5-10) and component variations (A to E); and (g) testing the draftmap for a “dose of reality” to identify points that need clarification and other components thatneed to be mapped. This paper will describe the process used by the project in developing andtesting an IC Map for the implementation of engineering infused lessons in science classrooms.In addition, this paper will include the final version of the IC map and the intended uses for theproject’s professional development program.Hall, G.E., & Hord, S.M. (2011). Implementing change: Patterns, principles, and potholes, 3rded. Boston: Pearson.

Ross, J. M., & Daugherty, J., & Custer, R. L. (2014, June), Using Innovation Configuration Mapping for the Implementation of Engineering Infused Science Lessons (Research to Practice) Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--23266

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