Seattle, Washington
June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015
June 17, 2015
NSF Grantees Poster Session
26.71.1 - 26.71.7
Priscilla Hill is currently an Associate Professor in the Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering at Mississippi State University. She has research interests in crystallization, particle technology, population balance modeling, and process synthesis. Her teaching interests include particle technology, nanotechnology, and separations.
Tonya Stone is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at MSU. Her research interests include multiscale materials modeling, mechanical behavior and characterization of materials, and modeling of nanomechanics/nanomaterials.
Dr. Rani Warsi Sullivan is an Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Mississippi State University. Dr. Sullivan has teaching and research interests in the area of solid mechanics, aircraft materials and structures, and engineering education. Current research includes fiber optic strain sensing for development of an in-flight structural health monitoring system, characterization of the time-dependent deformation of polymer nanocomposites, and strength and vibration testing of full scale composite air vehicles.
A Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Nanotechnology Education Program with Integrated Laboratory ExperienceA multidisciplinary nanotechnology program is being developed with support from a NationalScience Foundation (NSF) Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) in Engineeringgrant. The program is unique in that it coordinates nanotechnology instruction in chemical,electrical, and mechanical engineering as well as geological sciences. While a previous NSFNUE grant focused on lecture style classes, the goal of this grant is to add experiential learningthrough new nanotechnology modules added to existing courses, and through a new nano/microtechnology laboratory class designed to accompany a recently developed nanotechnology class.The program focuses on nanomaterials and nanostructures, with an emphasis on applications.The experiential learning exercises being developed include synthesizing and characterizingnanomaterials and nanostructures in chemical engineering, geosciences, and electricalengineering; computer simulations in electrical and mechanical engineering (e.g. moleculardynamics); and interpreting the results of these studies. Not limited to nanotechnology-intensivecourses, some of these modules are being implemented in lower level core courses that impactstudents from many majors. Also, many of these modules are designed to be portable and canimpact students at other universities. In addition, some of these modules are transferrable to highschools.This paper will present current results from this program, which started in January 2014. Thepaper will include a discussion of progress to date including a new bio-nano-electronics course,course modules developed, and any other progress such as outreach activities. Although anypresentation of course or module assessment is premature, information such as studentenrollment will be included, as well as information on the diversity of the students impacted bythese courses.
Hill, P. J., & Koshka, Y., & Stone, T. W., & Kirkland, B. L., & Sullivan, R. W. (2015, June), A Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Nanotechnology Education Program with Integrated Laboratory Experience Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.23412
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