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CDHub 2.0: Laying the Foundation for an Online Repository for Capstone Design

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session

Tagged Division

Design in Engineering Education

Page Count


Page Numbers

26.335.1 - 26.335.15



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Paper Authors


Susannah Howe Smith College

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Susannah Howe, Ph.D., is the Design Clinic Director in the Picker Engineering Program at Smith College, where she coordinates and teaches the capstone engineering design course. Her current research focuses on innovations in engineering design education, particularly at the capstone level. She is invested in building the capstone design community. Howe is a leader in the biannual Capstone Design Conferences and the Capstone Design Hub initiative. She is also involved with efforts to foster design learning in middle school students and to support entrepreneurship at primarily undergraduate institutions. Her background is in civil engineering with a focus on structural materials. She holds a B.S.E. degree from Princeton, and M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell.

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Sophia L Poulos Smith College

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Sophia Poulos is an engineering student at Smith College. She is interested in structural engineering and has worked on earthquake engineering projects through NEES activities at UCLA. She is a research assistant on the CDHub 2.0 initiative.

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R. Keith Stanfill University of Florida

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Keith Stanfill serves as the Director of the Integrated Product and Process Design (IPPD) Program for the University of Florida (UF) College of Engineering. He received his B.S., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from UF in 1985, 1991, and 1995, respectively. He joined the UF Industrial and Systems Engineering faculty in 1999 as the IPPD Associate Director and was promoted to IPPD Director in 2001. In Fall 2013, he joined the Engineering Innovation Institute.
IPPD is an experiential multidisciplinary design program where teams of students complete real projects for sponsoring companies and agencies. Dr. Stanfill has recruited over 300 industry-sponsored projects and directed the efforts of over 1900 senior-level engineering and business students for the IPPD program.
Prior to joining UF, Dr. Stanfill spent 10 years with United Technologies where he designed fighter aircraft gas turbine hardware for Pratt & Whitney, served as a key resource to the Carrier Corporation New Product Development Council Steering Committee, facilitated Design for X (DFx) workshops internationally, developed business process linkages between new product development and lean manufacturing, and developed and implemented manufacturing systems software.

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CDHub 2.0: Laying the Foundation for an Online Repository for Capstone DesignThe Capstone Design Conferences (2007, 2010, 2012, 2014) have provided a rich, interactivesetting for the capstone design community (faculty, administrators, industry representatives,students) to disseminate effective practices, share success and challenges, and network. Oneoutcome of the 2010 conference was recognition of the need to build an online presence for thecapstone community to support connections, conversations, and curriculum. Following thatconference, with funding from the Engineering Information Foundation, a group of capstoneeducators developed an initial Capstone Design Hub (CDHub 1.0) to test the hub concept withincapstone design. This pilot hub focused on communication (per the requirements of the fundingagency) and included resources and strategies related to capstone design communication such asproject definition, project management, and intellectual property. The hub developers held aworkshop at the 2012 Capstone Design Conference; the 60 attendees were overwhelminglysupportive of the hub concept and offered numerous suggestions to expand the hub to provideadditional value. These suggestions collectively pointed to the need for a broader framework toenable continued growth beyond the communications focus.With support from a small NSF grant, a new team of capstone educators is pursuing CDHub 2.0,the next iteration of the capstone design hub platform. Unlike its predecessor, CDHub 2.0 isbeing developed explicitly as a foundation for long-term hub evolution. The CDHub 2.0 teamcollected input from attendees at the 2014 Capstone Design Conference using an InnovationCanvas template and analyzed the data to extract an overarching framework and governingdesign requirements for CDHub 2.0. The team identified initial focus areas within theframework and selected resources to contribute. A key value-add for CDHub 2.0 is thedevelopment of resource-specific metadata to enable easy search and cataloguing. Feedbackfrom the capstone design community will inform modifications for CDHub 2.0 and directions forfuture growth.This paper reports on the process to develop CDHub2.0, including collecting stakeholder needs,developing design requirements, characterizing and framing the hub foundation, identifyinginitial topics, preparing resource-specific metadata, populating and troubleshooting the hub, andsoliciting feedback from the capstone design community. The ultimate goal of the overallCDHub initiative is to support and grow a robust online resource for the capstone designcommunity that promotes shared practices and collective discussion, while remaining adaptive tothe changing needs of the capstone design community. CDHub 2.0 is the next step toward thatrealization.

Howe, S., & Poulos, S. L., & Stanfill, R. K. (2015, June), CDHub 2.0: Laying the Foundation for an Online Repository for Capstone Design Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.23674

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