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Freshman Engineering Teaching Experience Using Computers Problems And Solutions

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1996 Annual Conference


Washington, District of Columbia

Publication Date

June 23, 1996

Start Date

June 23, 1996

End Date

June 26, 1996



Page Count


Page Numbers

1.225.1 - 1.225.8



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Samuel O. Osisanya

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract

Session 2326

Freshman Engineering Teaching Experience Using Computers - Problems and Solutions —

Samuel O. Osisanya School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering The University of Oklahoma

Abstract: The objectives of a freshman or introductory engineering course are to teach the students fundamentals of engineering as a profession and to motivate them to develop an understanding of engineering problem solving skills using computers. Problems associated with teaching computer applications to freshman engineering students have been identified based on experience. These are time limitation, class size (number of students), students’ academic preparation and computer experience (skills), institutional needs and commitments (accessibility), instructor’s preparation, commitments, and attitude and some essential human factors.

At the first year level, certain modes of computing are usefid. Computer software applications are more usefil than the traditional programming languages. Thus, some of the solutions to these problems are readily accessible computers (hardware), high-quality soflware, and dedicated support staff. Three important user-friendly software packages have been identified and used successfidly at the University of Oklahoma (OU) College of Engineering. Above all, students must be informed about the benefits of computer applications to freshman engineering. The benefits include quick engineering analysis, better communication and creativity, competitive advantage in job search and value to the students’ fiture employers.

This paper will discuss the problems, the solutions and the essential human elements needed for the success of engineering teaching using computers.

Introduction An introductory engineering course is the first core course in engineering that is taken by all engineering majors. Students in thk group are generally admitted either directly from high schools or those that just made up their mind to pursue engineering after one or two semesters in the college, The University of Oklahoma, College of Engineering decided to integrate computer instruction into freshman introduction to engineering in early 90’ sl. This was in response to a perceived need within the college to increase its computer instruction and the express advice of visiting engineering council members most of them from industry. The objective was to simulate the environment that the engineer will work in when he or she goes out into the job market. It was important that the students upon entering the industry, be computer literate and capable of producing a computer-generated engineering report or design.

Highlights of the 1993 National Science Foundation Summer Workshop on Introductory Engineering Experience, held at Colorado State University’s Pingere Park Campus from July 12-16, 1993

?@gtij 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘J21yiy .

Osisanya, S. O. (1996, June), Freshman Engineering Teaching Experience Using Computers Problems And Solutions Paper presented at 1996 Annual Conference, Washington, District of Columbia. 10.18260/1-2--6068

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