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Human Resources In Environmental Engineering. Actuality, Needs And Perspectives In Mexico

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1996 Annual Conference


Washington, District of Columbia

Publication Date

June 23, 1996

Start Date

June 23, 1996

End Date

June 26, 1996



Page Count


Page Numbers

1.240.1 - 1.240.7



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Blanca Jimenez Cisneros

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract

Session 3260

Human Resources in Environmental Engineering. Actuality, Needs and Perspectives in Mexico

Blanca Jim6nez Cisneros Universidad National Aut6noma de M6xico


In this work, the main environmental problems of Mexico and the present availability of human resources are analized to establish the needs for education and training. In addition a detailed inventory on human resources, professionals and institutions related with Environmental Engineering, as well as an evaluation of the present state of research and technology development in the field are explained. Finally, a proposition is made to articulate, in coordination with the Mexican Government, the human resources formation, the research activities, the technology development and the professional associations with the environmental problems, in order to achieve an efficient and rapid solution to these.


The definition of Environmental Engineering in Mexico has evolved in accordance with social, economical and technological advances around the world and within the country. However, in most academic curricula there is still a lack of recognition that in Mexico there are environmental problems typically corresponding to the so called first world (the presence of very agresive toxics as a product of a highly developed industry for example) as well as problems related to underdeveloped countries (such as lack of basic sanitation and the irrational use of natural resources). It is easy to think that the solution lies in the proper modifications of academic programs, so that graduate students automatically are prepared to confront with the environmental reality that sorrounds them. But this is an incomplete approach, because solutions require not only the implementation of formal academic programs, but also a real link among three activities: research, technological development and training and qualification of human resources at various levels and types of programs. As obvious as it may seem, in Mexico, the relationship of this particular triad and of it with the mexican social, economical and political reality is absent, although it is of paramount importance to achieve the proper solutions to our environmental problems, and also to establish a more preventive approach in the future.


The process of industrialization in Mexico has been very quick in some areas but without an environmentaly proper infrastructure. The industrial activities are unevenly distributed along the country, thus provoquing a great development in defined areas, which in turns concentrates pollution problems in those areas, specially urban. On the other hand, there is a strong tendency of growth by the most contaminant sectors of the industrial field, as well as other so called subsectors such as agriculture and municipal development. Table 1 shows the environmental areas that have a need of specialized personnel accordingly to the type of economical activities, which of course are distributed all along our country. Figure @x&: } 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘J3#;:

Cisneros, B. J. (1996, June), Human Resources In Environmental Engineering. Actuality, Needs And Perspectives In Mexico Paper presented at 1996 Annual Conference, Washington, District of Columbia. 10.18260/1-2--6090

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