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Interactive Learning Aid For Microcontroller Architecture And Assembly Language Programming In An Introductory Microprocessor Course

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1996 Annual Conference


Washington, District of Columbia

Publication Date

June 23, 1996

Start Date

June 23, 1996

End Date

June 26, 1996



Page Count


Page Numbers

1.275.1 - 1.275.7



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Jeffrey W. Honchell

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract

Session 3548

Interactive Learning Aid for Microcontroller Architecture and Assembly Language Programming in an Introductory Microprocessor Course

Jeffrey W. Honchell Purdue University


Assembly language programming and its relationship to the microcomputer architecture poses a significant new challenge to the Electrical Engineering Technology student. Although the hardware and software concepts in an introductory microprocessor course are usually straightforward, the development of the skills required to achieve a solid understanding of them are not. The personal computer is an ideal instrument that can be used to deliver a training tool that would be very effective in developing their understanding of microcomputer architecture and its relationship to assembly language programming. The intent of this project was to develop a “windows” based “point and click” learning tool that utilizes graphics, animation and text. Then integrate the tool into introductory microprocessor course where it would finction as a “personal” instructor for each student.

Alternate approaches to integrating the learning aid into this course, and courses at other universities will be explored. Factors to be evaluated include effectiveness in helping the student with microcomputer fundamentals and programming, and acceptance by both the faculty and students.


Assembly language programming and its relationship to the microcomputer architecture is a basic skill that must be developed by the student to succeed in an introductory microprocessor course. Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) students receive thorough instruction in both the hardware and soflware facets of microcomputers in the introductory microprocessor course (EET 205). However, the only way to master the skill of programming is by achieving a thorough understanding of the architecture and a considerable amount of programming practice. The hypothesis that forms the basis for the need, for this interactive learning aid, is that a student’s level of success in developing this required skill would be greatly enhanced. This would allow the student to concentrate on his or her specific weaknesses, at his/her own individual pace.

Programs in an introductory microprocessors course are conceptually simple. However, the logical step- by-step thought process and the strong connection between the microcomputer architecture and the instruction set are new ideas for most students. Most of the difficulty that the student encounters lies in the lack of understanding the connection between the architecture and the instruction set. Since students are required to write assembly language programs that finction correctly in the course laboratory, they will be motivated to use the tool provided -- if they believe that the tool will help them in understanding the methods necessary to successfully complete their assigned programs.

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Honchell, J. W. (1996, June), Interactive Learning Aid For Microcontroller Architecture And Assembly Language Programming In An Introductory Microprocessor Course Paper presented at 1996 Annual Conference, Washington, District of Columbia. 10.18260/1-2--6137

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