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Displaying results 361 - 390 of 942 in total
Conference Session
2005 Annual Conference
Eric Wiebe
breakthrough work by Buswell3 and others in the 1930’s. Even still,the technology remained crude and inaccessible for all but the most dedicated researchers formuch of the 20th century. However, another groundbreaking book by Yarbus4 and growinginterest in visualization of two and three-dimensional forms in the 1970’s 5, 6 also led to aresurgence of interest in the application of eye tracking as a means for better understanding howindividuals view and process graphic information. As eye tracking technology improved and thetheoretical basis of eye tracking solidified, the potential application of this technique outside ofthe basic research lab has begun to show promise.In the last ten years, numerous applied areas have opened up, including: advertising
Conference Session
Energy Projects and Laboratory Ideas
2005 Annual Conference
Ahmad Pourmovahed
(such as hydrogen) occupies22.41 liters and consists of 6.022 x 1023 molecules (Avogadro’s number, Na). The charge on oneelectron is e = 1.602 x 10-19 C. For each kmol of hydrogen that reacts, 2 electrons are released.The electric charge produced is 2 Na e = 2F = 192,970 C. Therefore, a hydrogen volumetric flowrate of 22.41 liters/s (at STP) corresponds to an electric current of 192,970 C/s (or Amps). Toproduce 1 Amp, the minimum volumetric flow rate of hydrogen at STP is 22410/192970 =0.11613 ml/s = 6.97 ml/min ≈ 7 ml/min.For every oxygen molecule, two hydrogen molecules are needed. This will result in a 2:1 ratiofor hydrogen/oxygen volumetric flow rates. If air is used instead of pure oxygen, since air iscomprised of 21% oxygen and 79
Conference Session
K-12 Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Caroline Cochran; Kanthasamy Muraleetharan
followed by “No” and “Yes” checkboxes and lines for “If so, are youinterested in a particular career? Please list career(s).” Page 10.689.5Do you know what will happen to an earth dam during an earthquake? Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Copyright À 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationThis question was likewise followed by “No” and “Yes” checkboxes, and if yes, lines wereprovided for explanation.Can computers be used to accurately predict how an earth dam will behave in an earthquake?This question had boxes similar to the one
Conference Session
Innovation in Curriculum Development
2005 Annual Conference
Louise Green; Barbara Quintiliano; Andrea Welker
education and be reinforced often, with assignments ofincreasing complexity. Consequently, six modules, which are placed throughout the students’time in our department (Sophomore through Senior year), were developed and will be described.These modules build upon one another and are discipline/course integrated.Student OutcomesIn the mid 1990’s, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) adopted anew set of criteria for the evaluation of engineering programs in the United States. These newcriteria formalized the concepts of continuous curriculum improvement and outcomes-basededucation in engineering. Since the adoption of these new criteria, engineering programs acrossthe US, including Villanova, have been re-evaluating their
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Troy McBride
. Tigist G. Ruben T. David S. Wayne H. Kaitlin H. Chris H. Mark D. Amlan B. Lauren S. Matt S. Curtis F. Arindam K. Jeremy D. Adam B. Ben C. Doug F. Taylor J. Corey N. Jason P. Juan Pablo R. Brent L. Mitch D. Gianfranco V. Ermias M. Ruth A. DETAILS Rules: 1) Vehicle must carry one person
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Afshin Ghajar; Ronald Delahoussaye
calculated ateach state depending on its temperature at that state. Constant specific heat assumption simplifiesthe calculations however the calculated results could be considerably different than results basedon variable specific heat. Figure 2 illustrates the individual processes in a turbojet cycle on a T-s diagram. Thestates 0-5 on the diagram correspond to the states shown in Figure 1. The states on the diagramlabeled with the letter ‘a’ are actual states, and the states labeled with the letter ‘i’ are idealstates. The subscript ‘t’ refers to the stagnation or total state. Page 10.448.3 “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society
Conference Session
Electrical & Computer Engineering Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Virgilio Gonzalez; Ahmed Musa; Mehdi Shadaram
& Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”References[1] N. K. Swain, M. Swain, and J. A. Anderson, "Integration of virtual instruments into an EET curriculum," Firenze, Italy, 2004.[2] C. Rosenberg and S. G. M. Koo, "Innovative and easy-to-deploy communication networking laboratory experiments for electrical and computer engineering students," Como, Italy, 2002.[3] D. K. C. Chan and A. Richter, "CAD-supported university course on photonics and fiber- optic communications," Cahrlotte, NC, United States, 2001.[4] B. Chapman, "Virtual experiments in electronics: Beyond logistics, budgets and the art of the possible," vol. 3894, pp. 118, 1999.[5] Z. Nedic
Conference Session
Mobile Robotics in Education
2005 Annual Conference
David Ahlgren
all four of the ExpertDivision tasks (Figure 3). DJA-1.5’s four-wheel differential drive system uses two Page 10.961.4Intelligent Motion Systems NEMA 17 High Torque integrated stepper motors and drives( DJA-1.5 uses sensor-based mapping to navigate through theunknown maze. The drive system allows precise dead-reckoning operation whennecessary. This robot uses a Hammamatsu Model R286 UV flame detector for detectinga candle flame from a distance as well as focused, crossed IR detectors for preciselylocating a nearby flame. The sensing, motor control, and mapping tasks are complexprocesses that require considerable computational power
Conference Session
Project Management and Team Issues
2005 Annual Conference
Sandra Furterer; Lesia Crumpton-Young
Escrow ed Loan Percent 60 E Loan S tatus 50 40 30 20 10 5 E DE 1 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Standardized EffectBenchmarking: [20]Benchmarking is a powerful tool that organizations can use to identify best practices andunderstand how their organization compares to these best practices. The College of Engineeringand Computer Science (CECS) at the University of Central Florida implemented a pre-application process for students interested in applying for a graduate program in
Conference Session
New Approaches & Techniques in Engineering I
2005 Annual Conference
Howard Evans; Shekar Viswanathan
members. In addition,the status meetings help the instructor know that each team is making steady, consistentprogress towards completing the project.Grading Policies Upon completion of the Capstone Course, students will receive a grade designationof "H,” "S," or "U." as described below:H = Honors Equivalent to a “B” or better.S = Satisfactory Equivalent to a "C,” i.e., student met all requirementsU = Unsatisfactory Equivalent to a "D" or less, student did not meet requirementsIncomplete ("I") will only be granted to students who meet National University’srequirements for an "Incomplete" designation ("due to uncontrollable and unforeseencircumstances"). An "Incomplete" must be removed no later than the second
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Lisa Anneberg; Ece Yaprak
in students throughInternet searches to find the most appropriate freeware program(s) to complete a givenexercise, to compare programs against one another along various criteria (speed, cost,ease of installation and use, etc.) and to develop insights into needed programcapabilities in solving a particular networking problem. Finally, all of the products (andbyproducts) of the work is posted on the web to help disseminate these experience indeveloping and teaching through networking freeware. Freeware is already in use in various commercial networking environments inserving various needs, for example, in monitoring and troubleshooting a network,providing toolkits of programs to use when problems arise, and so on. However, thereis a need in
Conference Session
Integrating Mathematics and Engineering
2005 Annual Conference
Kelly Torres; Aimee Mostella; Alexey L. Sadovski; Carl Steidley
, Ray Bachnak, Steve Dannelly, Patrick Michaud, Alex Sadovski, "Image and Data Logging Systems for Environmental Studies and Research", Proceedings of the ISCA 12th International Conference on Intelligent and Adaptive Systems and Software Engineering, pp 31-36, San Francisco, CA, July 2003. Page 10.840.9 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education 9. Steidley, C., W. Lohachit, R. Bachnak, P. Michaud, S. Duff, and J. Adams, "A Remotely Operated
Conference Session
TYCD 2005 Lower Division Initiatives
2005 Annual Conference
Edward Tackett; Cheng-Hsin Liu; Ken Patton
email Burns, M. Automated Fabrication: Improving Productivity in Manufacturing. PrenticeHall, 1993.2. Kai, C. C., Fai, L. K., and Lim, C. S. Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications inManufacturing. 2nd Edition, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2003.3. Jacobs, Paul F. Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing: Fundamentals ofStereolithography. Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1992.4. Jacobs, Paul F. Stereolithography and Other RP&M Technologies: From RapidPrototyping to Rapid Tooling. Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1996.5. Pham, Duc Truon, Pham, D. T., and Dimoy, S. Rapid Manufacturing: The Technologiesand Applications of Rapid
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Javier Kypuros; Thomas Connolly
on improving theirunderstanding of the fundamentals. All listed the virtual system activity and the MATLABexercises as their top 2 preferences. Furthermore, more than 80% of the students surveyedagreed that the virtual system animations improved their ability to visualize physical responses.When asked to suggest improvements, many students suggested incorporating more virtualsystems with MATLAB-facilitated analysis to improve their understanding. Measurable % of Correct Answers Question Concept(s) Improvement Outcome(s) Pre-Quiz Post-Quiz
Conference Session
New Approaches & Techniques in Engineering II
2005 Annual Conference
Adam Cavender; Saeed Foroudastan
has the capability of eliminating unwanted noise of manysorts. Commonly referred to as noise cancellation, after the company who has pioneeredthe technology, Noise Cancellation Technologies, Inc., it is proving useful in a widerange of applications. Testing has been underway since the late 1980’s, but thetechnology has not yet found its way into the automobile industry on a large scale. Theuse of noise canceling devices on automobiles, specifically diesel transportation vehicles,could result in significant reductions of environmental noise in urban/rural interfaces.With a renewal of this information throughout topics taught in the classroom, studentswill be able to pursue goals that are enriched with technologies that extend past what
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2005 Annual Conference
Jefferey Froyd
Haskell Principle #2. Acquire some level of knowledge base in subjects outside the primary area Haskell Principle #3. Understand what transfer of learning is and how it works Haskell Principle #4. Understand the history in the area(s) that transfer is wanted Haskell Principle #5. Acquire motivation, or more specifically, a “spirit of transfer” Haskell Principle #6. Develop an orientation to think and encode learning in transfer terms Haskell Principle #7. Create cultures of transfer or support systems Haskell Principle #8. Understand the theory underlying the area(s) in which we want to transfer Haskell Principle #9. Engage in hours of practice and drill Haskell Principle #10. Allow time for the
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Education I
2005 Annual Conference
Sze-wai Chan; Ming-yin Chan
involved in investigation of authentic problems.Group project learning was frequently incorporated in engineering curriculum since 80’s [1].The popularity of students working in small groups can be traced to the fact that group workprovides a number of benefits. It allows students to gain practical experience with genuinesetting of a building team. Team spirit can be developed during the course of projectexecution. Many problems will not be discovered in a classroom lecture, but it does happenfrom time to time in group-work. Communication skills, mediation and liaison technique canalso be developed in the design process. Despite all of the benefits of group work in building design process, the use of groupsis fraught with problems. The
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Laboratory Systems
2005 Annual Conference
John Pierre; Frank Tuffner; Robert Kubichek
suitable for transmitting digital data across a limitedbandwidth channel. The students next observe the effects of changing the line code pulse shapefrom rectangular to a smoother, raised-cosine shaped pulse. In particular, they observe theresulting significant reduction in bandwidth produced by raised-cosine pulses.The final portion of the lab investigates the transparency of each line code. Transparencydescribes the ability to distinguish individual bits in the waveform, especially if a long sequenceof all 1’s or all 0’s is transmitted. This is simulated using a sequence of four random charactersfollowed by 252 all-zero characters. The students focus on the long sequence of zeros and if
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Electr-Mech ET
2005 Annual Conference
Michael Powers; Mary Fran Desrochers
controlprimarily because it allows us to focus on sensors and controls, not on the mechanics ofprogramming. It is also well accepted in industry and has led to job offers for our students.LabVIEW™’s integrated data acquisition and control environment includes excellent informationpresentation capabilities. This allows students to easily see what’s actually happening with anacquired signal and how applying various signal analysis tools affect it. This permits very rapidhands-on testing of signal processing routines to, for example, best reduce the effects ofelectrical noise on a desired signal.Why teach LabVIEW™ ?1,2,3 • It is fun for both the students and the faculty • It is an industry accepted standard that can translate into job offers • The
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Sohail Anwar
: Nise, Norman S. Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition. Wiley, 2004. Please note that there is a Web site available for this course, at, which has some problem solutions and MATLAB files to help you understand the course material.Supplemental Reading List: • Dorf and Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-130-30660-6 • Dorsey, John F., Continuous and Discrete Control Systems with CD Rom, 2002, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-072-50500-1 • Johnson, Curtis D., Process Control Instrumentation Technology, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-130-60248-5 • Stefani, Shahian, Savant and Hostetter, Design of Feedback Control Systems, 4th Edition, Oxford
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade for Research
2005 Annual Conference
Terry Wildman; Kumar Mallikarjunan; Mark Sanders; Jeffrey Connor; Vinod Lohani
outreach’ component of a preliminaryproposal for setting up an Engineering Research Center at Virginia Tech. The proposal iscurrently under consideration at NSF.AcknowledgementThe support provided by two NSF grants (i.e., award #s 0342000 & 0431779) is sincerelyacknowledged.Bibliography1. ITEA.2000. Standards for technological literacy: Content for the study of technology. Reston, VA.1a. Sanders, M. E. (2006, in press). Technology teacher education in the United States. In Williams, J. Technologyteacher education: A global perspective. Reston, VA: Council on Technology Teacher Education.2. Sanders, M., Lohani, V. K., Loganathan, G.V., Magliaro, S., 2004. “Engineering Education: Bridges andOpportunities for Technology Education and Engineering
Conference Session
Unique Laboratory Experiments & Programs Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Asad Davari; Amir Rezaei
decadeof the 80’s and the first half of the 90’s brought changes in the service region, including changesin the mix of business and industry employing graduates and major changes in the technology,mainly in computer technologies found in the workplace. As a relatively small state-assistedinstitution with an open admission policy, WVU Tech provides access to higher education forthe citizens of the nation, state and its local region who seek careers in engineering, engineeringtechnologies, sciences, business, general education and health professions. Graduates,particularly in engineering have been very successful in their careers and the alumni support isvery strong and widespread. The rigorous curricula and the dedicated faculty at WVU Tech
Conference Session
Electrical & Computer Engineering Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Steve Warren
multi-week projects drive home concepts such as convolution, fastFourier transforms, and frequency-domain filtering that are difficult to absorb from lecture notesand short-term, episodic handwritten exercises.AcknowledgementsPortions of this material are based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under grant BES–0093916. Opinions, findings, conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do Page 10.976.16not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright
Conference Session
Engineering Education Research and Assessment II
2005 Annual Conference
Sang Ha Lee; John Wise; Thomas Litzinger; Richard Felder
572 students. Table 2compares the results of the current study with those of past studies reported by Felder andSpurlin.3 The Cronbach alpha values obtained in this study show a similar pattern to past studiesand are comparable in magnitude to the values obtained in three of the four studies. TheSensing-Intuitive (S-N) scale and the Visual-Verbal (V-V) scale both were found to havereliability in excess of 0.7, whereas the Active-Reflective (A-R) and Sequential-Global (S-G)scales had Cronbach alphas of 0.60 and 0.56, respectively.The question is whether the measured alpha values signify acceptable reliability. Tuckman4distinguishes between instruments that measure a univariate quantity, such as a test of knowledgeof a subject area or mastery
Conference Session
Recruiting, Retention & Advising
2005 Annual Conference
Jane Rohrback; Donald Carpenter; Lisa Anneberg; Andrew Gerhart
. Their hard work and dedication is whatmakes the Engineering Exploration Days possible.References 1. Marofsky, M., “In Practice: Training the MTV Generation. From Sesame Street to MTV, your newest generation of employees was raised on the boob tube. How do you get through to those young adults? Try taking a lesson from music videos.,” Training and development journal, 44(6), June 1990, 9-15. 2. Robyn, S., “Algebra for the MTV Generation,” Media and Method, 39(3), Jan 2003 6-9. 3. Zimmermann, P. G. and Pierce, B., “Mangers Forum – Managing the MTV Generation,” Journal of Emergency Nursing, 24(5), 1998, 446. 4. Jones, T. and Berger, C., “Students' Use of Multimedia Science Instruction: Designing for the MTV
Conference Session
Math and K-12-Freshman Transitions
2005 Annual Conference
Mary Hofle; Ken Bosworth
from this workshop into your courses and teaching plans.Several of the above sessions were actually split across days, and/or revisited throughout theweek. In most cases, we were able to present grade-appropriate (grades 4-8) material in each ofthe sessions.The workshop attendees were asked to break up into 3 static “working groups”. Whenever agroup experiment was to be performed, the group would work as a team on devising theexperimental setup, determining the method(s) to be used for collecting the data, and interpretingand presenting the results of the experiment to the entire workshop. Groups were free to, and infact, encouraged to “engineer” their own experimental design. When the groups presented theirresults and interpretations to
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Yong Tao; W Bao; R Moreno; Marc Zampino; Yiding Cao
DBT projects spanning severalclasses. Additionally, this project incorporated training and development components and anoutreach component for high school students. The objectives and outcomes of the project atUniversity of Idaho are completely in-line with the needs and goals at FIU2. The PI(s) intend toadapt this project for use in a the thermal-fluid sciences by the development of a laboratoryfacility to support DBT student projects focused on heat exchanger design and HVAC (heating,ventilation, and air conditioning) duct system design. Cross Flow Heat Exchanger DBT. The PI(s) will update a current piece of teachingequipment in the laboratory (PA Hilton Cross Flow Heat Exchanger Apparatus). The device iswell suited for the DBT
Conference Session
College Engineering K-12 Outreach III
2005 Annual Conference
Sarah Nation; Leah Jamieson; Jill Heinzen; Carla Zoltowski; William Oakes; Joy Krueger
(s) is completed and delivered, new projects are identified by the team andcommunity partner allowing the team to continue to work with the same community partner formany years. Each undergraduate student may earn academic credit for several semesters,registering for the course for 1 or 2 credits each semester. The credit structure is designed toencourage long-term participation, and grants multi-year projects of significant scope and impactto be undertaken by the teams.Each student in the EPICS Program attends a weekly two-hour meeting of his/her team in theEPICS laboratory. During this laboratory time the team members will take care ofadministrative matters, do project planning and tracking, and work on their project. All studentsalso
Conference Session
Collaborations Between Engineering/Education
2005 Annual Conference
Charles Feldhaus
toward their postsecondary degree inthe area(s) of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnology, Computer Information Technology, Construction Technology and ComputerGraphics Technology. Project PETE made it possible for IPS students to graduate withcore academic Advanced Placement credits, Technology Advanced Placement credits, an Page 10.1036.1Indiana Academic Honors Diploma and/or a Certificate of Technical Achievement.“Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationThis paper
Conference Session
Energy Projects and Laboratory Ideas
2005 Annual Conference
Philip Gerhart; Andrew Gerhart
S -Qc Fuel flow sensor E R LP / NATURAL GAS TANK CONDENSATE COLLECTION TANK Figure 2: Schematic of the Rankine Cycler2. Page 10.864.3Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society