Page 10.904.1would find this effort worthy of potential adaptation in their program. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationII- OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECTThe following major objectives were set at the inception of the project; 1. To develop an experiment for examination of fatigue failure theories, 2. To create an opportunity for collaborative research and design efforts between engineering student(s) and faculty, 3. To generate a modular, cost-effective, reproducible apparatus with outstanding design characteristics, 4. To make all information necessary
discuss the design process at all. This may have allowed them to createprojects that were closer to their original conception. However, the quality of the projects (theirsturdiness, complexity) was not different among the groups.In the third session, the difference between the builders and the programmers was again clear.The builders would build structures and find a way to work in their mechanisms later, while theprogrammers would first build their mechanism(s) to be programmed and then later find a way toconnect it to a larger structure. The ideas for the final projects also came from separate places. Inthe third group, one programmer was very anxious to use the programming structure calledEvents, and created her entire project around that. On
Equation (5), was the number of strings of modules[S Mod ], in parallel, possible. This value was calculated for both the values calculated in theprevious step. PIde S Mod = (5) PoutModules [ ]The short circuit current of the modules I scMods was calculated using Equation (6). Thisvalue was important because it must be less than the maximum system current of the inverter orthe system could potentially fail. I scMods = S Mod * I sc
for the greatly shortened version (C to G).At C, speed is vC (use VC for ease of entry into the spreadsheet).1. For each segment of the sled run, create a Free Body Diagram (FBD). Forces to be considered include weight (mg), normal force (n), friction force (fk = µkn), and resistive force (R (=0.5DρAv2)). The “segments” are CD, DE, EF, and FG. For CD, use an s, y coordinate system: s along the direction of motion and y perpendicularly up from the surface of the sled run. For the curved sections, use an s, r coordinate system, with s along the direction of motion and r radially outward from the center of curvature.2. Use the FBDs to derive – for each segment - algebraic expressions for n, fk, R, and centripetal acceleration; and an
interval that contains a point where thefunction is discontinuous.Gibbs phenomenon arises naturally in the study of Fourier series. A square wave function isshown in equation (1). It is a simple example that has been used historically in books of appliedmathematics to illustrate Gibbs phenomenon analytically [2, 3, 7, 22]. − 1, − π < x < 0S ( x) = .......................(1) + 1, 0 < x < π Nowadays, however, the availability of software that can evaluate and plot functions easily makes Page 10.666.3 “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
∑x i =1 2 i , and fordifferentiable functions, φ(x), the differential operator will be denoted as ∂ ( q1 ,..., qn ) D qφ ( x) = q1 φ ( x1 ,..., x n ) . ∂x1 ...∂x nqnThe test space S of rapid descent test functions are all infinitely differentiable andtogether with all of their partial derivatives decrease to zero faster than every power of
) [ ] = 0.0277 mil 2 (7)The expected mean squares of the interaction is given by contributions from both therepeatability and the interaction: 2 2 E ( MS Interaction ) = σ repeated + kσ Interaction (8)Hence 2 MS Interaction − s repeatabil 2 s Interaction = k ity [ ] = 0.00647 mil 2 (9)Similarly, the expected mean squares of the operators is given by
Project Labs. Page 10.473.5Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education C P M S D M E o C M r e M t i e l M D C P m o a o c a A B C r D f c e a i e o p r t c
provide insight into how people learn 13, 14.The goal is to create a learning environment that facilitates effective learning for all MBTI types.Figure 2 below gives an overview of the MBTI designations. Manner in Which a Person Interacts With Others E Focuses outwardly. Gains energy from others. Focuses inwardly. Gains energy from cognition I EXTROVERSION INTROVERSION Manner in Which a Person Processes Information S Focus is on the five senses and experience. Focus is on possibilities, use, big picture. N SENSING
guide the field [4-6].One of stumbling blocks that has been identified is that scholars have not yet come to consensuson the specific concepts and process understandings that comprise technological literacy [7].More clarification at the national, state, district, or project level could provide some guidelines.However, we have chosen to begin to investigate conceptions at a much more basic level;specifically, what do students think engineering and technology are? One could argue that forany person to be technologically literate, s/he must first have some idea of what engineering andtechnology are. Though they are surrounded by the products of engineering in our everydaylives, students and the general public generally don’t understand what
system mass determined in Lab 1, and system gain from the user's manual, they form adouble-integrator plant model. The hardware is configured in 1 DOF mode with no spring ordamper. The theoretical transfer function model is G(s) = 1/ms2. The students are then able todirectly select the P I and D gains to match closed-loop requirements. Students are encouraged tophysically feel the control forces due to P, D, and I control. They should then be able to betterquantify the effects of each type of feedback. Interested students are encouraged to try Ziegler-Nichols tuning of P and PID gains for extra credit.Lab 4. In this laboratory, the students construct a Root Locus plot from experimental systemresponse data. The double integrator plant of Lab 3 is
repeated stress fatigue cycle in which the maximum stress and the minimumstress are not equal. For this type of stress cycle the maximum and minimum stresses can be bothtension, both compression or one tension and one compression. These types of stress cycles arepresent in rotating shafts with overloads(s).1 Page 10.1404.2 Figure 2: An illustration of a repeated stress fatigue cycle1 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationFigure 3 illustrates an irregular or random stress cycle
obtained using function minimization (fminsearch in Matlab) and themathematical equations linking the model and the actual tests results. The complete procedureand equations can be found in [7].Φ( s) G =U ( s ) s ( s + as + b)( s + c) 2 (1) -1with a=3.5 sec, b=177, c=4 sec and G=8126 rad/sec*volt. To control this system a novel PID configuration is used. This novel PID is named “PID-Dual-Loop” (later referenced as PIDDL in this paper) and has been proposed by DeSantis [8].One of the main advantage of this controller is that the tuning of its gains is
Doped Fiber Laser (EDFL) pulse (Clark ERFlaser) was dispersed across the AOM’s aperture and was then modulated in aconventional pulse shaper. The past experiment tested 87 channels with channel-spacingof 0.41 nm using a 518-MHz modulator, and 120 channels with channel-spacing of 0.29nm using an 148-MHz modulator. In both cases, the full width at half maximum(FWHM) of the pulse spectrum was 35 nm, and the updating rate of the AOMs was 3 µs.Starting from the original pulses, this modulation creates time slots of 43 ps and 63.4 ps;thus the equivalent speed of the transmission will be 2.0 Tb/s and 1.9 Tb/s in a highlymultiplexed system. Such a system requires a terahertz-multiplexing device, such as theTOAD 18-20; similar devices can be used as
” -pu ex d pe an ns cta e m io ti on s “d ta t c pe ex Figure 1. Triangular Perspectives of the “Stakeholder” PopulationsIn summary, the current research project seeks to answer those questions by presenting amethodological approach to define an expert
Page 10.496.3experiment with illustrations imbedded in the video to aid in the explanation of the material. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ©2005, American Society for Engineering EducationThe video was recorded using a standard digital video camera. The recording was thentransferred to a PC using Pinnacle Studio Dazzle Fusion video unit that converts the s-videosignal from the camera into a WMA signal that can be captured using the PC’s USB port. Thevideo was edited with Pinnacle Expressions video editing software and then converted intoAVI format. The encoded video will be distributed via a remote video server accessible tostudents
comparison between the two groups was conducted in terms of GPA. For four years, the GPA’s of Engineering and Non-Engineering students were not significantly different.Graph 2: Change of Major of Bridge Program Participants 2000 - 2004 Chose different major all years 50 40 30 % 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 -A rc h ite c tu ra l/In d u s tria l D e s ig n 2 -N u rsin g /H e a lth F ie ld s 3 -B u s in e s s 4 -E d u c a tio n 5 -S o c ia l S c ie n c e s 6 -S c ie n c e s /M a th
100 slider position,YB (mm) slider speed,vB (mm/s) 320 50 300 0 280
Session 3155 PATHWAYS TO REVITALIZATION OF THE NAVY RESEARCH ENTERPRISE-- TWO PROMISING EXAMPLES Eugene F. Brown1, Robert A. Kavetsky2, Ernest L. McDuffie3, and Robert L. Stiegler4 1 Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech/ 2Director, S
0 := ⋅ := ⋅ ft Pb 0 in2 Zb 30 K factor Equivalent length Number of pipes 0.78 K := 32 C := N := length ( D) 1 90 Density in lbm/ft3 Viscosity in lbm/ft-s lb lb ρ := 62.4⋅ µ := 0.000658
Session 1520 An Innovative Software Tool for Teaching Discrete Convolution from the Perspective of the Output Signal in Digital Signal Processing: Its Software Design and Implementation, and Usage in Teaching and Learning S. Easwaran Department of Computer Sciences and Computer Engineering Xavier University of LouisianaAbstractThis paper describes an approach and a novel software tool that was developed and used by theauthor of this paper to visually teach discrete convolution to students encountering it for
small non-linearities in the system. Fig. 3. Comparison of Expermental and Parametric Model Step Response m = 0.9538kg, k = 216.2 N/m, c = 14.01 N-s/mThe parametric models in Eqns 1 and 2 can be directly compared to their non parametriccounterparts 2 2 x˙˙ + 2zw n x˙ + w n x = Kw n f (t ) (3)and x˙˙ 2z + x˙ + x = Kf (t ) . w 2 wn (4
for the physical problems discussed in this work. Table 1 Partial Differential Equation Operators for Problems Considered Problem Lt[.] Lx[.] ___________________________________________________________ ∂2 1 ∂2 Transmission Line − 2 ∂t L' C' ∂x 2 S ∂ ∂2 1 ∂ K' Groundwater − + − T ∂t ∂x 2
online learning: greater flexibility maypromote greater procrastination with concurrent negative consequences. Procrastinationis especially prevalent among novice online learners, specifically the male traditionalcampus-based undergraduate student. This paper investigates the relationship betweenperformance and procrastination for campus-based “traditional” students enrolled in afully online, large enrollment (300+ students a semester), general education class.Procrastination was rampant with 40% of students typically starting the weekly lesson(s)on the due date(s). Procrastinators had reduced grades (6% lower or an average “A” to“B+/A-” transition) for weekly reflection activities. Males were more susceptible tonegative consequences in
, students take both classes. Duringthe semester involved in this research, three students were in both classes and eighthuman factors students had previously taking the safety engineering course. The coursescan be taken by undergraduates or masters students. The majority of students taking thecourses were seniors. An anonymous survey was given during the final exam period of the control classwith the purpose of determining student patterns in class attendance and textbookreading. The survey included four closed ended questions. Responses are shown infigures 1 and 2. Open ended questions, “When you miss class what is the primaryreason(s)?”, “Why have you taken your approach to reading textbooks for classes?”, and“What is your preferred method
E-mail: And Alex E. S. Green Graduate Research Professor Emeritus ICAAS, CLEAN COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY (CCTL) College of Engineering, University of Florida Weill Hall Rm 577 PO Box 116550, Gainesville, Florida 32611-6580 Phone: (352)392-2001 E-mail: Natural gas prices have increased significantly in the past four years. Natural gasaccounts for almost a quarter of the United States’ energy consumption. The increase in naturalgas prices may create an economic problem in the U.S. economy and the university’s budgetdeficits. The
withquestions and comments about the assigned readings, and a significant portion of the day’s classwas devoted to discussion of the article(s). Most of the undergraduate students and many of thegraduate students did not have much experience with reading technical literature prior to thiscourse.All three courses ask students to complete a project in which they either apply a range ofconcepts from the course or investigate one topic in depth. At Georgia Tech and Lafayette,students were encouraged to select a local municipality, investigate the condition of a type ofinfrastructure and the municipality’s current management practices, and make recommendationsfor improving those practices, including the development of a conceptual plan of an
Session 3666 MathCAD Functions for Thermodynamic Analysis of Ideal Gases Stephen T. McClain Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Alabama at Birmingham 1530 3rd Ave. S., BEC 358B Birmingham, AL 35294-4461AbstractData from “The Chemkin Thermodynamic Data Base” were used to generate MathCADfunctions for the molar specific enthalpy, internal energy, entropy, specific heat at
external DLL/OCX to extend its functionality. For instance, it is easy touse Winsock.ocx (Winsock control) to develop an Active X control in the ASP program thatgives the Internet accessibility to the server and client. Page 10.804.4 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education R obot R S 2 3 2 /T C P -IP C lie n t
Session 2238An integrated usage of circuit simulation and spreadsheet for anenhancement of circuit design and semiconductor device instruction Raymond S. Winton, Member ASEE Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State UniversityAbstractThe circuit simulation construct is a network of nodes interconnected by component devicesthat are responsive to the voltage and current stimuli applied as sources and signals. Thecomponent devices may be simple linear form or they may be non-linear devices, in whichcase they are usually of semiconductor origin. Each different type device owns a set ofspecific parameters that