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2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Adam Kramschuster; Gregory Slupe
-Stout. Because peer evaluations are conducted each semester for MFGE-325, data isreadily available to assess this ABET outcome. Results from Student Outcome D for fall 2012can be found in Table 4.Table 4: Results from ABET Student Outcome D in fall 2012.Performance Indicator ScoreEngages others with a cooperative attitude 3.81/4Contributes to the mission, goals, and outcomes of the team 3.73/4In addition to peer evaluations, MFGE-325 student groups are tasked with writing a reflectionpaper upon completion of the project. The learning objective of the reflection paper is forstudents to re-examine their project experience, describe any change(s) in
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Dilpreet S. Bajwa; Sreekala G. Bajwa
of 3-4 students. Grading is based on the teamworkaccomplishment, project planning and execution, system design, best solution to a problem,budget preparation, prototype development and demonstration and finally report writing andpresentation of their work to the peers. The CSP problems assigned to the students are smallindustry sponsored projects, new design project, or faculty research projects. At North DakotaState University (NDSU), Department of Mechanical Engineering, ME 461/462 courses offersenior design project experience. In the first semester students focus on project planning, systemdesign and budget planning. System design component is aimed at developing critical thinking,understanding the constraints and identifying the best
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Francis Peloubet; Eakalak Khan; G. Padmanabhan
civilengineering areas to the capstone class. They also prepare technical report writing requirementsfor their respective areas and post the information on the course NDSU Blackboard web site. Since the NDSU CE curriculum includes the five basic CE technical areas, five-memberstudent design teams are created where each student team member has selected their first orsecond CE area of interest. Each team selects a team member to act as team leader and anassistant team leader. Teams select a CE task leader and assistant task leader for each CEtechnical area. This process simulates the assignment of a project within an engineering designfirm to a team of engineers within the firm by the firm’s principles. After the project scope hasbeen defined, each team
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Byron Garry; Suzette Burckhard
process, he or shemust decide whether or not to proceed with turning the findings into the scholarship of teaching.The faculty must also consider, however, whether the extra effort to write up the material,subject it to another peer review, and disseminate the resulting manuscript would be worth thetime required in terms of faculty rewards. The sad truth is that many departments and institutionsdo not count pedagogical scholarship as part of the faculty members’ scholarly production.6 41At SDSU, in the Professional Staff Evaluation that each faculty fills out each year, faculty areasked to set goals for next year and review their performance from the past year, in four majorareas: teaching and
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Sousada Chidthachack; Mark A. Schulte; Forster D. Ntow; Jia-Ling Lin; Tamara J. Moore
communicate” such as instead of b) Approximately half of these “strategies” that are unique to students specifically associated engineers. this knowledge with their PBL experience. Use language that For example: use layman’s terms, use clients can understand to make analogies, visual interpretations; your project much more valuable technical writing; knowing audience. in their eyes; One student added the importance of For example: bring a story into it people skills, “You
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Cory J. Prust; Stephen M. Williams
thisdemonstration are: to give students experience at writing and executing a test plan, to proveconceptual feasibility of one major subsystem, and to provide the students with experience atconstruction in an open-ended design problem. This last objective is critical for the students priorto their committing a detailed technical design to paper in the second term.Each student composes a proposed Personal Growth Plan near the end of the term. In this plan,the student identifies one skill area they are targeting for improved performance over theremainder of the project. Skill areas include personal abilities such as performing analysis,solving problems, and designing to meet needs. They describe their present state, describe theirdesired state with