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Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Jonathan F. Hubler, Villanova University
Institute for Teaching andLearning.References[1] R. Weinstein, “Improved performance via the inverted classroom,” ChemicalEngineering Education, 49(3), 141-148, 2015.[2] S. Gross and E. Musselman, "Observations from Three Years of Implementing of anInverted(Flipped) Classroom Approach in Structural Design Courses," in Proceedings of theASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, 2015. 10.18260/p.24532[3] K.M. Sample-Lord, A.L. Welker, and P.M. Gallagher, “Strategies for Flipping Geology withLimited Time and Resources,” in Proceedings of the American Society of EngineeringEducation Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018.[4] L.S. Lee, R.K. Hackett, and H. Estrada, “Evaluation of a Flipped Classroom in Mechanicsof
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Thomas E Ask P.E., Pennsylvania College of Technology
theinstrument of epistemology and carefully contend with biases and data acquisition methods.Surprising insights gained from ethnographic study are more subtle than giant innovationsproduced by materials and technology. However, ethnography contributes nuance and texture ofdesign detail that connects a design with material culture and individual users.References[1] S. Groh, Beyond the brain: Birth, death, and transcendence in psychotherapy. Albany, NY: State University of New York, 1985.[2] B. Glaser and A. Strauss, The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. Chicago: Aldene, 1967.[3] J. Hilgevoord and J. Uffink, “The Uncertainty Principle,” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Patrick Tunno
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, 13(3), 382– 397. doi:10.1177/1028315308319740[7] Tarrant, M. A., Rubin, D. L., & Stoner, L. (2014). The added value of study abroad: fostering a global citizenry. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18(2), 141–161. doi:10.1177/1028315313497589[8] Lokkesmoe, K. J., Kuchinke, K. P., & Ardichvili, A. (2016). Developing cross-cultural awareness through foreign immersion programs: Implications of university study abroad research for global competency development. European Journal of Training and Development, 40, 166-170. Doi:10.1108/EJTD-07-2014-0048[9] Murphy, D., Sahakyan, N., Doua, Y.-Y., & Sieloff Magnan, S. (2014). The impact of study abroad on the global engagement of university graduates
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Daniel K. Jones P.E., State University of New York, Polytechnic Institute; Joanne M Joseph, SUNYPOLY
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, U.S., “Development of tactile floor plan for the blind and visually impaired by 3D printing technique,” Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 7(1), 19-26, 2016.6. Mancini, D., and Nelson, D., “Braille Tiles and ‘Brabble’ Game for the CABVI,” Capstone report, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, spring 2017.7. Brennan, M., and Gee, S., “3D Printing Assistive Technologies for Individuals who are Visually Impaired,” Capstone report, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, spring 2019.
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Mike Simard PE, Villanova University
. Adams, M. Cardella, J. Turns, S. Mosborg, and J. Saleem. “Engineering Design Processes: A Comparison of Students and Expert Practitioners”. Journal of Engineering Education. 96. 359-379, October, 2007.[11] Project Management Institute. “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)”. 6th ed. Newton Square, PA: Project Management Institute, 2019.
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Gary P. Halada, Stony Brook University
humanitarian content in bold.Assignment Engineering principles Humanitarian Value-related Assessment element(s) concepts methodA. Talking The role of engineers None specifically in Career choices Essay descriptionwith/interviewing a and engineering the assignment of interview/practicing engineer education (for non- description conversation engineering careers)B. Describing history Manufacturing Environmental Economic choices Essay comparingof manufacturing and engineering
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Dimitrios Stroumbakis PE, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College
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: requirements, Exam and Group Questioning creating task relationships 6 Improved Communication and professional Reflective write up, Interview and oral examinations skills (Soft Skills) based on Zoom meeting s or face to face meeting.
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Suzanne Keilson, Loyola University Maryland
:// carlo-simulation. [Accessed 29 March 2021].[6] B. Moses, "The Algebra Project," 2020. [Online]. Available: project-bob-moses-on-math-literacy-as-a-civil-right/. [Accessed 29 March 2021].[7] M. S. &. J. D. N. Dukhan, " Implementation of service-learning in engineering and its impact on students’ attitudes and identity," European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 21-31, 2008.
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Eileen Haase PhD, The Johns Hopkins University
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faculty teaching? A systematic review and meta-analysis,” Medical Teacher, 38:8, 829-837, DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1112888, 201624. E Dringenberg, S Purzer, “Experiences of First‐Year Engineering Students Working on Ill‐ Structured Problems in Teams,” Journal of Engineering Education, 10.1002/jee.20220, 107, 3, (442-467), 2018
Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference
Rajarajan Subramanian, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College
company has come under fire for issues with its security.Despite their security issues, Zoom has experienced an unrivaled level of growth over 2020’s firstfinancial quarter: their user base exploded from 10 million to 200 million active users. But whilethey may set the bar for video and audio streaming quality, the platform lacks a discussion boardor virtual classroom space that other communication companies offer features that may benecessary for the class.Engaging ToolsEngaging students online is nothing like engaging students in physical classrooms. It can bechallenging, especially in times of crisis as students have to deal with more stress and anxiety.For many learners, online learning is a new experience. And even when they have the