. Prior to his appointment in the Swanson School of Engineering, he was with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the Department of Transportation in Washington, DC, performing technical policy analysis for vehicle fuel economy regulations.Dr. Jeffrey S. Vipperman, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Vipperman has been teaching from freshman to PhD students since 1997 and enjoys the unique challenges that each level presents. He is past recipient of the Swanson School of Engineering Beitle- Veltri Memorial Teaching Award and the Student Honor Roll, a award that is given by the students. Dr. Vipperman is also past Director of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Studies and currently serves as Vice Chair of the
Paper ID #32482Teaching and Managing Remote Lab-based CoursesDr. Mohamed A. S. Zaghloul, University of Pittsburgh Mohamed A. S. Zaghloul was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1987. He received his B.E. degree in Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering in 2009, and his M.Sc. degree in Engineering Physics in 2012, both from the Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University. In 2019, he received a Ph.D. from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the University of Pittsburgh, in developing optical fiber sensors for monitoring harsh environments. Since 2019, he has been appointed as an Assistant Professor
during thefaculty connection hour events helped our instructions in the fall semester; (b) Q8-Q14 gauge facultyinterest and preference for future development opportunities.Again, your honest feedback is greatly appreciated.Q1 How many times did you attend the faculty connection hour(s)?Q2 What did you benefit the most from the faculty connection hour(s)?Q3 I believe that I was better prepared for my lab course(s) because of attending the faculty connectionhours. A. TRUE (1) B. FALSE (2)Q4 The faculty connection hour(s) helped me mentally while preparing for the fall semester. A. TRUE (1) B. FALSE (2)Q5 The faculty connection hour(s) helped me better engage my students in the fall semester. A. TRUE (1) B. FALSE (2)Q6 Many strategies
within thecurriculum 4 . This paper presents the design and educational merit of a low-cost, portable,multidisciplinary pendulum platform that enables students to conduct experiments remotely. Thissystem aims to address the high-cost, lack of mobility, lack of accessibility and large spaceaccommodations that traditional dynamic systems and controls learning platforms present.The learning outcomes are similar to their traditional high-cost counterparts and include: systemidentification, modeling, simulation, s-domain analysis, frequency-domain analysis, and feedbackcontrol principles. Further setting this low-cost experimental system apart from others is the openarchitecture. The hardware is comprised of common off-the-shelf components and 3D
either a DC motor or Stepper motor to determine torque and/or speed relationships in a weightlifting experiment. This latter experiment introduced auxiliary power requirements and motor controllers. This module was introduced fairly early in the course since most students needed to use some form of motor as a control mechanism in their open-ended project. Inclusion at this point of the course allowed students the chance to develop familiarity with the motors in line with the design schedule. Learning the applications of each motor type helped the student select appropriate motor(s) for their open-ended project.Module 4: Aerosol Concentrations. Small concentration changes can make a big difference when it comes to safety, be it a breath
interacting with each other in a regularbasis, listening to other people’s perspectives, and brain-storming (of problems, progress, and plan),students may learn to reconstruct their own/new ideas and develop creative-thinking habits.In the future, we will also apply the assessment method described in this paper to other design courses tofoster, promote, and evaluate students’ creative thinking skills & capabilities.References[1] R. Siegwart, I. Nourbakhsh and D. Scaramuzza, Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robot, MIT Press, 2004.[2] M. W. Spong, S. Hutchinson and M. Vidyasagar, Robot Modeling and Control, Wiley, 2020.[3] A. Bielefeldt and A. Morse, "Teaching and Assessment of Innovation and Creativity in Civil Engineering: Why? How? Now
kits withportability, and the students can use such lab kits in multiple courses throughout theirundergraduate study.Digilent offers a BNC adaptor for the AD2 to allow the usage of BNC cables for signal input andoscilloscope probes for monitoring signals while preserving the bandwidth. It is important tonote that this feature is in addition to the built-in 2-channel function generator and the virtual 2-channel oscilloscope of the AD2. AD2, M2K, and OSMZ all share identical flywire interfaces(the pinout maps are also almost the same except the pins that differ in functionality. Forexample, the AD2’s waveform-2 pin is a clock pin on the OSMZ board as the OSMZ board doesnot provide a second function generator channel). Therefore, the BNC adaptor
laboratoryactivities are very useful, and second, additional student feedback mechanisms, other than gradedlaboratory reports, such as quizzes and poll questions are also really helpful. While thesestatements may seem obvious, this work provides data that in support of them. Future workinvolves a performance analysis via earned grades and correlating this data with the survey results.The authors also plan to continue gathering data and incorporate additional engagementmechanisms into the online laboratory that students can assess in future surveys.References1. T.A. Ghebreyesus. WHO Director‐General's opening remarks at the media briefing onCOVID‐19. https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who‐director‐general‐s‐opening‐remarks‐at‐the‐media‐briefing‐on‐covid‐19
-op experience for Aaron-Joseph Jones.References[1] https://www.quanser.com/products/qube-servo-2/ accessed 1/15/2021[2] J. S. Dalton, D. S. Stutts, and R. L. Montgomery, “Mini-lab projects in the undergraduate controls course,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, June 2003.[3] Z. Alavi and K. Meehan, “Enhancing a control systems design course by using experiential learning model,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, June 2019.[4] M. A. Hopkins and A. M. Kibbe, “Open-source hardware in controls education,” ASEE Computers in Education (CoED) Journal, vol. 5 (4), pp. 62 – 70, December 2014.[5] P. K. Karra, “A cost-effective laboratory setup for teaching
through an API to Google Sheets. Students were then able to open the GoogleSheets to access and record the measurements taken for use in their calculations. The data in thespreadsheet included dry bulb temperature and relative humidity of room air and air at thedownstream of the evaporative pad. Students then use these variables to calculate the directsaturation efficiency (𝜀𝑒 ) of the evaporative cooler. The code implemented on the Arduino boardfor measuring and sending data is shown in the appendix (appendix-B). For reference, arecording of the temperature at the downstream of the evaporative pad is given in Figure 3. Thisgraph also shows the time scale associated with the transient cooling in the setup. It only takesabout 30 s to cool down
collection [18]. Through GORP, the observer can select codes for observedclassroom activity for both the instructor(s) and students. Observations are coded in 2-minuteintervals until the class session is over. If the observer makes a mistake, they can note it duringthe next interval, and adjust the data accordingly by hand, after class. Data is automaticallyanalyzed in GORP and can be exported to excel for further analysis. COPUS observations arelimited by the fact that a trained individual must label an in-class interaction/behavior in real-time. Multiple behaviors can occur at the same time and some may be missed. This can createsome issues with missed labeling or mislabeling during active learning class activities.Additionally, data are collected
Doing L Listening to instructor/taking notes, etc. AnQ Student answering a question posed by the instructor with the rest of the class listening SQ Student asks a question WC Engaged in whole class discussion by offering explanations, opinion, judgment, etc Ind Individual thinking/problem solving. CG Discuss clicker question in groups of 2 or more students WG Working in groups on worksheet activity OG Other assigned group activity, such as responding to instructor question Prd Making a prediction about the outcome of demo or experiment SP Presentation by student(s) TQ Test or quiz W Waiting O Other – explain in comments Instructor is Doing Lec Lecturing RtW Real-time writing on board, doc. projector, etc
. This opens the door to thinking more broadly aboutoffering remote lab opportunities to students who may not have access to an in-person lab at theirinstitution. It’s possible to learn everything you need to without the brick and mortar type of labsthat we have grown accustomed to.References[1] Shivam, S., Wagoner, K., 2020, “How Well do Remote Labs Work? A Case study atPrinceton University” Physics Education arXiv:2008.04499 [physics.ed-ph][2] Sabancu, A., Sullivan, J., 2020, “A Project Based Online Experimentation Course,” 2020ASEE Annual Conference, Paper ID 30635[3] Starks, J., Hendrickson, F., Hadi, F., Traum, M. 2017, “Miniaturized Inexpensive Hands-OnFluid Mechanics Laboratory Kits for Remote Online Learning,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference
hoped that this study inspires a much broader research on GGPL with both collaborating and/or competing groups addressing a much larger set of groups and their interactions ranging from small teams to the entire human race. Bibliography[1] J. Dewey, Experience and Education, Macmillan, N.Y., 1939.[2] D. A. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1984.[3] J. N. Harb, S. O. Durrant, and R. E. Terry, ”Use of the Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Engineering in Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 82, April 1993, pp. 70-77.[4] J. N.Harb, R. E. Terry, P. K. Hurt, and K. J. Williamson, Teaching Through the Cycle: Application of
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understanding of each method's physics byconnecting the physical principles to the applications; compare various plausible NDEtechniques for common industrial applications; given an application, identify one or moreappropriate NDE technique(s) by providing convincing scientific reasoning and justification. Teaching ‘Nondestructive Evaluation of Flaws’, an all-around course in NDE, using thetraditional lecture-based methods is challenging because: (1) each NDE method is based on adifferent physical principle; it is difficult for the students to grasp all the different principles andmethods one after the other within the short 15-week timeframe of one semester, and (2) theclass is highly heterogenous; the students have very different backgrounds
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North/South and the other set controls traffic going East/West. Table 1 shows thesequence for the lights where each row represents two seconds. N/S E/W Green Red Green Red Green Red Yellow Red Red Red Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Yellow Red RedTable 1: Sequence for the North/South and East/West Stop LightsSince we will be using the CLICK PLC Trainer, the East/West lights will be the blue, orange,and white LEDs where: Red = Blue, Yellow = Orange, and Green = White.RequirementsSelect normally open push buttons to start and stop the system.All six LEDs will be used for the stop lights as described in the Problem Statement.Apply the advanced sequential programming techniques to