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Grace Nolan, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo ; Franz J. Kurfess, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Kathirvel A. Gounder; Damon Tan; Casey Daly, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Caroline Skae, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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James Buchholz, University of Iowa; Jae-Eun Russell, University of Iowa; Venanzio Cichella, University of Iowa; Casey Harwood, University of Iowa; Shaoping Xiao, University of Iowa; Pablo M. Carrica, University of Iowa
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students to pursue careers in naval science & technology (Kiss, 2011; Lundquist,2014). Because there are relatively few institutions in the United States that offer comprehensivenaval architecture programs, there is an opportunity for smaller programs to help meet the needby developing quality curricula on Navy-related S&T subjects, and to make students aware ofpotential careers in this area.The program discussed in this paper has been developed at the University of Iowa, whichprovides unique challenges for attracting students with interest in naval science & technology. Itis therefore important to cultivate that interest through exposure to relevant curricular topics andengineering challenges. In addition, due to the limited faculty
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Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Deborah Marshall, Norfolk Public Schools Career & Technical Education Dept.; Jeff Warren Larson Jr.; Abdul Rahman Badawi, Old Dominion University; Neil R. StClair, Old Dominion University; Otilia Popescu, Old Dominion University; Murat Kuzlu, Old Dominion University; Petros J. Katsioloudis, Old Dominion University; Linda Vahala, Old Dominion University; Michael Anthony Crespo, Granby High School, Norfolk Public Schools, Norfolk, VA
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Interactive Multidisciplinary Curricula in a Residential Summer Program (Evaluation) Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.26782 2. Cottrell, D. (2007, June), Outreach Initiative for Recruiting Women To Engineering: Doing A Good Deed For Girl Scouts Paper presented at 2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii. 10.18260/1-2--2807 3. Michaeli, J., Jovanovic, V., Popescu, O., Djuric, A., & Yaprak, E. (2014). An Initial Look at Robotics-based Initiatives to Engage Girls in Engineering. Technology Interface International Journal, 14(2). 4. Demetry, C., & Sontgerath, S. (2013, June), Does a Middle School Intervention for Girls
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Jeroen Pruyn, Delft University of Technology; Edwin van Hassel, University of Antwerp
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the first time since the course. In this case these students invariably all comment on how theystill remember the mistakes and misconceptions they had during the game, or how they still drawon the knowledge from the game in their current decisions and strategies. The authors are notaware of many other courses where the content left such an impression, rather than, for example,the peculiarities of the lecturer or simply only the amount of work.References[1] C. J. King, "The Multidisciplinary Imperative in Higher Education. Research & Occasional Paper Series. CSHE. 11.10," Center for Studies in Higher Education, 2010.[2] S. Menon and M. Suresh, "Synergizing education, research, campus operations, and community engagements
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Radian G. Belu, Southern University and Agricultural & Mechanical College; Alexandru Belu
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Journal, Vol. 6(1), Part 4, June 2005, pp 4-151 - 4-1645. M. Crow, "Supportive University Relationships Help Companies Find Bright Engineering Graduates," IEEEPower and Energy, Jan./Feb. , pp 34-37, 2005.6. P. Jennings, “New directions in renewable energy education”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 34, 2009, pp. 435-439.7. B. Russel, “Educating the workforce for the modern electric power systems university-industry collaboration”,Bridge Electricity Grid, Vol. 40(1), pp. 35-41, 2010.8. J. DeWaters, S. Powers, "Work in progress – energy education and energy literacy: Benefits of rigor andrelevance", Frontiers in Education Conf., 2009. FIE '09. 39th ASEE/IEEE, San Antonio, TX, 2009.9. R. Ehrlich, “Stimulating Renewable Energy Education in the U.S. and
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Maija A Benitz, Roger Williams University
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. Table 10. Responses to End-of-Course Survey Question(s) Average Survey Prompt Score (1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree) (n = 12)1. I enjoyed the Three Levels course project this semester. 4.582. Whether I liked the project or not, it was valuable for my learning. 4.833. Whether I liked the project or not, it was academically rigorous. 4.334. I believe that I gained skills from this project that I can apply later in my life and