Paper ID #33602Undergraduates’ Perspectives on Readiness, Writing Transfer, andEffectiveness of Writing Instructions in Engineering Lab Report WritingDr. Sean St. Clair, Oregon Institute of Technology Sean St.Clair is a Professor of Civil Engineering at Oregon Tech, where he teaches structural engineering courses and conducts research in engineering education. He is also a registered Professional Engineer.Dr. Dave Kim, Washington State University-Vancouver Dr. Dave Kim is Professor and Mechanical Engineering Program Coordinator in the School of Engineer- ing and Computer Science at Washington State University Vancouver. His
various engineering concepts.The Technical Writing and Experimental Design encourages students to be writers, readers,reviewers and experimenters by providing them feedback at multiple stages of the experimentationand writing process, as well as iterative writing through peer review and grading of multiple paperrevisions. The course was created to follow a modular format, integrating a form of research orexperimentation paired with an appropriate writing or technical communication element, tointegrate both experimentation and documentation within a single module. Each module, learningobjective, and relationship to engineering career expectation is described as follows: • Essay: A formal research paper regarding ethical factors associated with
community and they know that I would never ask them to participate in ademonstration in which they will look foolish in front of their peers. In no time, I will havestudents jumping up out of their seats to take part in a demonstration. I also let them take outtheir phones and take pictures when we do demonstrations. Students really enjoy this.Example from Physics 230 (Changing Views of the Universe)The second and third short writing examples come from the Physics 230 course and were givennear the start of the Spring 2020 semester. These examples are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.The example shown in Figure 2 was distributed on the first day of class. Students wereinstructed to submit their responses electronically prior to the second day of class
) as a publication and its review process, and 3) bestpractices in peer reviewing (i.e., organization, quality considerations, tips for writing reviews).Triads then attend a synchronous session together, and after an icebreaker activity and a briefoverview of the program, they conduct a mock review of a short, published manuscript togetheras a triad during the session. The mock review makes use of a Structured Peer Review form,which helps triads organize their reviews (strengths, weaknesses and recommendations) andprovides the team with insights on what participants are taking into consideration as they conducttheir review. (The Structured Peer Review form, which was developed by the project team, isshown in Figure 2.) The session concludes
Paper ID #32312Bias in First-Year Engineering Student Peer EvaluationsLea Wittie, Bucknell University Lea Wittie is an Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science in the Engineering College at Bucknell University. She has spent the past 4 years coordinating the first year Engineering student Introduction to Engineering and over a decade participating in the program before that.James Bennett, Cornell University James Bennett is a biomedical engineer specializing in medical device design and development. He has earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Bucknell University and is currently
. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2019.[18] “FERPA | Protecting Student Privacy.” (accessed Apr. 07, 2021).[19] USPTO, “USPTO Manual of Patent Examining Procedure, Title 35 U.S.C. 102 Conditions for patentability; novelty.,” Manual of Patent Examining Procedure. l.html#al_d1d85b_11e72_2ee (accessed Apr. 07, 2021).[20] R. Lu and L. Bol, “A Comparison of Anonymous Versus Identifiable E-Peer Review On College Student Writing Performance and the Extent of Critical Feedback,” p. 17.[21] C. Bauer, K. Figl, M. Derntl, P. P. Beran, and S. Kabicher, “The student view on online peer reviews,” in Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM
to practicethe entire writing process (e.g. drafting, revising, and proofreading) and facilitating instructors tograde manageable reports to provide timely feedback. The specific objectives of this study are to(1) assess the effectiveness of one-page letter report assignments and associated activities, suchas technical writing instruction, individual practice, peer review, faculty feedback, and use of agood writing sample to improve students’ technical writing and (2) assess the improvement ofthe new ABET outcome 6 by using the one-page letter report at a Hispanic Serving Institution(HSI). Direct measurements were assessed based on scores of students’ reports following arubric, which was created according to the ABET outcome 6 and basic
were analyzed. These student papers formed the entirety of ayear-group cohort of students enrolled in a Mechanical Engineering Technology program at theauthors’ institution. As will be discussed in the conclusion, this analysis was part of a multi-yeareffort to measure the effect of student peer tutoring on student writing style. The cohort ofstudents whose work was measured for this paper were those who had received no peer tutoring.The nineteen works used as the source data for the examples of student writing averaged 463words in length (median = 387) and ranged between 1,595 words at the longest and 99 words atthe shortest (IQR 206 to 520).ResultsResults obtained from each of the methods described here are as follows in tables 2,3,4 and 5
Paper ID #34637Visualizing Arguments to Scaffold Graduate Writing in EngineeringEducationDr. Kristen Moore, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Kristen R. Moore is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at University at Buffalo. Her research focuses primarily on technical communication and issues of equity, inclusion, and social justice. She is the author of Technical Communication After the Social Justice Turn: Building Coalitions for Action (2019), in addition to a range of articles. She has received a number of awards for her research, including the Joenk Award for the best
effects of differing design pedagogies on retention and motivation, the dynamics of cross-disciplinary collaboration in both academic and industry design environments, and gender and identity in engineering.Dr. Rachel Riedner, George Washington University Rachel Riedner is Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Professor of Writing and of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Engineering judgment and decision making in undergraduate student writingAbstractThe exploration of engineering judgment in undergraduate education should be grounded at
writingthat would normally be included during an oral presentation of the slides.The last component of each round is the reflection. After completing all previous components,students reflect on their experience and compose a write-up on the two “best” presentations theyreviewed during the peer review process. The reflection includes details about what made themthe “best” presentations and what was learned from each presentation.Though the effectiveness of this instructional approach has been evidenced through anecdotesand previous research findings [1], [2], specific outcomes of the Exploring Engineeringassignment from the perspective of students have not been systematically investigated.Subsequently, this paper aims to answer the following research
observe the instruction and studentengagement. Students submit their written lesson plans and provide a justification for how theirlesson furthers the aims of the course. All students write self- and peer-assessments. Thedifferentiation, in terms of the student lessons and multiple forms of assessments, allows forvariety in the presentations, and diminishes the likelihood of peer disengagement during thelessons. Peer assessment all but ensures this (e.g., [14] - [17]). Further, research in highereducation indicates that students enjoy the learning “atmosphere” of peer-teaching [18], findtheir peers to be useful adjuncts to the instructor-led content [19], and report confidence and skilldevelopment as a result of participation in the activity [10
collaborators attracted close to $1M research grants to study writing transfer of engineering undergraduates. For the technical research, he has a long-standing involvement in research concerned with manufacturing of advanced composite materials (CFRP/titanium stack, GFRP, nanocomposites, etc.) for automotive, marine, and aerospace applications. His recent research efforts have also included the fatigue behavior of manufactured products, with the focus of fatigue strength im- provement of aerospace, automotive, and rail structures. He has been the author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers in these areas.Dr. Ken Lulay, University of Portland BSME, University of Portland, 1984 MSME, University of Portland, 1987 PhD
technical writing program aregraduating, which suggests it is time to formally evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Thispaper focuses on the assessment tools built into the program to provide immediate feedback tostudents. A follow-up paper will capture the longitudinal study that measures writingimprovement in ME students.ResearchProcess approach to writing – In response to feedback from employers and alumni themselves,many technical and business writing programs have adopted a process approach to writingbelieving incremental drafting is best suited to produce high-quality, usable documents for theworkplace. A typical approach might include drafting, peer reviews, instructor feedback via aconference, a visit to the college writing center
Professor and the As- sessment and Instructional Support Specialist in the Leonhard Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Education at Penn State as well as a co-founder of Zappe and Cutler Educational Consulting, LLC. Her primary research interest include faculty development, the peer review process, the doctoral experience, and the adoption of evidence-based teaching strategies. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Work-in-Progress: Short Online Films to Help First-Year Students Write Reports as EngineersIntroduction From grade school through first-year composition, engineering students take
, students did their best to adapt to the new way of learning, but the change intheir educational experience was drastic. In particular, students lost the opportunity to engagewith peers in person and form personal connections with them. This is especially concerninggiven that, as Alexander Astin writes, “the student's peer group is the single most potent sourceof influence on growth and development during the undergraduate years" [15, p. 54][3].The existing knowledge base repeatedly validates the importance of peer support in both socialand academic systems in college. Ideally, students should have all the resources they need tocommunicate with peers, whether in a physical or virtual learning environment. However, webelieve that due to the abrupt
Paper ID #33684Leader Development Model (LDM) Through Self- and Peer-assessment Acrossthe CurriculumDr. Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel Alyson G. Eggleston is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Fine Arts, and Communica- tions at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, where she teaches STEM-focused technical writing and communication, writing-intensive courses for international students, and linguistics. She re- ceived her PhD from Purdue University in Linguistics, and she has a BA and MA in English with concen- trations in TESOL and writing pedagogy from Youngstown State University. Her
towards a design studio environment evolving from traditional mentor-apprentice relationships [2].Significant prior research has explored the role peer feedback plays in student learning. Cho andMacArthur [13] found that peer feedback provided by multiple peers was more effective inimproving students’ writing performance than feedback provided by a single expert, or a singlepeer reviewer. Although some students held negative perceptions of the fairness and reliability ofreceiving feedback from peers, they derived benefits from participating in peer assessment,exemplifying a higher degree of reflection and more effective revisions of their own work [14].More recently, studies have investigated the role of peer feedback in design reviews/critiques
Paper ID #33981Near-Peer Mentoring and Early Exposure to Computer Science –Quantitative and Qualitative ResultsDavid Hartenstine, Western Washington University David Hartenstine is a Professor of Mathematics at Western Washington University. He earned his PhD at Temple University.Perry Fizzano, Western Washington University Perry Fizzano earned his BS degree in Computer Science from Widener University and his MS and PhD in Computer Science from Dartmouth College. He had stints in academia and industry prior to joining WWU in 2005. He served as department chair from 2012 - 2019. His research interests are in optimization
own reviews, which violates the college level governance documents’ specification thatfaculty will not be responsible for initiating the review of their teaching. In addition, eachdepartment chair brought their own expertise and approach to the process of review. While thiscan allow for each chair to tailor the approach to the individual faculty member under review, itdoes not ensure that the evaluation addresses the criteria required to write a robust letter insupport of the faculty’s teaching to be included in a successful dossier for promotion and tenure.Because of a lack of standard procedures, the department chair benefits from a peer review ofteaching program in several ways, including eliminating uncertainty around who is
Paper ID #32353Pair-to-Pair Peer Learning: Comparative Analysis of Face-to-Face andOnline Laboratory ExperiencesDr. Nebojsa I. Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo NEBOJSA I. JAKSIC earned the Dipl. Ing. (M.S.) degree in electrical engineering from Belgrade Uni- versity (1984), the M.S. in electrical engineering (1988), the M.S. in industrial engineering (1992), and the Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the Ohio State University (2000). He currently serves as a Pro- fessor at Colorado State University Pueblo teaching robotics and automation courses. Dr. Jaksic has over 90 publications and holds two patents. His
Paper ID #33164”Adding Stuff From Other People”: How Peer Comparison InfluencesConceptual Modeling in Precollege Engineering ContextsMs. Katelyn Stenger, University of Virginia Katelyn Stenger is a Ph.D. fellow in the Behavioral Science for Sustainable Systems program at the Convergent Behavioral Science Initiative at the University of Virginia. She researches behavioral designs for complex systems. Previously, she worked as a mechanical engineer helping design and construct high-rise buildings. She received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.Prof. Jennifer L. Chiu, University of
Kranov (2009) argues, this type of writing center support produces anenvironment where “students learn through interaction with faculty and peers to becomemembers of their disciplinary communities” that “mimics the adult learning communities thatthey are most likely to encounter after finishing their degrees and beginning their professionallives, thus fostering life-long learning skills” (Kranov, 2009).Scientific Writing Learning CommunitiesThe creation of “scientific writing learning communities” has been another pedagogical modelthat has been shown to be highly popular in addressing doctoral level academic and professionalwriting within engineering. Researchers and practitioners have recently argued that currentprogram designs aimed at
skills,both oral and written,[2, 4] and need to be fluent across platforms and in different contexts,including data representation and visual communication.[12]The movement towards more effective teaching of communication skills to engineers hasresulted in opportunity for collaboration with communication experts[9, 13] and the launching ofWriting Across the Curriculum (WAC) or Writing in the Disciplines (WID) programs.[10, 14,15] Interdisciplinary collaborations have occurred in many forms, including creation of stand-alone courses,[16] embedding of communication experts as consultants in engineeringcourses,[17] and training of student technical writing peer tutors to aid in courses.[18]In addition, student learning of communication skills is
engineering laboratory courses. Dr. Kim and his collaborators attracted close to $1M research grants to study writing transfer of engineering undergraduates. For the technical research, he has a long-standing involvement in research concerned with manufacturing of advanced composite materials (CFRP/titanium stack, GFRP, nanocomposites, etc.) for automotive, marine, and aerospace applications. His recent research efforts have also included the fatigue behavior of manufactured products, with the focus of fatigue strength im- provement of aerospace, automotive, and rail structures. He has been the author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers in these areas.Dr. Matt Frye, Oregon Institute of Technology Matt Frye is
Paper ID #33605Differential Effects of Bridge Program Participation on PerceivedBelonging and Peer Support for STEM Degree Seekers during the COVID-19PandemicMs. Megan McSpedon, Rice University Megan McSpedon is a graduate student in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Rice University. Her research interests include the future of work, school to work transition, and learning throughout the lifes- pan.Dr. Margaret E. Beier, Rice University Margaret Beier is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Rice University in Houston, TX. She received her B.A. from Colby College, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Georgia
engineering, highway design. engineering management, geographic information systems, and land surveying. He has served in numerous leadership positions in ITE, ASCE and TRB. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Impact of Calculus Peer Mentoring on Leadership Development and Math Self-EfficacyIntroductionPilot ExCEL Calculus SequenceWe have recently piloted a three-semester Calculus experience for scholars in the Excellence inCivil Engineering Leadership (ExCEL) program, which is sponsored through a National ScienceFoundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) grant. The goal of the ExCEL
the semester. After each team-based project was completed, thestudents were also asked to evaluate themselves and their team member’s teamwork skills.Preliminary analysis of the data showed that students had relatively high pre-semester teamworkconfidence. Students rated themselves lower than their peers on the first evaluation, however,peer evaluation ratings decreased throughout the semester while self-evaluation ratings remainedrelatively constant.IntroductionTraditional classrooms are often structured in a way in which students take notes and listen tolectures during class time and are assigned individual homework assignments to be completedoutside of class. This style allows students to passively take in information, though
content and reflections from the instructor, TAs, and students.1. IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic disrupted higher education worldwide in March 2020. Colleges anduniversities abruptly stopped in-person instruction and instead required remote teaching.Instructors’ challenges included preparing virtual lessons, learning videoconferencing software,and selecting appropriate graded assessments. At the same time, students’ learning routines weredisrupted as many returned home and were away from their peers; some students also lost thesafety net that the university provided, such as reliable food and shelter [1]. Furthermore, bothstudents and faculty were affected by limited internet connectivity and additional familyresponsibilities due to the
focused on students getting to know themselves. It is important todevelop self-aware individuals to understand how to be a teammate and a leader [34]. Self-awareness allows students to reflect inward to allow them to identify, process, and storeinformation about oneself [35, 36]. The value of self-awareness is obvious as it means having adeep understanding of one’s emotions, strengths, limitations, values, motives, and perceptions[37]. The first assignment for the class is to write a biography to allow for students and theinstructor to get to know one another. The text of the biography focused on experiences bothprofessional and personal that the students thought would be relevant to their peers. The studentsposted these biographies to the course