when they apply to either graduate school or apply for an industrial position. Thesearticulation skills are practiced in class in the form of personal reflections. The four requirementsof the project are that the scholars work in a group, they use their new and growing STEMskillset, the project must benefit the community, and it must be sustainable. In this casesustainable means that the project itself can continue for multiple years, with new studentspossibly taking over. The projects that are currently under way include STEM educationprogramming, Mental Health Information, Expanding Local Food Options, and AssessingCollege Energy Usage.Program GoalsThe program, as funded by the NSF S-STEM grant, has four goals set forth in the
frameengineering design decisions. The course also provided an opportunity for students to get toknow about the community partners and be introduced to the project. We took field trips to thecommunity partner organizations and students were asked to share reflections on needs theyidentified, and hypothetical case studies were created out of the BOOST projects. The studentsalso learned to communicate and interact professionally with the community partners. Studentswere assigned to project teams and met with the faculty mentors to begin forming team bondsand brainstorming conceptual designs, and discussing potential ethical issues that wouldinfluence their decisions. Since the Summer program was only six weeks, this preliminary phaseduring the Ethics course
the lack of experiential opportunity mayhave impacted the latter group’s motivation to interact with the product or collaborate with oneanother, thus limiting their collective understanding of the product. All groups experienced more P3 (attempting to solve) than any other collaborativeprocess, reflecting the same trend revealed in historical data of engineering students solving non-scaffolded ill-structured design tasks [10]. Indeed, the group with the highest P3 also had themost physical interaction with the product, suggesting that the other three problem-solvingprocesses were not as inherent to hands-on learning. As ongoing research has since found thatmore balanced participation among the four processes can improve students
engineeringeducation.In this research, the quality assurance mechanism of engineering education is a continuouslyimproved, well-organized, and fully-participated mechanism. Its effective operation must bebased on a specific methodology and rely on specific quality management ideas and methods.Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is such an idea developed from TQM, refers to aspecific deliberate process that can optimize the quality outcome of a system [7]. Theapplication of CQI in the engineering education is reflected in two levels, i.e. institutionalaccreditation and program accreditation. First of all, the CQI concept continues to shape andcondense accreditation culture, influence and internalize the thoughts and behaviors from theleaders to the general
was able to positively influence students’ perception of mastery experience(participating in research) which in turn should lead to improvements in students’ beliefs thatthey can succeed in a research setting (research self-efficacy).Altogether these results suggest that the program [3] had gains in achieving the intended sitegoals as well as to enhance the knowledge and skills of a diverse cohort of undergraduates.AcknowledgementsThis material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant EEC-1659856. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References1. Bandura, A., Self-Efficacy. Encyclopedia
) scholars program, and for WiSE (Women in Science and Engineer- ing). As a Research Assistant, she is gaining valuable experience working with the School of Education at ISU, and with Iowa 4-H at ISU Extension and Outreach for STEM youth programming. Prior to her academic career, she served in the U.S. Navy.Dr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Mani Mina is with the department of Industrial Design and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities
learningopportunities. This enhanced understanding not only benefits employers’ hiring practices, butalso it can help Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs improve curricula and expandlearning opportunities to best meet students’ and employers’ needs. In this study, we triangulatedindustry competency model content with rural employer perspectives on new advancedmanufacturing (AM) professionals’ desired competencies (i.e., the level of skill sophistication ina particular AM work area). To extract competencies for entry-level AM rural jobs, we used adeductive approach with multiple methods. First, we used Natural Language Processing (NLP)to extract, analyze, and compare the U.S. Department of Labor’s AM 2010 and 2020Competency Models because they reflect
. PurdueUniversity has the highest number of connections (degree = 442), reflecting the high number ofco-authorship collaborations of Purdue-affiliated authors with other institutions. FollowingPurdue University, Virginia Tech had a degree equal to 255. The nodes with the highest degree inour collaboration network are mostly the institutions that are classified as research-orientedinstitutions according to the Carnegie classification. These nodes are often referred to as hubs,and calculating degree is the quickest way of identifying hubs. Betweenness centrality is another network measure useful to capture broker nodes thatstand between groups and give the network connectivity and cohesion [18]. Purdue Universityalso had the highest betweenness
, a ‘health’ monitor that provides them their average score on recent assignmentsby type (homework, exam, lab quizzes), and interactive rewards that surprised students based ontheir performance and engagement.MethodsThis study uses a student-facing dashboard visualization to engage students in the course andencourage reflection on their study strategies (see Figure 1). Figure 1: Example of the Delphinium Chemistry Dashboard developed for the studyThe dashboard includes a visualization of course tasks and the percent completed for each task(Modules and Assignments), summary visualizations of students’ performance in key knowledgedomains (Badges), fun visualizations that unlock based on students engagement (Rewards), and asummary of
FacultyDevelopmentAbstractFor several years Engineering Unleashed has provided in-person faculty development eventsfocused on expanding an entrepreneurial mindset in undergraduate engineering programs.During Spring 2020, it was decided that ten faculty development workshops scheduled to be in-person multiple-day summer workshops would be delivered in a virtual format due to COVID-19. Workshop teams of facilitators and coaches structured the pivot to remote learningeffectively and efficiently, reflecting the entrepreneurial mindset that infuses the workshops. Thepandemic created an opportunity to build community and connections using new tools.In this paper we share how the workshop teams of 47 facilitators and coaches restructured theirworkshops, creating value for
also gained experience in the full cycle of a research project, from conducting aliterature search to writing a conference submission. By working with her mentor through eachstep in the research process, the student gained confidence in her abilities to be successful inresearch. With minimal previous research experience, the student was initially reluctant tocommit to the rigors of graduate school research for fear of failure, despite having interest inresearch. This project’s success encouraged the student to choose a research-based master’sdegree program and provided the confidence necessary to pursue her interests.The OTEC project provided a unique opportunity for the student to explore and reflect on herinterests. A list of potential
**development processConfidence in using a design 12 3.31 1.19 3.97 1.03 -3.140 0.003**challengeHow to use industry experts 12 3.41 1.24 4.35 0.92 -3.246 0.001**How to elicit reflective decision- 12 2.61 1.07 3.68 0.85 -3.586 < 0.001**making in students** P is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).In our interview conversations, teachers expressed positive experiences with the PDactivities. Teachers’ feedback suggested that the PD activities were very rewardingexperiences for them. They reported that the activities they engaged in were excellentopportunities to learn about
busy.Challenges associated with communication and teamwork typically centered on interpersonalcommunication as participants needed to negotiate relationships and understand thecommunication norms and preferences of their coworkers and managers [20].RQ2: What skills, practices, and attitudes fostered through the capstone experience doindividuals draw on or apply in their early work experiences?Even as participants experience significant challenges in their transition to work, however, theyalso report significant transfer from their industry-oriented capstone courses to their industryworkplaces, as reflected in their perceptions of preparedness as well as the detailed interviewdata around transfer. Importantly, this transfer aligns closely with the two
’ reflections using the asynchronous online discussionboard, Slack. The following class virtual gathering would include group discussions in break outrooms on Zoom and having a discussion on what they picked from that lecture topic that interestedthem and why. In that group break out session, they would pick the best researched topic and useit make a video about at end of course with all the best-chosen ideas for each lecture topic. Thetopics each week were: 1. Influential Brazilians Personalities, 2. Brazilian Music and Festivals,and 3. Biomes of Brazil.The program also offered interactive cultural engagement activities such as a synchronousCapoeira tutorial and a cooking class to make famous Brazilian dishes, such as pão de queijo andbrigadeiros
,with the advantage of the ability to summon the instructor to join a breakout room for discussion,clarification, and consultation with an individual team. Teams organized additionalcollaboration outside of class, through modalities of their choosing, which typically includedadditional video conferencing, email exchange, and chatting.To convey the flavor of the course, the following panels illustrate the Blackboard contentpresented in one weekly module for the first topic in the course. Each weekly lesson attemptedto engage the students using multiple modalities.In the beginning of the course, reflection exercises prompted students to consider the role of theengineer, social justice framings of engineering, and each student’s self-conception as
also consider discrimination or lack of diversity and inclusion asystematic misallocation of human resources and as such an economic inefficiency (Futrelle, 2013). Whileacknowledgment of these ideas is encouraging for a progressive future, the demographic profile of thestudent population in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, despitesignificant gains, does not reflect that of the nation. The lack of diversity; gender, racial, and ethnic sexualinequality; and lack of an inclusive culture are still prevalent in the fields of STEM, especially at theuniversity level (Winkle-Wagner et al 2018). This is subsequently reflected in the nation’s STEM labormarket as well. As such, engineering and related STEM professionals in
through the app andMain Menu were easy, and the same percentage were positive about the fit of the image on theirdevices and the app logo. All of the students felt that the process to create an account did not runsmoothly and the frustration with the initial encounter of the app was reflected in individualstudent comments. Almost 50% of respondents had at least one experience with the app crashing.Over 70% of the respondents described specific issues they encountered using the app and/ormade suggestions on ways to improve it. Some specific issues included some of the questions notloading and occasional navigational redirection.Learning Modes and ContentWith regards to the learning modes, 48% of the students thought that the Tutorial feature
embracing risk. The use of Miroreceived mixed perception on average for factors pertaining to creativity and the role ofsketching, while factors pertaining to organization and teamwork tended to receive positiveresponses. These results are also reflected in students’ qualitative responses. Figures 3 and 4 present data of male-only and female-only students, respectively. Forthese groups, the participant who identified as “other” has been excluded. Figures 3 and 4 reveala gender disparity for factors pertaining to willingness to embrace risk, with female studentsdisplaying less willingness on average than male students. The female participant group also hasnoticeably larger margins of error than the male group, indicating a wider range of
responses regarding working electronics knowledge at end of course.The student data shows that the majority of students somewhat agreed, agreed, or strongly agreedwith the statement they had enough working knowledge to independently create functionalsensors and actuators systems controlled via code on their own. The student responses weregiven a weighted value of 1-strongly disagree, 2-disagree, 3-somewhat disagree, 4-somewhatagree, 5-agree, and 6-strongly agree; the weighted average of the scores was 4.9. This positiveself-reflection learning outcome was especially meaningful given data was taken in a semesterwhere students were fully online given the COVID crisis for this normally hands-on makerspacebased course.Qualitative Analysis of Impact of
sought to understand the participant’s background experiences in learningthrough making. The second 90-minute interview focused on the revisiting the details of thesepast experiences in the makerspace, and participants were asked to bring a project they havemade with them. Finally, the third 90-minute interview dove into understanding the meaning ofthe participant’s involvement in the makerspaces. In this interview, participants were asked todraw a timeline of their making experiences throughout their life leading up to and includingtheir experiences in the makerspace. This encouraged the participants to reflect on theirexperiences and extract the meaning associated with each set of experiences.The modified single-targeted protocol is a
learning program hadpoor awareness of good sources of literature and rather weak scientific reading and writing skills.As one of the aims of the distance learning master’s program is to prepare students for doctoralstudies, it was considered necessary to pay attention to the development of the more genericacademic skills in addition to the specific Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) relatedobjectives, and the use of scientific articles was considered to provide a useful tool for that.Since assessment was recognized as the element that directs the students’ actions most, acontinuous assessment method with weekly quizzes was adopted. The questions of the quizzeswere on the scientific article but also reflecting on the lectures and the assessment
students and full curriculum modules with a subset of these classrooms.We have 4 additional curriculum modules in various stages of development. Each of the field tripprograms engage students in an engineering design challenge, from designing an object thathovers in a rising column of air to designing a patch for a greenhouse on the moon to modifyinga structure to reduce swaying during an earthquake. The classroom activities provideopportunities for students to develop science and engineering ideas that augment the engineeringdesign challenge and to reflect on the field trip experience.Research accomplishments. Our research has focused on using an iterative design process toinform design principles used to develop the engineering field trip
National Science Foundation grants #1926330/1926172. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] ABET, “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs,” Baltimore, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.abet.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/EAC-Criteria-2020- 2021.pdf.[2] Center for the Study of Ethical Development, “About the DIT,” The University of Alabama, 2019. https://ethicaldevelopment.ua.edu/about-the-dit.html.[3] Qualtrics, “Qualtrics.” Provo, UT, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://www.qualtrics.com.[4] National Science Foundation, “Women, Minorities, and Persons
feedback messages, namely “sites of mistake” and “major/minor mistakes.” ● In the third section, we gauged student’s opinions on how valuable each part of a feedback message was and how they dealt with inaccuracy in each part of the feedback message. ● In the last section, we concluded our interview by asking about the student's overall experience with the feedback system, the degree of satisfaction, and ideas for improvement.Analysis methods: We analyzed our data using a grounded theory approach, where weinductively generated codes that summarized each section of the interview with a reflective anditerative process. Before analyzing the data, we first transcribed the audio recordings into text(upon participant’s
. al. 2016) (Kowalchuk, et. al 2013). Through theaward of a Track 2 S-STEM three years ago, the LDP has now expanded into the STEM majors atthe university and has made an important discovery regarding the evolution of LeadershipKnowledge among some of the STEM leaders.The participants in the LDP program showed statistically significant changes on Leadership Self-efficacy Survey (Bobbio & Manganelli, 2009) and the Motivation to Lead Survey (Chan &Drasgow, 2001) when compared to their peers. However, when comparing student responsesover time (pre, post and post 2) in conjunction with student reflections during the focus groups,there may be effects of response-shift bias (Rohs 1999). Anecdotal evidence from students’responses to open
, ME) from the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) in Davao City, Philippines, and in Engineering Education (PhD) from Virginia Tech. Her research interests include learning experiences in fundamental engineering courses and data-informed reflective practice. Michelle’s professional experience includes roles in industry and academia, having worked as a software engineer, project lead and manager before becoming Assistant Professor and Department Chair for Elec- trical Engineering at the Ateneo de Davao University in the Philippines. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 A Grounded Theory Analysis of COVID-19 Information and Resources Relayed
philosophy. 11. Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve. 12. Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (genchi genbutsu). 13. Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly. 14. Become a learning organization through relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen).One may notice that the principles do not directly specify a manufacturing process, but rather,they specify guidelines for company culture. There is a focus on three concepts throughout theseprinciples, particularly: respect for people, continuous improvement, and visual control [15].The first principle, in
their playground equipment models and test their designs with miniature wheelchairs. All initial designs have room for improvement; groups iterate and continue testing, trying to improve their designs. Day 8: Design Challenge - Peer Feedback How can we improve our designs by giving and receiving peer feedback? Student groups self-evaluate their own design and design process, then pair up with other groups to offer feedback, help troubleshoot, and brainstorm solutions to common issues. Day 9: Design Challenge - Final Test & Review What can we learn by looking across all our design attempts? Groups reflect on their design attempts, and the teacher facilitates a whole class discussion comparing across designs. Student groups complete their
addition to providing numeric CATME feedback, students provided written feedback on teammember strengths and areas in which team members could improve using another assessmenttool, called “I like, I wish” (ILIW) (Calleja, 2020). Students were given the following prompt: “Think about interactions with your teammates, and reflect on your team charter. How are things going? What's working well, and what do you wish might improve? Reflect on each team member, what are 1-2 behaviors that you like, 1-2 behaviors you wish they would take on. Reflect on your own behaviors. Are they consistent with your team values? Is there something that you believe you could improve? Communicate honestly, generously, and clearly
the ECE major. 5. Facilitate student interest in robotics.Theoretical Motivation The theoretical motivation that drove course redesign was centered on evidence-basedpedagogy pointing towards the benefits of project-based learning. Fundamentally, Kolb’sExperiential Learning Model asserts that a cycle of concrete experience, reflective observation,abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation results in higher student learning [10].Implementation of Kolb’s method along with the integration of theory and hands-on practice inand introductory engineering course at Harvey Mudd College saw a statistically significant gainin student learning and an increased enthusiasm amongst female students [5]. To incorporatethese theories, our