hoped that this study inspires a much broader research on GGPL with both collaborating and/or competing groups addressing a much larger set of groups and their interactions ranging from small teams to the entire human race. Bibliography[1] J. Dewey, Experience and Education, Macmillan, N.Y., 1939.[2] D. A. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1984.[3] J. N. Harb, S. O. Durrant, and R. E. Terry, ”Use of the Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Engineering in Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 82, April 1993, pp. 70-77.[4] J. N.Harb, R. E. Terry, P. K. Hurt, and K. J. Williamson, Teaching Through the Cycle: Application of
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, the fact that the product had a real user in mind meant thatstudents were less inclined to compromise on the quality of their work.Instructors who try this variant should be mindful of intellectual property. In the Spring 2020, weintroduced a legal agreement where the students agreed to give up their intellectual property to thecustomer.DiscussionThe course presented here has increased the process focus beyond the level that is normallyincluded in a typical software engineering curriculum. This course design is highly flexible andapplicable at other institutions. In addition to the possible variations discussed above, we foundthat the choice of the primary programming language(s) has not impacted the learning outcomes;although when
. During the six weekly in-classsessions, a total of 85,058 telemetry events were recorded. Telemetry data contain timestampswith events, which are listed together with their associated parameters in Table 1.Table 1. Subset of telemetry events as captured in the research version of codeSpark Academywith their visualization. The column “Visualization Markers” contains markers that will be usedin our visualizations, which will be discussed in the Methods section. Telemetry Event Marker PuzzleStart: Sent at the beginning of every puzzle level s PuzzleResult: Sent at the end of every puzzle level *,2*,3* CommandAdded: A
, statistical analysis, simulation processes, optimization techniques, and risk analysis at the strategic and network management level. Among his research sponsors are the National High- way Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP), Metropolitan Transportation Commission in California (MTC), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organiza- tion (MPO), and the City of El Paso. His academic work is documented in more than 100 publications in peer- reviewed national and international journals, conference proceedings, books, and technical reports. Dr. Chang also serves as the Chair of the ASCE Infrastructure Systems Committee, and Vice President of isMARTI in the U. S Research Coordinator
diversity & inclusion in the engineeringcurriculum and advocating for more women and minority groups in faculty, staff, and student body.ReferencesAntonio, A. L., Chang, M. J., Hakuta, K., Kenny, D. A., Levin, S., & Milem, J. F. (2004). Effects ofracial diversity on complex thinking in college students. Psychological Science, 15(8), 507-510DeAngelo, Linda, Ray Franke, Sylvia Hurtado, John H. Pryor, and Serge Tran. (2011). CompletingCollege: Assessing Graduation Rates at Four-Year Institutions. Los Angeles, CA: Higher EducationResearch Institute. http://heri.ucla.edu/DARCU/CompletingCollege2011.pdfFutrelle, David. (2013, Feb 19). Discrimination Doesn’t Make Dollars, or Sense. Time Feb 2013).Retrieved from https://business.time.com/2013/02/19
enhance their understanding of how their students think and the bestpractices to teach them. Research has validated intuition as a primary factor for decision-making[13]. There has also been evidence that shows intuition playing an essential role in engineeringtechnology students' processes of thinking [7], [8], [9], [10].Research QuestionsThe study focuses on determining the intuition types and the degree of usage for each type ofintuition used by undergraduate engineering technology and engineering students. • What are the types of intuition utilized by undergraduate engineering technology and engineering students? o Is there a difference in the type of intuition(s) used by undergraduate engineering technology
Intro to ME course provided anegative impact on the capstone design program. Faculty indicated a need to further integrateelements of the design process across the curriculum. The results provide ME faculty insightsinto how implementation of an Intro to ME course may affect the capstone design process attheir own institutions.IntroductionDesign is an essential element of engineering practice [1]. Early design experiences forundergraduate engineering students in the United States has been an increasing trend since thelate 1980’s, motivated by a recognition that undergraduate engineering students often began theirexposure to this fundamental concept late in their engineering studies [2]. This exposure todesign processes typically happened in a
the courseinstructor(s) and teaching assistants. Live video feeds from the four corners of the examinationhall are provided to the course instructor(s) to monitor the test-takers in real time. Test questionscan either be distributed via the course LMS on student laptops or in paper test books printed byFigure 2: An example of a remote synchronous examination with co-located students. Proctoringis performed both locally by program staff and remotely via webcam by the course instructor andteaching assistants.local proctors. The risk of student misconduct during the test and/or use of improper resources(through their computers) is low due to the presence of the local proctors and live camera feeds.An example of a remote, proctored examination is
for online quizzes, tests, and the final exam.References1. ASME (2009). Dimensioning and Tolerancing, ASME Y14.5-2009. NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7918-3192-2.2. ASME (2019). Dimensioning and Tolerancing, ASME Y14.5-2018. NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7918-7219-2.3. Neumann, S., & Neumann, A. (2009). GeoTol Pro: A practical guide to Geometric Tolerancing. Longboat Key, FL: Technical Consultants, Inc.4. Sun, L. (2016). Students’ perception of the flipped classroom in graphical communications. Proceedings of the 71st Midyear Conference of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, Nashua, New
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theeducational strategies and decide where the assessment data should be collected.To carry out the assessment, a course titled “EMT 2480L: Electromechanical Systems DesignLaboratory” was selected. The course is a sophomore-level, one-credit laboratory with threecontact hours. The course introduces 2D & 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE). Students learn how to use industry-leading CAD software programs [2,3, 4, 5] (SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Inventor, VFEA) to build parts and assemblies. Computer-AidedEngineering (CAE) techniques are utilized to introduce concepts of mechanics of materials neededto analyze the component(s).The topics covered include a) introduction of fundamental 2D/3D modeling tools and techniquesfor the
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. That is in line with viewing our curricular asa system in which all of the "modules" have a role(s) and each course in the module furthers thegoal of the module. The arrow in Figure 2 points to the Systems Thinking and SystemsEngineering Core courses for what is required in the Systems Engineering Pathway.One goal was the breadth of engineering disciplinary understanding for the Systems Engineeringstudents. In Figure 2, you can see a graphic showing the engineering core just above the Sys EngCore. The course work in other disciplines of engineering is large, and most of the ABET criteriafor engineering courses lie in these breath areas
EducationalPsychology, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 817–835, Nov. 2009[2] D. L. Shea, D. Lubinski, and C. P. Benbow, “Importance of assessing spatial ability inintellectually talented young adolescents: A 20-year longitudinal study.” Journal of EducationalPsychology, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 604–614, 2001[3] S. A. Sorby, “Educational Research in Developing 3‐D Spatial Skills for EngineeringStudents,” International Journal of Science Education, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 459–480, Feb. 2009[4] H. Wauck, B. S. Woodard, Z. Xiao, T. W. Li, and B. P. Bailey, “A Data-Driven,Player-Centric Approach to Evaluating Spatial Skill Training Games,” in Proceedings of theAnnual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Virtual Event Canada, Nov. 2020,pp. 349–361[5] Z. Xiao et al., “A
3-5 2 6-10 3 More than 10 2The survey asked participants to rate the seminars (Figure 4) and other aspects of the workshop(Figure 5). While all seminars were rated highly on average, the first five seminars, which focuson teaching and learning principles and class planning were rated most highly. Questioning,Assessment, and Non-Verbal Communication were rated lowest, although comments did notprovide any specific reasons for the low ratings. Participants were asked “which seminar(s) madethe greatest impact and why.” Their responses included “Learning to teach, effective teaching, learning styles, and learning objectives had the greatest
moreclosely with industry partners in order to meet their workforce expectations and develop curriculathat align with the workforce of tomorrow based on cloud computing job roles.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1801024. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] S. Fayer, A. Lacey and W. Watson, A. “BLS spotlight on statistics: STEM occupations- past, present, and future,” U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistic, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.bls.gov/spotlight/2017/science-technology
and support aimed at improvingrecruitment, retention, and graduation for women in engineering and computing. Alumni whoidentify as women were recruited as volunteers to form and direct the advisory committee.Members include representation from each decade including alumnae from the 1970’s to the2010’s.This paper begins by explaining the origins of the committee and the evolution of thecommittee’s mission. Next the efforts to develop a strategic plan are discussed. Included is adiscussion of the methodology used to create the strategic plan, along with details regarding howthe process evolved as it included committee members from across the United States. Finally, theresults to date of the work are detailed and suggestions are provided for
-2017). She is also a judge for the Reimagine Education Awards (2016 – present). In May 2017 she won the ”Inspiring Professor Award” at Tec de Monterrey. She has organized successful Summer Programs in UK, Japan, China and Thailand. She has presented her Research and work at dif- ferent international forums: ASME, Pittsburgh, U.S. 2018 / The Festival of Teaching at Birmingham City University, 2017 / Hayashi Genjuro Art Gallery, Kurashiki, Japan 2016Dr. Gibr´an Sayeg-S´anchez, Tecnol´ogico de Monterrey American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Paper ID #33318Dr
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the assembly. Thelargest contributor to that cost was the load cell. Previously the load cell (a 100 Kg Type S LoadCell) was replaced with a smaller 10kg bar-type load cell that is more cost-effective to lower theprice of the individual student kits. The total kit contains the following: Barrel jack and rocker switch (for 12V power supply input) Four, colored, pushbutton switches 400-pt. Breadboard Stepper motor, motor driver, and motor bracket Load cell and amplifier Carriage assembly (described in detail below) Pulleys and belts 3D printed end bracket Frame parts and associated fastenersThe microcontroller used for the project, the Arduino Uno, is not included in the kit for this
connected, writing therefore needs to be taught by members of the discipline.Effective oral or written communication continues to be an important part of the engineeringcurriculum across the globe. Because of internet availability, all forms of communication havegained popularity. However, quality has been replaced by casual or short-hand version ofcommunication. A few years ago, the state of Utah took an initiative to improve students’ skillsin mathematics, reading, and writing. Initially, the funding supported creative programs forstudents in the K-12 curriculum. In the late 1990’s the state decided to begin an EngineeringInitiative program to support STEM related fields of study throughout schools, colleges, anduniversities. The program was
, Japan is constantly improving itshigh-level talent training programs and innovative initiatives.Cultivating interdisciplinary skills among high-level talents in the U.S.As universities are considered a source of advanced knowledge in science and technology(S&T), innovation initiatives in the U.S. have emphasized technology transfer. Beginning withthe Bayh-Dole Act, intellectual property (IP) rights were transferred to universities. Thisgradually diversified the role of universities from doing research only to commercializing theresearch results [23]. R&D activities and patent applications have increased due to UIC [24],which also stimulates regional R&D activities [25]-[26].For training talent in the U.S., Wang [27] addressed two
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University, Syracuse, NY. Registered Professional Engineer (Ohio). Robinson’s teaching approach comes from an amalgam of academic, industrial (Bell Labs), governmental (VA) and clinical experiences, plus an interest in science and ethics from his undergraduate days.Ms. Loretta Driskel, Clarkson University Since the late 1990’s my passion has been to create engaging, diverse teaching and learning experiences for students and faculty. As the senior instructional designer at Clarkson University, I have presented at conferences such as the Online Learning Consortium and I have presented at a wide variety of other venues including ADEIL; Sloan-C International Online Learning; Sloan-C Blending Learning; eLearning Consortium of
. Metacognition is the awareness and regulation of one’s own learning.Metacognition’s origin was in the context of learning in the early 1970’s [10]. In this paper, weare focused on the knowledge and awareness of cognitive activities, though other fields havesuggested metacognition could reasonably encompass all aspects of psychology [11].Metacognition of learning develops naturally as children mature and can also be advancedthrough active instruction and practice, which has been advocated by scholars for decades [11],[12]. In undergraduate contexts, students are likely to have “scripts” for learning that are resistantto change [2]. To address this challenge, Cunningham, Matusovich, Hunter, & McCord createdthe Metacognition Model (Fig. 1) to
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