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questions on a specific ‘exemplary’ course(s); i.e.,one that explicitly embedded content on engineering ethics. For example, “Was learning aboutethics and/or societal impacts in this course helpful to you in your work? If so, please explain.”The survey then asked about the importance of ethics/societal issues in engineering/computingwork, courses and co-curricular activities in college that impacted their ethical reasoning, andrating the level to which they felt adequately prepared to face ethical issues in their work (1 to 10scale). The survey concluded with the frequency they had encountered various ethical issues intheir work and demographic items (e.g., year they took exemplar course, year graduated with BSdegree, undergraduate major, graduate
120 75 52 W Environmental 53 167 66 72 Water resources E/hydraulics/hydrology 44 139 / 94/93* 55 60 / 141T* Construction / management 46 74 / 40 58 32 / 49T Systems / infrastructure 20 53 25 23 ^ Other(s) 30 ** 38 **W/E Note that there were 18 specializations in environmental plus water resources; based on examining thecoursework requirements
students to perform statistical analysisand data visualization and to use EXCEL spreadsheets for data representation and calculations.While Module 2 does not cover errors in measured data, the other two modules do address thistopic. In the next stage of the module development process, we plan to compare how each course-specific module covered topics such as errors in measured data.Table 6. Example Teaching Modules Module Module 1 (Monitoring Module 2 (Engineering Module 3 (Engineering Tool Topic and Analysis of the Hydrology) Hydrology) Environment) Module Errors in measured Visualization and Errors in measured data, Topic(s) data, Statistical
qualitative data using various coding methods. Two research team members readthe reflections and compared results. One researcher read reflections sequentially by student bycategory and identified salient patterns across participants. For example, Reflection 1 fromStudent 1 in the top 10% increase category was read first, followed by Student 1’s Reflections 2and 3. Then, Reflection 1 from Student 2 in the top 10% increase category was read, and so on.A second researcher read each reflection to determine similarities and differences incharacteristics and analyze patterns across reflections. This research team member readreflections as they were written chronologically within each category. All Reflection 1 samplesin the 10% increase category were read
hasdecided to conduct all 2021-2022 reviews virtually and it expects to review over 1080 programsacross all four commissions during the accreditation cycle. Over 730 of these programs will beevaluated by EAC.The objectives of this study were to: • gather input on best practices and opportunities for improvement in all elements of the virtual review, including pre-visit preparation, virtual “on-site” operations, team dynamics, communication and training, and • provide recommendations for future virtual reviewsResults of surveys, author(s)’ observations, and recommendations to improve future reviews -whether in-person or virtual - are presented in this paper. Lessons learned address suggestionsfor improvement for future virtual reviews
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impact your ethical knowledge, reasoning, or behavior?” Alumni rated sixengineering related activities, three non-engineering related, and could add other(s). Theresponse options provided were: did not participate, involved but no impact (0), small impact (1),moderate impact (2), large impact (3). Near the end of the survey, individuals were askedwhether they might be willing to participate in an interview about how their ethics instruction asa student impacted them after graduation. The survey concluded with demographic questions:year they had taken the targeted course, year they had earned their Bachelor’s degree, open-ended line to fill in the major of their Bachelor’s degree, whether or not they had earned graduatedegrees, types of
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, students are required to complete pre- and post-assignments toprepare them for the module and reflect on their learning, respectively.The course culminates with students writing a Personal Action Plan. This plan incorporates areflection on the choices students made as they created their pathways through the course, apersonal engineering statement focusing on the personal qualities that they seek to exhibit as anengineer, a personal vision (one-year or five-year), and the proposed initial step(s) they plan totake in fulfilling that vision.Analysis: How does choice support exploration and self-understanding?This course structure is designed to support the course learning goals. In the subsequent analysis,we investigate the extent to which providing