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Displaying all 12 results
Conference Session
Trends in Energy Conversion and Conservation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Giri Venkataramanan, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Annette Muetze, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
remark on theimpact of the experience as it has been observed with the first generation course participants.Furthermore, other similar activities that have been developed as a result of this course are alsodiscussed.II. Effective PedagogyThe Kolb’s learning style inventory (KLSI) is based on the concept that the learning processfollows a cycle of activities consisting of four distinct segments, namely (a) feeling (throughconcrete experience or CE); (b) thinking (through abstract conceptualization or AC); (c)watching (through reflective observation or RO); and (d) doing (through active experimentation Page 11.101.2or AE)9,10. It is readily
Conference Session
Energy Resources, Efficiency, and Conservation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeri-Anne McKeon
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
quickly.The professional engineers’ licensing examination tests the candidate’s ability to findinformation reliably and quickly by asking questions about many subjects that the studentprobably has not studied. The successful candidate knows the maxim that an engineer is definedby his bookshelf. The candidate will enter the test, as well as his professional career, knowingwhere to find information within the references of his field.Engineering education has not reflected this aspect of engineering practice. Students typicallygain only a passing familiarity with the references that will become their prime professionaltools, and typically acquire their own professional bookshelves only after leaving school. Theheft and high cost of engineering
Conference Session
Energy Curriculum Advancements
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Zietlow, Bradley University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
courses in heat transfer and optimization as well as air conditioning and refrigerationdesign courses. However, any textbook problem can be adapted to accommodate the deductivestrategy by removing the specified inputs for the problem. Page 11.389.2Literature ReviewThe McMaster Problem Solving Program (Woods, et. al., 4/97)1 found the most effective way toteach problem solving skills to students is to use a workshop approach. The key components tothe workshop are an introduction, pre-test, application, and immediate feedback. Students arethen asked to reflect on what they learned in a journal. In the McMaster program they had fourdifferent
Conference Session
Energy Curriculum Advancements
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Somerton, Michigan State University; Andre Benard, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
between the two authors. The syllabus for the firstyear offering (spring 2004) is shown in Attachment 2. The initials following a topic or projectindicate which author took primary responsibility for it. This approach proved to be a veryefficient way to develop course materials.In developing the lectures and projects for the course, it occurred to the authors that in the fieldof alternative energy, the practicing engineer must have an understanding of the political, social,and economic issues associated with alternative energy. These topics were added to the courseand are reflected in the syllabus, both in lecture topics and project assignments.Evolution of the CourseAt the time of submission of this paper, the course has been taught twice
Conference Session
Energy Learning through Simulation and Analysis
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert McMasters, Virginia Military Institute; Michael Sexton, Virginia Military Institute
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
12Question 4.I found the project enhanced my understanding of the course material.Strongly Disagree Disagree neutral Agree Strongly Agree 0 2 9 17 3Question 5.The project was relevant to our study of conduction heat transfer.Strongly Disagree Disagree neutral Agree Strongly Agree 0 0 3 15 13The student survey reflects a highly favorable reaction from the students. There seems to beconsensus that the approach of using a graphic output to a two dimensional temperaturedistribution has enhanced student understanding of
Conference Session
Design Projects in Wind and Solar Energy
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel Lakeou, University of the District of Columbia; Esther Ososanya, University of the District of Columbia; Ben Latigo, University of the District of Columbia; George Karanja, University of the District of Columbia; Wagdy Mahmoud, University of the District of Columbia; Wilfried Oshumare, University of the District of Columbia
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
around the X-axis progressively from June 21 to December 21 in one direction andfrom December 22 to June 20 in the opposite direction.For a simple tracking system, the daily solar tracking is achieved by rotating the array about thesolar tracking axis Y, by equal incremental angular steps ∆ϕ = 150. It is to be noted that thisproposed angular step does not reflect the actual angular step to be performed every month. Infact, the angular step varies from month to month and is location dependent. The programmable Page 11.406.5nature of the proposed design can easily account for these variations. The number of angularsteps covered
Conference Session
Design Projects in Wind and Solar Energy
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Hazel, Rowan University; Peter Mark Jansson
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
atracing. Multiple readings should also be taken. Generally the 4 roof corners are sufficient, whilesometimes due to shading, pictures of the pathfinder must be taken in middle sections of the roof.The data found in each of these readings can be used to find a total yearly average for the entireroof area.To use, place the pathfinder as close to the roof surface as possible and level it. The pathfinder’sreflective dome makes it possible to perform assessments on a less than sunny day. In fact, if theSun is too strong use the field notebook to block the Suns reflection in the pathfinder as shown inFigure 9. Figure 10 is an example of how effectively the pathfinder works on a cloudy, evenraining day. If the pathfinder is completely shaded by
Conference Session
Energy Learning through Simulation and Analysis
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David McDonald, Lake Superior State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
course descriptions included the following topics: • Magnetic circuits (7/8), • Three Phase (3/8), • Transformers (7/8), • Energy Conversion (8/8) • DC & AC Machines (8/8), and • Motor Drives (4/8).This small sample reflects the traditional cross section of an introductory course in the area ofenergy conversion in electrical engineering. The heart of transformer and motor instructioninvolves developing an electrical circuit model, and then using the model to perform loading Page 11.1131.3analysis. Fortunately, the topic areas listed above are suitable for computer-based modeling,simulation, and model validation.The School of
Conference Session
Energy Learning through Simulation and Analysis
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Skvarenina, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
utility generation andtransmission (ECET 331)), an electrical distribution course,4 and two controls courses. Despitethe tradition, the power courses sometimes come into question. One way of defending the powercourses is to make sure they contribute to the program outcomes, which reflect the ABET a-kitems in Table 1. Page 11.94.3As the department prepared for its first accreditation under TC2K, we developed programoutcomes. Later, as the process continued, it was decided that every course in the curriculumshould contribute to some of the outcomes. In order to strengthen the case for ECET 331, Idecided to incorporate a multi-week
Conference Session
Energy Laboratory Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Philip Gerhart, University of Evansville; Andrew Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
accurately reflect experimentalthermal efficiencies, and pointed to future experimental work.For this paper, two more objectives are met, contributing to the conclusions andrecommendations from the first paper. First, a direct assessment (and further indirectassessment) of the Rankine Cycler as a learning tool is performed. Student’s laboratory reportswere evaluated, so that ultimately the equipment can be used in the undergraduate curriculum inthe best possible manner.Inevitably, when a power generation plant is scaled-down and it has few efficiency-enhancingcomponents (e.g. lack of feedwater heaters, etc.), energy losses in components will be magnified,substantially decreasing the cycle efficiency. Although the Rankine Cycler is a useful tool
Conference Session
Energy Resources, Efficiency, and Conservation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarma Pisupati, Pennsylvania State University; Wendy Mahen, PennSylvania State University; Mark Deluca, Pennsylvania State University; Martin Gutowski, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
exams.Comments like “Quizzes didn't always seem to reflect the "important" material presentedin the lessons”, “Quizzes every week. Sometimes the quizzes were completely differentfrom the self assessment”, “the quizzes every week, because they were really difficult,they are more difficult than the exam, which is odd” show that concern.However, the practice questions were changed to multiple choice format midway throughthe semester and a study guide was provided highlighting the important concepts thatstudents need to concentrate on. Comments like – “the tests. I felt a study guide wouldhave helped out and a little later in the course we were provided with one” indicated thatthey like straight forward questions and study guides.Another difference in this
Conference Session
Energy Curriculum Advancements
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Blekhman, Grand Valley State University; Ali Mohammadzadeh, Grand Valley State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation