no practical reason why the broadeneddefinition cannot be applied to B4.1 as well, the B4.1 standard is intended for cylindrical partsonly.When utilizing the metric system it is important to provide students with an understanding of thepreferred numbering system. The preferred numbering system in the inch system is a bitconvoluted. The inch system actually has two preferred numbering systems: • Fractional based: We prefer whole numbers to fractions. We prefer 1/2’s to 1/4’s; 1/4’s to 1/8’s; 1/8’s to 1/16’s, etc. • Decimal based: We prefer whole numbers to decimal increments. We prefer .1’s to .01’s; .01’s to .001’s; .001’s to .0001’s, etc.Knut O. Kveneland is the chair of the ANSI B4.2 standard and the author of Metric
] Moor, S. S., Piergiovanni, P., and Keyser, D., “Design - Build - Test: Flexible process control kits for theclassroom,” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2003, p 7361-7371.[16] Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y., “Web-based Programmable Logic Controller Learning System,” Frontiers inEducation Conference Proceedings, Boston, MA, November 6-9, 2002 (on CD-ROM).[17] Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y., “Animations and Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Programmable Logic ControllerEducation,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(2), 2003.[18] Hsieh, S., “Design of Web-Based Ladder Logic Tool Kit for Programmable Logic Controller Education,”Proceedings of 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, June 12-15, 2005, Portland, OR
forth between pages quickly, it may bebecause he or she wants to know the effect of changing a parameter. This type of analysis isextremely time-consuming, but can be very revealing. Future work will investigate these datamore closely.AcknowledgmentsThis material was supported by National Science Foundation grant number 0238269. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Hsieh, S. "Automated Manufacturing System Integration Education: Current Status and Future Directions," Proceedings of 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, June 12-15, 2005, Portland, OR.2. Schuyler, P.R., Implementing a
. The instructor and the students put all their class and lab time into conducting theprojects for the rest of the semester. They spent approximately 4 hours a week for 8weeks. Teams met to sketch and develop their designs, obtain needed materials, andbegin the production process. Figure 1 shows the conceptual designs and CAD drawingdone by the students after a couple of iterations. The instructor and the project leadershelped to finalize their conceptual designs. Team 1’s idea was to build a ‘multi-activitystation’ which had 4 different activity sites such as waterwheel, foot pump/bubblegenerator, torque converter, and funnel. Team 2’s idea was to build a ‘water pachinkostation’ where children could pump water to the top of the station and
the results of our instructional efforts on a more consistent basis. Page 11.1370.9 Appendix A WAGONS - R - US PART AND ASSEMBLY NUMBERING SYSTEM GENERAL NUMBER FORMATX - YYY - ###The X, is used to identify the general type of item being described. The items and theirdescriptions are: P = Individual Part S = Sub Assembly F = Final AssemblyPart Number FormatX - YYY - ###The first Y, is used to identify the general type of part being described. The parts andtheir descriptions are: P = Flat Panels R = Rods
of changes always keeping in mindcustomer satisfaction. Reduction of defect level and accuracy in production are terms that defineSix Sigma. While people, rather than computers, are the ones who seek for constant innovation andimprovement, executives should be educated and trained. A course in Six Sigma is the base forfuture success in operations. Page 11.508.17 BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Alukal, G., (n.d.), Create a Lean Mean Machine, Retrieved on December 6th 2005 from Anupindi, R., Chopra, S., Deshmukh, S.D., Van Mieghen, J.A. &
University Women (AAUW), (2000), Tech-Savvy: Educating Girls in the new computer age, Washington, D.C.: AUW.2. Anderson, D., Lucas, K. B., Ginns I. S., (2003), “Theoretical Perspectives on Learning in an Informal Setting”, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 177–199.3. Baker, D., (1993), “I Am What You Tell Me to Be: Girls in Science and Mathematics”, in R. J. Hannapel (Ed.), What Research Says About Learning in Science Museums, Washington, DC: Assoc. of Science Technology Centers, Vol 2, pp. 30-34.4. Binns, R., Greenberg, B., S., Holmstrom, A., Lachlan, K., Sherry, J., “Gender and Electronic Game Play”, submitted to Information Communication and Society, retrieved from Department of
Page 11.1069.5 conduct a structured public relations campaign linking the targeted audience(s) to local manufacturers and educational opportunities.The goals of the Dream It! Do It! initiative are impressive and important—and realistic.With a unified message from industry, government, and academia, the manufacturingsector can increase the quality and quantity of workers, including technicians, enteringmanufacturing careers, and thus can experience a resurgence of productivity andcompetitiveness. Negative stereotypes about manufacturing careers can be changed withan increased awareness of manufacturing as a positive career choice, the targetedaudience can be engaged in follow-up activities relative to investigating a manufacturingcareer
production reports are eliminated and incoming and outgoingsigns are provided to allow the stations to be organized well, introducing the concept of 5-S. 5-Sis a Japanese philosophy of workplace organization where the central theme is to have a place foreverything and keep everything in its place, is practiced. In the second round, there is someimprovement in terms of the profit numbers, however the variation in between the forecastedproduction schedule and the actual customer requirement still produces excess inventory inbetween the operations, resulting in substantial chaos within the simulated cell.In the final round, the layout is created with kanbans in between the operations as shown inFigure 3, and the concept of Takt time is introduced. Takt
manufacturing engineering curricula into a substantively new format. The paper concludes with observations and measures of student response gathered in application of the four-stage model in the author’s classes.Context and Continuity: As a formal field for academic preparation, the discipline ofmanufacturing engineering has been evolving for only two or three decades. Through thesponsorship and leadership of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, documents offeringcurricular structuring, suggested course content and focused central learning objectives appearedfrom the mid-1980’s through the 1990’s.1,2,3 Likewise, over the past ten years, competency mapsand gaps for various stages of manufacturing engineering careers have been published by SMEand
and graded to ensure active studentinvolvement. The final tutorial includes creation and generation of an off-line robotics program,which can be sent to a working robot in another location. All students work independently ontheir assignments, but frequently assist one another to overcome problems they encounter.Approximately midway through the ten-week quarter the students are split into teams of three tofive persons for assignment to a company project. Based on individual preferences or companyrestrictions (e.g.; US citizenship) the project is designated and arrangements made for a plantvisit. Typically, a 1-2 hour meeting with the company includes an explanation of their business, ageneral description of the operation(s) to be simulated
. Engineering: An Overview,” The Bridge: Linking Engineering and Society, Fall 2005, National Academy of Engineering, pp. 5-12.11. Swearengen, J.C., S. Barnes, S. Coe, C. Reinhardt, K. Subramanian, “Globalization and the Undergraduate Manufacturing Engineering Curriculum”, Journal of Engineering Education, April 2002, pp. 255-261.12. “The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century (2004),” National Academy of Engineering, available at, last visited January 2006.13. “Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century”, National Academy of Engineering, 2005. Available at (phase I) and http
exposestudents to a layer of system complexity not currently available. This could be accomplishedwith a minimum of hardware and cost.Having a second robot of the same (or similar) size as the current one would also enhance the labactivities in that students could gain experience in safely coordinating two robotic arms.Combining some grant proposal writing and contacting used robot vendors could be a way topursue this, barring another generous donation from industry.Having students design and implement a workcell for the existing industrial robot that performs aspecific task(s) would be yet another way to expand the automation lab capabilities on a limitedbudget, just as past expansions based on student projects have been.All of these potential
. This balancing act then becomesquite a challenge. To address this challenge, a two-tier approach was developed and delivered duringthe Fall 05 term at Robert Morris University to deal with the differing expectations of thestakeholders in the teaching/learning environment as described in Figure 1. This approachis further discussed in this article.3. The Two-Tier Approach The first tier of the teaching plan, called the ‘essential teaching plan’ includes all ofthe essential teaching elements. These elements consist of the following: • Set teaching method(s): The options are lecture, discussion, tutorial, laboratory, mutli-media resources. For different topics, the instructor identifies appropriate teaching methods and
Developing Countries: How well they do and why? Journal of Economic Literature. (38) 1. pp. 11-44.[5] Hajjar, B.A.&.P.J. (1993). Managerial inefficiency in small manufacturing business in Saudi Arabia: a constraint upon economic development. Industry and Development, 32, 39-54.[6] Edwardson, W. (1989). Improvement in the Small-Scale Food Industry in Developing Countries. Industry and Development, 27, 67-79.[7] Kesper, A. (2000). Failing or not Aiming to Grow: Manufacturing SMME's and their contribution to employment growth in South Africa. Urban Forum, 12, 171-203.[8] Wilson, S. R., Ballance, R. & Pogany, J. (1995). Beyond Quality: An agenda for improving manufacturing capabilities in developing countries
incremental dimensioning. The design of the part should also contain linear andcircular paths for the cutter to machine the part. 7. Write the CNC program either in absoluteand/or incremental dimensioning method(s) using G-code. 8. Confirm the program in G-code iscorrect with the instructor.The fabrication sub-module consists of: 1. Load the program in the CNC machining center.Debug the program and verify whether the program is correct for the intended part. 2. Learnhow to operate the CNC machining center by going through the step-by-step operator trainingmanual. 3. Load the part on the vise and go through the operating sequence and run the machineto make the part. 4. Once the part is successfully made, take the part to CMM machine.The measurement
attitudes and beliefs of the millennial generation. Journal of College and Character, 2. 4. Wilson, M.E. (2004) Teaching, learning, and the millennial student in New Directions for Student Services (106), pp59-71. 5. DeBard, R. (2004). Millennials coming to college in New Directions for Student Services (106). pp 33-45. 6. Davis, Douglas A. (January-February, 2003) Academe (89)1 9-22. 7. SAGSET, The Society for the Advancement of Games and Simulations in Education and Training. Site last accessed May 10 2005. 8. Poggenpohl, S (2003) “Communication Spaces: Games - a transactional context.” Creating Communicational Spaces Conference