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2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Justin M. Hutchison; Edward Peltier
thebeginning of the course and expressed a desire to have spent more time selecting a better topic.Second, blind student peer review was incorporated into the discussion project, and again, selectstudents were averse to this type of feedback."Personally, I found the discussion paper to be useful, but I wish I would have picked a bettertopic/paper to write off of. The topic I used was covered in one of the last weeks of class and aftercovering that content, what I had been reading and writing about made so much more sense! Maybea little more discussion about what makes a good paper would be helpful. Even if you decide [on]one topic, picking the actual paper you want to cover is so hard! I think I ended up finding andskimming 20 or 30 papers before
2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Robert C. Knox; Robert W. Nairn
Faculty Presentation - Written Communications (writing style, reference citations)6 10 Faculty Presentation - Project Documents – SAP, HSP, QAPP, Work Plan Peer Evaluations13 11 Draft project documents14 12 Return draft documents © American Society for Engineering Education, 2021 2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference16 13 Final project documents The initial deliverables for the Pre-Capstone class include development of Team Namesand Team Logos. The student teams are then presented with detailed information regarding thescope of the ensuing
2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Randy Kelley; Brandon Dooley
to do better in their coursework than their younger, moretraditionally-aged peers. While it may be enticing to attribute such observationsto the older students merely being more mature, experienced, and focused, couldthere also be other drivers contributing to these trends?Background Many researchers have studied brain development in humans. Untilrecently, the physiology of brain development was not known. It was thoughtthat beyond the prenatal stage, there were no large-scale changes and thatdevelopment continued along a straight-line trajectory. (C., 2009). It turns out,however, that this is not the case. Certain brain regions are now known todevelop faster than others. The emotional capacity of the brain develops anddominates when
2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Michael A. Rother
√1+0.45(1−𝛽)+4𝑓𝐹 𝐷where L is the pipe length,  is the contraction coefficient, fF is the Fanning friction factor, and Dis the pipe diameter. Eqn. (2) does not have an analytical solution, so the students must useEuler’s method or a similar technique for numerical integration. Again, a discharge coefficientcan be included in the analysis, with more sample results in Figure 2b. Although error bars areexpected in the student results, they are not provided in the examples.All of the other experiments require data acquisition and theoretical calculations, withcomparison between the two. Students are expected to do thorough uncertainty analysis as partof their write-up. In
2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Ann Gansemer-Topf; Shan Jiang; Nigel Reuel; Gul Okudan-Kremer; Qing Li; Rebecca Mort; Dong Chen
semester, students presented a project charter on their thesis projects thatdemonstrated their knowledge learned about related PTM skills, approaches to utilizing theseskills in their thesis research, and their learning experiences at the GAPS course. Throughout thesemester they also engaged in reflective writing assignments focused on their application ofskills to their work. A copy of the course syllabus is included in Appendix 1.Purpose of the Paper/Research QuestionsAlthough COVID-19 altered our original intention of in-person course and networkingopportunities, we chose to develop an online course as a way to pilot test some of the materialand assignments. Given the novelty of our approach and project, it was critical to develop anassessment