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Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanne Lax, Purdue University
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Liberal Education
messaging, instant messaging, and email, people arecommunicating with more frequency, speed, and ease than ever before. However, some of thesame characteristics that make electronic communication so appealing to so many young peoplemay be leading to some nonstandard writing in educational and professional contexts.Interestingly enough, a review of the literature reveals few educational efforts to systematicallyteach the correct use of electronic communication. Thus, this paper discusses ways to teachengineering students how to communicate effectively and politely in their email interaction withprofessors, potential employers, peers, and others. An interactive class session has beendeveloped for the discussion and practice of some of the conventions
Conference Session
Writing and Communication II: Practical Perspectives on Teaching and Assessment
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Jernquist, U.S. Coast Guard Academy; David Godfrey, U.S. Coast Guard Academy; Todd Taylor, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
) distill key terms that most professional writersuse to discuss and guide the processes and products of communication for student writers andthemselves. Practice in understanding and applying the terms in various contexts in first-yearcomposition – class discussion, instructor and peer response, consultations with the center’stutors and self-assessment – allows writers to develop a solid foundation with the terms.3 Aswriters progress into their major courses, they appreciate that all writing appeals to an audienceand has a purpose, and these concepts can be adapted to their engineering writing.The charts organize the terms based on the writing and learning processes:3 from larger conceptsof audience, purpose and topic; to formal and structural
Conference Session
Writing and Communication I: Innovative Models for Curriculum and Assessment
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marie Paretti, Virginia Tech; Lisa McNair, Virginia Tech; Diana George, Virginia Tech; kelly belanger, Virginia Tech; Lisa Norris, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
AC 2007-2247: OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT AS A SITE OF INTEGRATION: ABETMEETS THE COUNCIL OF WRITING PROGRAM ADMINISTRATORSMarie Paretti, Virginia Tech Marie Paretti is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she co-directs the Virginia Tech Engineering Communications Center (VTECC).Lisa McNair, Virginia Tech Lisa McNair is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she co-directs the Virginia Tech Engineering Communications Center (VTECC).Diana George, Virginia Tech Diana George is a Professor of English at Virginia Tech, where she directs the First-Year Writing Program.kelly belanger, Virginia Tech Kelly Belanger is an Associate
Conference Session
Writing and Communication I: Innovative Models for Curriculum and Assessment
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
April Kedrowicz, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
concepts. In addition,students’ formal reports are peer reviewed and student teams are required to meet with thewriting instructor to receive detailed feedback on the team formal report. Finally, students reviewtheir videotaped presentations from the Fall semester and are required to meet for a rehearsalsession with the oral communication instructor prior to delivering their oral proposal in class.In summary, chemical engineering students receive intensive communication instruction duringtheir two semester senior projects lab sequence. They write a variety of documents, bothindividually and as a team, and practice their informative and persuasive speaking bothindividually and as a team. It is hoped that this intensive instruction will prepare
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Meyer, Clarkson University; Dick Pratt, Clarkson University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
̇ Increased understanding of and insight building effective relationships with peers, being a into personal behavior collaborative team member, and identifying and ̇ Appreciation of the need for self- managing team conflict. motivated, life-long learning ̇ Increased social awareness and 2. Students should identify moral and ethical dilemmas interpersonal competence, including an and problems in situations typically encountered within appreciation for the value of the student’s profession, and provide an analysis of these experiencing diversity from different ethical perspectives. ̇ Understanding of and recognition of the
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary and Liberal Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Martello, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Jonathan Stolk, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
schoolshave implemented integrative courses or course blocks that build important connections amongtechnical and non-technical topics and that develop an understanding of the significance ofcontext on technology,30,31,32,33 but the effects of the content integration are not entirely clear.Some literature reports that students in integrated courses often fail to make connectionsbetween technical and liberal arts topics,34 while other reports cite an increased student interestin broader contexts, an enhanced awareness of humanistic considerations in engineering, andimproved skill development in writing and critical thinking.35,36,37 Despite promising reportsfrom those involved in delivering and assessing integrated technical curricula, carefulmeasures