AC 2007-558: IMPROVING RETENTION BY IMPLEMENTING OUTCOMEBASED DESIGN EXPERIENCE IN A SOPHOMORE COURSES. Perwez Kalim, Wilkes University S. Perwez Kalim Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wilkes University, Wilkes Barre, PA 18766 Page 12.859.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Improving Retention by Implementing Outcome Based Design Experience in a Sophomore CourseABSTRACT The student retention in the private institutions is, in general, a difficult problem tohandle and even more difficult to manage in the engineering programs. This study reports howthe
: c ? 1.25 (5) dSolution of (4) and (5) results in: c ? 200 o andd ? 160 o (6)It can be easily shown that the angle, through which the coupler rotates when themechanism moves from the first toggle condition to the next toggle condition is: c /d ij ? ? 20 o (7) 2This is achieved through crank rotation of: s j ? c ? 200 o (8
Page 12.1274.2© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Service-Learning in Core Courses throughout a Mechanical Engineering CurriculumAbstractService-Learning (S-L) has been shown to be effective on a large number of cognitiveand affective measures for college students. S-L is a pedagogy in which student learningobjectives and real community needs are met in a credit-bearing course. In engineeringthe integration of S-L into any courses, much less existing core courses in a curriculumdoes not match the penetration in other disciplines. The Mechanical Engineering (ME)Department at the University of Massachusetts Lowell has incorporated S-L projects intocore courses so that every student has at least one
torsional spring and torsional damper atthe base is given below (see FIGURE 1). l ml 2s%% - Cs% - Gs / mg sin(s ) ? 0 2 (1) s l Rigid rod – Moment of g inertia about pin: ml 2 3 Torsional spring
Thermodynamic properties of Thermodynamic properties of water and moist airPhase Change SubstancesA consistent naming scheme was chosen for the phase change fluids. The function calls for R-22, ammonia, and propane begin with the variable to be determined, followed by an underscore,followed by the independent property(s), followed by a fluid identifier (R22, NH3, or C3H8),followed finally by the values of the independent property(s) in parenthesis. Figure 1 presentsthe format of function calls for the phase change substances. The functions require that allindependent properties be entered with the appropriate absolute units. a_bc XX (b, c) Returned
find the numerical solution directly from the aboveequation and initial conditions. Matlab code using Symbolic Toolbox and the response plot areshown in Figure 2. % Solve the ode and assign the solution to variable 'x' x = dsolve('D2x + 2*Dx + 5*x = 3','Dx(0) = 0','x(0) = 0','t') % Plot the response from 0 to 5 seconds ezplot(x, [0,7]) % Assign labels to axes and a title to the plot xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Response by dsolve') % Plot gridlines grid on % Define axis axis([0 7 0 0.8]); Figure 2 - Matlab code using Symbolic Toolbox and response plotingTwo approaches are introduced to the students to find the solution of an ODE in Simulink. Thefirst one is based on
daemon,# identified by the full daemon path listed below. Paste (Ctrl_v) the saved TEST-Code on this I/O Panel,# click Load and then Super-Calculate to recover the solution. You can email a solution in this manner.############################################################################################## Daemon Path: Test>Daemons>Systems>Open>SteadyState>Specific>RefrigCycle>PC-Model; Version: v-8.0bj04##--------------------Start of TEST-Codes----------------------------------------------------------------------------- States { State-1: H2O; Given: { p1= 12.5 MPa; T1= 550 deg-C; Vel1= 0.0 m/s; z1= 0.0 m; mdot1= 24.0 kg/s; }\ State-2: H2O; Given: { p2= 20.0 kPa; s2= "s1
is also being continually reduced. Returning to the purpose of this paper we can now surmise that it would be very usefulif, as we undertook our energy transfers, we could use a gage to quantify the degradationof energy ‘quality’ through our various processes or systems. A rapidly rising entropyreading would alert us to areas of high energy degradation and also allow us to comparedifferent processes more appropriately.Entropy. It turns out that there exists a property called Entropy which can be used as an indicatorof how the quality of energy is being degraded. This is the property our imaginary gagemust measure. Just like our first law equation this property can be placed into the Reynolds TransportEquation : DS •S
. Page 12.675.11 10References[1] Felder, R. M. & Silverman, L. K., (1988), “How Students Learn: Adapting Teaching Styles to Learning Styles”, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, p. 489.[2] Felder, R. M., (1993), “Reaching the Second-Tier Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education”, Journal of College Science, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 286-290.[3] Wang, S.-L., (1996), “Mechanism Simulation with Working Model”, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.[4] Slater, K. & Gramoll, K., (1995), “Vibration Visualization using Longitudinal Vibration Simulator (LVS)”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual
experimental design, data collection, and data analysis; (q) acompetence in the use of computational tools; (r) a knowledge of chemistry; and (s)knowledge of calculus-based physics.Outcome can be assessed at the “program level” [2] using standardized testing such asfundamental of engineering exam, or it can be pursued at the “course level”. To ensure theteaching quality of the outcome based mechanical engineering program, systematicassessment of engineering curriculum is needed. More importantly, faculty needs to improveteaching techniques so that the student learning of each course can be measured againstprogram outcomes. In the past eight years, the current authors have developed a technique to
Energy is extensive, and changes in kinetic and potential energy are negligible, ∆E = ∆U = ∆U s + ∆U f + ∆U w + ∆U B (2)where subscripts, s = test sample f = fuse wire
operating at29 m/s. The results for the pressure coefficient distribution around half of the cylinder are shownin Fig. 3. 1.5 0.5 Pressure Coefficient, Cp -0.5 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Measured Inviscid -1.5 FlowLab -2.5 -3.5 Angle on Cylinder from
for enforcement in 2012. The snowmobile design and performance was publishedin a technical paper which was presented by the faculty advisor and one of the students at aprofessional society conference.5 Further, because the use of ethanol as a fuel is important tofarmers, this applied research was supported by a grant from the Michigan Corn Growers 300 B ra k e S p e c ific E m is s io n s (g /K W -h r) 250 200 150 100
Propulsion. The MechanicalEngineering Department is committed to prepare students in these options, to work efficientlyfor various industries and government.The basic criteria of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) for theengineering program’s outcome and assessment requires that graduates must havedemonstrated abilities (ABET Criteria 3, a-k1), in mathematics, science, engineering, design,data analysis, teamwork, ethics, communications, and life-long learning. In addition to ABET3(a-k) requirements, the Mechanical Engineering program at AAMU was designed to meetthe additional requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, criteria (l-s),which require that graduating students must have knowledge about
(3)Equation (3) is solved numerically. Also, since Equation (3) is cubic, it has three roots, and thephysics of the problem need to be discussed to find the acceptable root.3. The data given in Table 1 needs to be regressed to develop a relationship between thecoefficient of thermal expansion and temperature. Questions include choosing the optimumdegree of polynomial for the regression model by plotting S r /(n − [m + 1]) vs. m, where Sr = the sum of the square of the residuals, n = the number of data points, and m = order of the polynomial.The order of polynomial for which S r /(n − [m + 1]) is minimum or does not change appreciablyis the optimum order of the polynomial.4. Regression models obtained using default Excel
local industry-driven and applicable (that would require excellent connections with local industry)Creativity Include principles of research as a 1-2 credit subject (not only capstone research project), possibly following the applied sciences format and experience in undergrad research. Special course(s) on innovations and inventions.Communication skills Team work and individual presentations of reports and papers (publishing the capstone/special projects in a typical format for engineering papers)Business and
∫ h(v, k , c) ⋅ 8760 ⋅ v3 ⋅ dv (8) 0The best way to assimilate the aforementioned is to consider some example problems.Wind Energy ExamplesExample 1Find Vmode, Vmean, Vrmc , the power density available distribution, and the power extracted per m2for a wind turbine at a site which possesses a Weibull wind distribution with c = 15 m/s and k =1.5. The density is 1.225 kg/m3.Solution:A graphical representation of the Weibull distribution for k = 1.5 and c = 15 m/sec is presented inFigure 2. The mode, the most probable wind speed, occurs at 7.21 m/sec. The mean wind speedand the root-mean-cube speed are defined in Eqs. (2) and (4), respectively. The arithmetic forthis example is
General PM Test; DFEM Only, 2001-2005 Page 12.260.5 65 Average % Correct 60 55 50 er er s s
AC 2007-195: TEACHING PSYCHROMETRY TO UNDERGRADUATESMichael Maixner, U.S. Air Force AcademyJames Baughn, University of California-Davis Michael Rex Maixner graduated with distinction from the U. S. Naval Academy, and served as a commissioned officer in the USN for 25 years; his first 12 years were spent as a shipboard officer, while his remaining service was spent strictly in engineering assignments. He received his Ocean Engineer and SMME degrees from MIT, and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. He served as an Instructor at the Naval Postgraduate School and as a Professor of Engineering at Maine Maritime Academy; he is currently a member of the
t A A s B X B y C X C n D X X D n E X E X n F X X F s G X X G s H X X H s I X I g J X X J t K X K Page 12.1450.7 Figure 5. Design Structure Matrix 62.4 Needs-Functional RelationshipThe
Technology BRIAN S. MATHEWS Brian S. Mathews is a public services librarian and liaison to the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the Library’s Distance Learning Services Coordinator. Mathews received his Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of South Florida in 2001. Page 12.989.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Is it Real or is it Memorex?: A Distance Learning ExperienceAbstractDistance learning in engineering education is
: The design of a co-generation power system supplying steam for a textile factory making fabrics for Mugatu Inc.’s “Derelicte Campaign” and producing 50 MW of power [14].2) Related to Cartoon Network’s animated Squidbillies: The design of a 100 MW power plant to provide power for Dan Halen Inc.’s future “Glug: Pine-Cone Liquor” distillery to be located in northwest Georgia [15].Each of the topics has great potential. While the movie Zoolander (2001) is already six yearsold, the co-generation system for Mugatu’s “Derelicte” campaign has excellent opportunities forcycle design assignments. The Zoolander premise would also allow the use of excellent adapted
, she develops and oversees accreditation processes and assessment procedures. Dr. Wells teaches courses in Aerodynamics, Aircraft Design, Rotorcraft Performance, Flight Mechanics, Vibrations, and Acoustics. Page 12.82.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 A New Required Senior Course: The Engineering Profession S. Trimble, R. Bengelink, and V. Wells Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona State University
there was an increased level of awareness of the students’learning, and that awareness will be used in other courses.6. Bibliography1. Shuman, L. J., Besterfield-Sacre, M. and McGoury, J., “The ABET “Professional Skills”- Can They Be Taught?Can They Be Assessed?,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, No. 1, January 2005, pp. 41-55.2. Roselli, R. J. and Brophy S. P., “Effectiveness of Challenge-Based Instruction in Biomechanics,” Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 95, No. 4, October 2006, pp. 311-324.3. Wankat, P., “A Push for Participation,” PRISM, Vol. 15, No. 5, January 2006, pp. 39.4. Jawaharlal, Mariappan, Fan, Uei-Jiun and Monemi, Saeed, “Implementing Service-Learning in EngineeringCurriculum,” Presented at the 2006 ASEE Annual
choiceof the external analysis type option. Next, air was chosen as the default fluid. A computationaldomain with the same size as the wind tunnel test section was chosen for numerical simulations.The size of the computational domain in the streamwise direction was 0.3 m in front of theleading edge and 0.548 m after the trailing edge. In order to get a reasonable calculation time, a2D plane steady flow calculation was selected. A free stream velocity of 20 m/s, a wall surfaceroughness of 100 micrometer and a turbulence intensity of 1% were chosen for the settingsfollowing the CosmosFloWorks wizard. Figure 5 shows the pressure distribution around theairfoil with a clear low-pressure bubble above the airfoil and a stagnation region close to
d x dx & EQUATION OF MOTION m - c - kx ? f ( t ) 2 dt 2 dt 1 /|yt NUMERICAL PROCESSING h(t ) ? e sin yd t DISPLACEMENT INTEGRATION / DIFFERENTIATION myd a1 a1* h (s
Admissions Department, Personal Interview, November 2006.4. Tri-State University Mechanical Engineering Curriculum, , January 2007.5. S. Kiefer, Personal Website, , January 2007.6. S. Kiefer, Personal Website, , January 2007.7. Trinity College Fire-fighting Robot Competition, , January 2007. Page 12.1180.8
application for the patent involvingvibration.Nomenclature A - Amplitude of Vibration, mm, Cp- Specific Heat, J/kg 0C, f - Frequency of Vibration, Hz., F- Heating Surface Area, m2, G - Mass of solids in the container (eq.17), or mass of air in the volume of height h, (eq.3), kg, g -Acceleration of gravity, m/s2 , h - Height of air below the layer of particulates, m, or convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 0C, k-Coefficient of gas permeability, kg/m sec., m- Mass of particulates, kg., Pa -Absolute pressure of air above the layer, Pa., Pi -Absolute pressure of air below the layer, Pa., R- Gas constant, J/kg K, r- Latent Heat of Evaporation, J/kg., s- Height of the Dense Layer of Solids in the Container, mm, T- Absolute
tomimic the educational structure in professions such as medicine and law.References 1. Keith, J., “ASSISTANT PROFESSORHOOD: YOUR VERY OWN STARTUP COMPANY” in the Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, paper 2006-105, June 2006. 2. Rose, A., “Career Options in Engineering Education”, in the Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, paper 2006-1826, June 2006. 3. Schneiderman, S. and Hall, T., Actionable Professional Development Guidelines for Engineering Technology Faculty” in the Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, paper 2006-79, June 2006. 4. Aghayere, A., “Strategies for Enhancing the Scholarly Productivity of Engineering Technology Educators” in the Proceedings of the
, 3. Verify numerical results (lab week 10 of the semester) a. Design AMP center FSW experiment, b. Conduct experiment, c. Document data, 4. Report (hand in last week of semester). Figure 2. Depiction of FSWThe project encompasses several elements of heat transfer covered early in the semesterincluding: 1. Steady and transient conduction, 2. Boundary conditions, 3. Convection, 4. Heat generation.AMP Deliverables – A final report(s) will be delivered to the director of AMP. Includedin the report will be a documentation of the energy transferred from the FSW pin to thework piece and the accompanying machine thermal efficiency (based upon the measuredtorque and pin speed