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Displaying results 271 - 300 of 1069 in total
Conference Session
Engineering Student Involvement in K-12 Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jed Lyons, University of South Carolina; Veronica Addison, University of South Carolina; Stephen Thompson, University of South Carolina
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
the multidisciplinary aspect ofengineering related activities in order to show connections between math and science.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Page 12.785.10Foundation under Grant Number 0440568. All opinions expressed withinare the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. National Science Foundation, NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows In K-12 Education (GK-12) A. Caicedo, J. Lyons, S. Thompson, (2006) “Investigating Outcomes for GK-12 Teacher Partners and GK-12
Conference Session
IE and EM Program Mangement
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Hagenberger, Valparaiso University; Peter Johnson, Valparaiso University; Doug Tougaw, Valparaiso University; Jeffrey Will, Valparaiso University; Mark Budnik, Valparaiso University; Kathleen Sevener, Valparaiso University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition (2004).14. A. C. Estes, R. W. Welch, and K. F. Meyer , “Will Ten Pounds Fit into a Five Pound Bag?,” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition (2005).15. S. H. VanderLeest, “Advocating Breadth in a World of Depth,” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition (2005).16. B. R. Thompson, “The MS in Engineering Management at Milwaukee School of Engineering: An Update,” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition (2005).17. S. Viswanathan and H. E. Evans, “Creating a Differentiated, Relevant, and
Conference Session
Mechanical Design and Projects
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jyhwen Wang, Texas A&M University; Richard Harris, Sandia National Laboratories
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
professional development project described in this paper. Sandia is a multi-programlaboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company for the United StatesDepartment of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.References1. Shigley, J. E., Mischke, C. R., and Budynas, R. G., Mechanical Engineering Design, 7th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2004.2. Bachnak, R., Verma, S., and Coppinger, T., “Restructuring the Capstone Course Leads to Successful Projects,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Section 1647, June 2005.3. Burbank, K., Holcomb, J., Cooper-Duffy, K., and Prohn, JK., “A Wheelchair Navigation System as a Collaborative Senior Project,” Proceedings of the
Conference Session
Our Future in Manufacturing
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Danny Bee, University of Wisconsin-Stout; Bob Meyer, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Tagged Divisions
mechanical engineering at Michigan Technological University, developing research in the area of environmentally responsible design and manufacturing.Bob Meyer, University of Wisconsin-Stout Page 12.1130.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Opportunities and Challenges for Manufacturing EngineeringAbstractDuring the decades of the 1980’s and 1990’s, the development of undergraduate and graduatemanufacturing engineering programs advanced and legitimized the manufacturing engineeringdiscipline. With recent perceived loss of manufacturing production to oversees locations and thecontinued public perception of
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Industrial Technology
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wesley Stone, Western Carolina University; Zachary Kuhn, Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
the data matrix lies from the center of the galvo workspace; thelow setting is directly in the center and the high setting is 20 mm to the right of center. Finally,LED intensity is a setting on the camera that reads the barcode with 130 being on the low end ofthe recommended range and 160 on the upper end.The following machine parameters remained constant throughout this DOE: • Coupon Type: Black anodized aluminum at .47 mm thick • Barcode Size: 1mm x 1mm • Barcode Text: OXFORD LASERS • Laser Beam: 266 nm • Foreground on barcode camera: White • Beam movement: Galvo • Pen style: 1 (100 mm/s) • Hatches used: 1 (Horizontal) and 2 (Vertical) • Distance from center movement: X axis only • Fluorescent lights inside laser: On
Conference Session
Innovations in Mechanical Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nihad Dukhan, University of Detroit Mercy; Michael Jenkins, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
there was an increased level of awareness of the students’learning, and that awareness will be used in other courses.6. Bibliography1. Shuman, L. J., Besterfield-Sacre, M. and McGoury, J., “The ABET “Professional Skills”- Can They Be Taught?Can They Be Assessed?,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, No. 1, January 2005, pp. 41-55.2. Roselli, R. J. and Brophy S. P., “Effectiveness of Challenge-Based Instruction in Biomechanics,” Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 95, No. 4, October 2006, pp. 311-324.3. Wankat, P., “A Push for Participation,” PRISM, Vol. 15, No. 5, January 2006, pp. 39.4. Jawaharlal, Mariappan, Fan, Uei-Jiun and Monemi, Saeed, “Implementing Service-Learning in EngineeringCurriculum,” Presented at the 2006 ASEE Annual
Conference Session
Experiences in Teaching Energy Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Noel Schulz, Mississippi State University; Herbert Ginn, Mississippi State University; Stanislaw Grzybowski, Mississippi State University; Anurag Srivastava, Mississippi State University; Jimena Bastos, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
, confusing the truesubject matter. This often occurs since without standardized partitioning of the control levels thevarious control sub-components are intertwined. Page 12.1276.8 iR R u RS uTR iS S u ST iT T u i System Level Control iRc iSc iTc ic Application Level
Conference Session
Engineering Professional Development for K-12 Teachers – II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruce Gehrig, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Lyndon Abrams, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Deborah Bosley, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; James Conrad, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Stephen Kuyath, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Dawn Denney, Northwest Cabarrus High School; Kelly Teague, J.M. Robinson High School; Bill Welch, J.M. Robinson High School
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
ingroups and prefer same-sex groups over mixed group settings.20 They also prefer problem-centered and socially relevant topics and activities.2,3,4 Research also indicates that females andminority students tend to prefer cooperative activities over competitions.22,23In addition, STEM students from underrepresented groups have identified cultural factors ashaving the greatest impact on their retention. This seems to beg attention for enhanced culturalunderstanding by those who are responsible for supporting students and mentoring thesedeveloping professionals.14 Multicultural counseling and teaching has emerged as a concern overthe years. In the early 1990’s multicultural competencies for human services were developed.24These competencies centered
Conference Session
Engineering, Engineers and Setting Public Policy
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Bodde, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
AC 2007-735: SPEAKING TECH TO POWERDavid Bodde, Clemson University Dr. David L. Bodde Dr. Bodde is a professor of engineering and business at Clemson University and a Senior Fellow at Clemson’s Spiro Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership. Dr. Bodde serves on the Board of Directors of a variety of companies: Great Plains Energy (a diversified energy company and electric utility), the Commerce Funds (a mutual fund), and several privately held ventures. His past experience includes Vice President of the Midwest Research Institute, Assistant Director of the U. S. Congressional Budget Office, and Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Department of Energy. He recently
Conference Session
EMD Recruitment and Certification
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
loyalty, improvequality, improve working conditions, improve employee job satisfaction, improve theirreputation, improve profits, and improve stakeholder returns. Things are never simply ‘goodenough’ for them; there is always room for improvement.Those organizations that have adopted this approach to quality are better off and more able tosuccessfully compete in today’s highly competitive global economy. They have become theleaders in their field. However, those organizations that have ignored the benefits of TQM willbecome the laggards in their field, struggling to survive right up to the time they go out ofbusiness.Bibliography1. Bailey, S. K. (1968). Objectives of the theory of public administration. Monograph of American Academy of
Conference Session
Design Experiences in Energy Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Alvarado, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
G G G G Construction E E E G E E groupLegend: E-Excellent G-Good S-Satisfactory NI-Needs improvement U-UnacceptableBased on the qualitative assessment of both groups as shown in Table 2, it is evident that thestudents were able to satisfactorily meet the stated objectives. The second group obtained abetter rating because they showed a higher commitment to the project and took the initiative topropose design modifications. The design and construction of the GSHP showed the students’ability to deal with a relatively-complex real-life application with little supervision. From thestudents’ point of view
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Garcia, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
thisis to deploy a passive tap with minimal effect on network operations. The sensor is deployed onthis tap between the external firewall and the internal network such that it can monitor all thetraffic that enters (and departs) over that connection. This allows the sensor to examine all of thedata associated with the external link so that it can be effectively used to monitor incoming (andoutgoing) attacks. The snort machine is located at the main router on campus, which is connectedto the Internet by a 100Mb/s full-duplex Ethernet link. Data was collected on the network tapover a period of one week by running Snort in a stealthy packet logging mode.The goal of the analysis is to create descriptive information from the raw TCPDUMP files, thento
Conference Session
Innovative K-12 Engineering Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Summer Dann Johnson; Warren Waggenspack, Louisiana State University; Brenda Nixon, Louisiana State University; Daivon Craft, Louisiana State University; Cheryle Peters, Louisiana State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. Historical and current data indicate that the need for science and engineering careers isincreasing, yet the number of students choosing and completing traditional science degrees isdecreasing. The decrease in students choosing and/or being qualified to enter science andengineering fields is continuing even with the programs geared towards increasing awarenessand preparedness. The gap between students entering science and engineering (S&E) fields andgraduating to meet the S&E employment needs was first noted in the early 1990’s. Manyresearchers suggested that recruitment and retention into the qualitative science fields shouldinclude women and minorities to assist in filling in the employment gap. Since a large numberof women and minorities
Conference Session
Perspectives for Women Faculty
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Sheridan, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Eve Fine, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jessica Winchell, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Christine Pribbenow, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Molly Carnes, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jo Handelsman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
try and control for a variable such as “committed to diversity”, we compiled someadditional evidence that compares data from the one college that mandated attendance in2005 (the College of Letters & Sciences (L&S)) to other departments in the University.Because the Dean of L&S made attendance at the Searching for Excellence & Diversityworkshops mandatory in 2005 before he would release a faculty position, for the first timewe encountered workshop participants who were actively antagonistic to the messages andspirit of the workshop. Yet, even though some participants in L&S may not have been“committed to diversity”, L&S still showed increases in their offers to women andminorities, and the percentage of new hires who
Conference Session
Gender and Accessibility Issues in K-12 Engineering Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Krause, Arizona State University; Veronica Burrows, Arizona State University; Judy Sutor, Arizona State University; Marilyn Carlson, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
/Ethnic Sensitive Engineering Activities and Career Guidance.” Just a single componentof the usual five-component topic format was used. This was the presentation of literaturefindings on possible types of classroom engineering activities with gender/minority sensitivityfor awareness of future courses and careers related to engineering disciplines. Such suggestedactivities included: 1) take apart (and maybe rebuild) items such as appliances, cell phones, andcomputers; 2) learn about the engineering design process in terms of how a component(s) of afamiliar system, such as a bicycle or running shoe, are engineered from concept tomanufacturing; 3) redesign common household objects to meet the needs of children, women/minorities, and the elderly; 4
Conference Session
Engineering in High Schools
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sibel Uysal, Arizona State University; Sharon Kurpius-Robinson, Arizona State University; Dale Baker, Arizona State University; Stephen Krause, Arizona State University; Chell Roberts, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
emphasized emphasized emphasized3 = main goal of the activity2 = fairly well addressed Page 12.902.81 = slightly addressed0 = not addressed at allRepresentation of Female Role Models in ScienceOne of our findings during the analysis of the data was the absence of a balanced representationof females and males in the course's activities and speakers. We determined this by analyzing theactivities which Mr. Q. used in the classroom: videos, guest speakers, and the selection of topicsof the various activities and Mr. Q.’s awareness of gender issues.None of the selected videos included female
Conference Session
FPD5 -- Placement & Early Success
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Jaeger, Northeastern University; Susan Freeman, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
learning modes used to overcome thelearning-style mismatch include active learning, collaborative and cooperative learning, and Page 12.560.3problem- or project-based learning7,1.Table 1. Dimensions of Learning Styles6 (Felder & Brent, 2004) Dimension Types of Learners within each Dimension Perception Sensing/Sensors Intuitive/Intuitors Input Modality Visual(s) Verbal(s) Processing Active(s) Reflective(s) Understanding Sequential(s
Conference Session
Innovative K-12 Engineering Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Roger Tormoehlen, Purdue University; Jeffrey Nagle, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
viasynchronous, two-way IP video.Based on the findings of the study in comparison of the two methodologies, it was found thatparticipants in both the traditional, face-to-face methodology and the synchronous, two-way IPvideo methodology were able to increase knowledge and hands-on skills from pretest to posttest.Additionally, the study found there to be no statistically significant difference in participants’knowledge or skill gains between the two educational methodologies.IntroductionThe 4-H program got its start in the early 1900’s in youth corn clubs. Over time, these corn clubsand other similar clubs became of interest to Cooperative Extension Service educators. Theeducators discovered teaching youth new and innovative techniques could help to
Conference Session
Freshman Design and Other Novel Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michele Temple, University of California-San Diego; Peter Chen, University of California-San Diego; Robert Sah, University of California-San Diego
Tagged Divisions
). Page 12.1347.124. "Engineering Education for a Changing World," A Joint Project by the Engineering Deans Council and Corporate Roundtable, American Society for Engineering Education, Washington DC (1994).5. S. Bishop and M. Besterfield-Sacre, "Freshman Engineering Leadership Team: Student Mentors for Recruitment and Retention," American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Washington DC (1996).6. D. Calkins, D. Plumb, S. Hawkins and M. Coney, "Technical Communications Based Freshman Design Engineering Course," American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1994).7. S. Keilson, "Freshman Design on a Shoestring," American Society for Engineering
Conference Session
CE Poster Session in Exhibit Hall
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Candace Sulzbach, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
THROUGH THE CONCRETE CANOE COMPETITION Page 12.665.2 ABSTRACTConcrete Canoe – will it float? With the correct mix of cement, water, aggregate, andadmixtures in addition to “Stamina, Teamwork, Strength, Imagination and Commitment,” yes,it will!The use of concrete to make a canoe is an unusual application of a common building material.In the 1970’s when some civil engineering college students decided to build a canoe usingreinforced concrete, concrete boats were not an entirely new idea. In 1848, Joseph Louis Labotof France built the first concrete dingy. The first ocean-going concrete ship was an 84-footlong boat constructed
Conference Session
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Non-traditional Ways to Engage Students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen High, Oklahoma State University; Paul Rossler, Oklahoma State University; Martin High, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
-Engineering curriculum. Dr. High is involved with the development of an undergraduate entrepreneurship program at Oklahoma State University.Paul Rossler, Oklahoma State University PAUL E. ROSSLER directs the Engineering and Technology Management Program and co-directs the Legal Studies in Engineering Program at Oklahoma State University and is an Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management. He is a licensed professional engineer and holds a M.S. and Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Virginia Tech.Martin High, Oklahoma State University MARTIN S. HIGH founded and co-directs the Legal Studies in Engineering Program at Oklahoma State University and is an Associate Professor of
Conference Session
Enhancing K-12 Mathematics Education with Engineering
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Celina Bochis, University of Alabama; Steven Hsia, University of Alabama; Pauline Johnson, University of Alabama; Karen Boykin, University of Alabama; Sandra Wood, University of Alabama; Larry Bowen, University of Alabama; Kevin Whitaker, University of Alabama
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
preference for Arts and Science across the data with UAshowing the highest percentage enrolment compared to the state and national data (data fromU.S. Department of Education, Alabama Commission on Higher Education and The Universityof Alabama) [1], [7], [8].Table 1. Distribution of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Doctoral Granting Colleges as ofFall 2005 (Percentages unless otherwise noted) [1], [7], [8] College Enrolment/Total State of Alabama National UA University Enrolment (including UA) Engineering 5.8 11.3 9.2 A&S/Total
Conference Session
FPD5 -- Placement & Early Success
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Papadopoulos; Karen Brucks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Eric Key, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ethan Munson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; K Vairavan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
of 1998. Itis administered by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Undergraduate Education(DUE). The program was modified in 2004 and is now known as the Scholarships in Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Program. The CSEMS Program supportsacademically talented students, financially needy students for study in the “targeted disciplines”of computer science, engineering, and mathematics; the S-STEM program will additionallysupport study in other natural sciences. Although metrics of financial need are established by thefederal government, participating institutions interpret thresholds for academic merit andfinancial need based on local circumstances. In addition to supporting students with financialneed, the
Conference Session
Perspectives for Women Faculty
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrienne Minerick, Mississippi State University; Mara Wasburn, Purdue University; Valarie young, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
canslow the tenure clock for women, work in the mid-1990’s showed that very few of them actuallytake parental leave for fear that their senior colleagues will hold it against them.23,24While childbearing has received some attention in the form of policies designed to assist womenprofessors, little if any attention has been paid to the effects of child rearing.25 Significantly moremen than women with children under the age of six achieve tenure. Many women assistantprofessors are cognizant of this additional disadvantage and are choosing to postpone havingchildren. Almost half of them say the decision was made because of their careers. A 2006survey of 4,400 ladder rank faculty found that 40 percent of women said they had fewer childrenthan they
Conference Session
Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Cottrell, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
AC 2007-2456: OUTREACH INITIATIVE FOR RECRUITING WOMEN TOENGINEERING: DOING A GOOD DEED FOR GIRL SCOUTSDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina-Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer and has taught courses in statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, graphic communications, engineering
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ian Papautsky, University of Cincinnati; Ali Asgar Bhagat, University of Cincinnati
AC 2007-2482: NSF CCLI: A PROBLEM-BASED MICROFLUIDICSLABORATORY COURSE FOR UNDERGRADUATESIan Papautsky, University of Cincinnati IAN PAPAUTSKY received his Ph.D. in bioengineering from the University of Utah in 1999. He is currently a tenured Associate Professor of in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. His research and teaching interests include application of MEMS and microfluidics to biology and medicine.Ali Asgar Bhagat, University of Cincinnati ALI ASGAR S. BHAGAT received his M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2006, and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. His research interests include microfluidics
Conference Session
Applied Mathematics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Johann Misterio, William Dickinson High School; Krshna Ravindra, Johns Hopkins University; Rene D Rivero, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Henry McCloud, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Levelle Burr-Alexander, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Nuggehalli Ravindra, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
twigs and leaves. Hence, thesmaller parts of a tree appear to have the same structure as the whole. Until Benoit Mandelbrot3,Gaston Julia11 and Pierre Fatou12 discovered self-similar structures in iterative mappings, suchstructures had gone largely unnoticed. Beginning in the late 1910's and into the 1920's, Julia11and Fatou12 led the study of these self-similar structures. At that time, there were no computersto produce the images that we see today. Consequently, interest in fractals was restricted to thosevery few individuals who could in some sense understand the mathematics behind the picturesthat are drawn today.Although Mandelbrot3 invented the word fractal, many of the objects featured in The FractalGeometry of Nature had been previously
Conference Session
How to Effectively Teach Using Teams
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Subhi Bazlamit, Ohio Northern University; Farhad Reza, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. 90 no. 7 (Oct) p. 36-42 3. McKee, Sally A.; Kubarek, Diane M. Real-World Engineering: A Course for Masters Students Headed for Industry Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference. v. 2 (2003) p. F1E16-F1E21 Engineering as a Human Endeavor: Partnering Community, Academia, Government, and Industry. Westminster, CO, United States, Nov 5-8 2003. Sponsored by IEEE Education Society, IEEE Computer Society, And American Society for Engineering Education, The University of Colorado. Conference code: 62139 4. Aglan, H. A., Ali, S. F. October 1996,“Hands –On Experiences: An Integral Part of Engineering Curriculum Reform”, Journal of Engineering Education, pp 327-330. 5. Goldberg, D.E., April 1996, “Change in
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Odete Lopes, Politecnico de Viseu; Joao Vinhas, Politecnico de Viseu; Joao Paiva, Politecnico de Viseu
Tagged Divisions
) em que realiza uma expansão isotérmica. No final deste processo o volume específico do ar é de 0,3119 m3/kg. Qual a 1040 KJ/kg D) transferência de calor que teve lugar? (a) 12,17 kJ; (b) 13,17 kJ; (c) 14,22 kJ; (d) 15,22 kJ; (e) 16,30 kJ. 2 2. (2,0 val.) Um caudal de 3 kg/s de querosene líquido com um calor específico de 2,0 kJ/kgºC entra numa tubagem Dois quilogramas de vapor de água a 2 MPa e 250° C estão contidos no interior de um reservatório
Conference Session
Innovations in Mechanical Engineering Experiments and Labs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
B. Terry Beck, Kansas State University; Brian Anderson, Kansas State University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
sectionregion, provide the means to map the axial pressure distribution within the entire wind tunnel.This allows direct identification of the location(s) of significant mechanical energy losses,through comparison with ideal inviscid stream tube analysis associated with fluid mechanicsprinciples. In particular, the losses associated with the diffuser section become very apparent, incontrast with the inlet convergent section. Pressure recovery in the diffuser section is modeled ina very simple manner and compared directly with wind tunnel measurements. Fan powerrequirements associated with wind tunnel design are also included as part of the experimentation.The connection between diffuser loss behavior and boundary layer separation phenomenaassociated