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Conference Session
Instructional Methods and Tools in BME
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mia Markey, University of Texas at Austin; Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas at Austin
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instructional technologies including the coursemanagement system, BlackBoard®, hyperlinked PowerPoint® notes, Classroom PerformanceSystem (CPS) technology, and “real-world” MATLAB®-intensive problems. The goal of thisstudy is to determine if students with different learning styles (e.g., active vs. reflective learners)have different usage patterns of and derive different benefits from the instructional technologies.We also compare the learning styles of this sample of biomedical engineering students to theexisting literature and explore if there are relationships between factors such as learning style,grades and graduate vs. undergraduate status. We present an analysis of Learning StylesInventory data, survey data on instructional technology
Conference Session
Careers and Professional Development in BME
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Allen, University of Virginia; Shayn Peirce-Cottler, University of Virginia
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2007-2008 academic year, thusforming the basis of comparison for assessment.The professional skills mentioned previously are implemented in our Capstone course innumerous ways (Table 1), several of which are highlighted in the sections that follow. By wayof background, students in our program have covered many professional skills prior to taking Page 13.278.3Capstone. In the second year, they study team dynamics, personality types, and interpersonalcommunication in detail, including formal assessments of and reflections on their Myers-BriggsType Indicator (MBTI) and Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B) results
Conference Session
Careers and Professional Development in BME
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Guruprasad Madhavan, State University of New York-Binghamton; Aimee Betker, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Jennifer Flexman, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA; Barbara Oakley, Oakland University
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101 for BME GraduateResearch.” With audience feedback and volunteer creativity, the tracks subsequently evolved toprimarily focus on career, professional, and entrepreneurial development in bioengineering. Tothis end, the 2007 conference featured three sessions named “Innovations and Entrepreneurshipin Bioengineering,” “Working in Bioengineering: Making an Impact,” and “BiomedicalEngineering and Society” to reflect this focus. The most successful session was “Innovations andEntrepreneurship in Bioengineering,” which was attended by both students and industryprofessionals. This session focused on such topics as translational academic research,development of a business and marketing plan, and licensing, royalty, and patentingmethodologies. The
Conference Session
Unique Student Opportunities in BME
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Linsenmeier, Northwestern University; Jean Alley, Vanderbilt University; Penny Hirsch, Northwestern University; Stacy Klein-Gardner; Julie Greenberg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Mark Bourgeois, Northwestern University
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1-8, this collaboration has improved teaching methods and design ofteaching materials, made bioengineering faculty more reflective about their teaching methods,and fostered a change in the way bioengineering faculty create a classroom experience. Inaddition, it has brought proven social science research methods to bear on evaluating innovationsin engineering education. Beyond benefiting the individuals at the VaNTH institutions, VaNTH has served as amodel for both improving engineering education practice and furthering engineering educationresearch. Continuing to improve engineering education requires more engineers who knowsomething about educational research and learning theory, like those who took part in VaNTH,and some who pursue
Conference Session
Instructional Methods and Tools in BME
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris Geiger, Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill, Florida Gulf Coast University
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variety of learning styles. Using the Felder-Silverman model of learning styles4, one can begrouped based on their preferred input (visual versus verbal), perception (sensory versusintuitive), organization (inductive versus deductive), processing (active versus reflective) andunderstanding (sequential versus global) style. Although it has been suggested that in general,most engineering students are visual, sensing, active, sequential learners5 while most teaching isverbal, intuitive, sequential and deductive6, thus creating a learning / teaching mismatch, it is ourexperience that for the most part, all types of learners will be present in most engineering classes.We have used the online questionnaire developed by Solomon and Felder(http
Conference Session
Careers and Professional Development in BME
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Guilford, University of Virginia; Katherine Bishop, University of Virginia; William Walker, University of Virginia; J. Milton Adams, University of Virginia
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same admissionsrequirements.” While it is true that medical schools have come to expect a standard array ofbasic science courses prior to matriculating, it is also true that some medical schools indicatehaving no requirements of particular classes; the MCAT is their principal measure of mastery ofbasic sciences. Indeed we have seen no evidence amongst our graduates that any medicalschools reject students for lack of a particular undergraduate class.One reason for this may be reflected in another free-response: “Be certain that this plan of studyis strongly endorsed by UVa’s premed advisor. Med schools are guided by that endorsement.”Most institutions have the equivalent of an office of pre-professional studies. We work closelywith advisors in
Conference Session
BME Laboratories and Skills-Based Projects
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen Jevsevar, Vanderbilt University; Melanie Aston, Vanderbilt University; Shaun Price, Vanderbilt University; Cynthia Paschal, Vanderbilt University; Stacy Klein-Gardner
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andrising high school seniors. The curriculum successfully stimulated interest in biomedicalimaging and biomedical engineering among the test population. Feedback from the high schoollearners aided in the further development of lectures and activities for the curriculum.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grantsEEC-0343607 and EEC-9876363. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation. Page 13.379.9Bibliography1. Bransford, J., Brown, A., &
Conference Session
Design in the BME Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University; Donna Ebenstein, Bucknell University; James Baish, Bucknell University; William King, Bucknell University; Daniel Cavanagh, Bucknell University
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. Page 13.764.8 8Multi-disciplinary TeamsExternal mentors are active members of the design team and play a real role in all aspectsof the design process. Students must learn to set and achieve goals, delegateresponsibility, handle conflicting objectives, and function as a professional in a medicalsetting.Course AssessmentExternal mentors have been used for every project in every offering of our senior designcourse. It is therefore not possible to fairly compare the external mentor approach to otherpossible implementations. The observations below reflect the opinions of the design teammembers.StudentsAt the completion of the Fall semester students are asked
Conference Session
BME Laboratories and Skills-Based Projects
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shahin Sirouspour, McMaster University; Pawel Malysz, McMaster University; Ali Shahdi, McMaster University; Ryan Leslie, Quanser Inc; Mahyar Fotoohi, Quanser Inc; Paul Karam, Quanser Inc
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the distance of haptic point from the center of force field as shown in Fig. 16. Anupper bound is placed on the force to prevent the application of large forces that might damagethe device. A separate s-function is implemented for the haptic guidance algorithm in Part 2. Thehaptic exploration experiments in Part 1 are repeated with the repelling force field to assess theeffectiveness of haptic guidance for robot-assisted medical interventions.5.4. Experiment IV: Control Architectures for TeleoperationIn master/slave telerobotic systems, a human operator can remotely control a robotic arm inorder to interact with a task environment. In this context, force-feedback haptic interfaces can beemployed to reflect the environment force back to the
Conference Session
BME Courses & Curricular Content
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Linsenmeier, Northwestern University; David Gatchell, Northwestern University
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. The one exception was the conceptual Control Diagrams problem.5. Discussion5.1 Delphi Study This analysis of physiology and biology topics is the first that we are aware of. We foundagreement between responses from academia and industry participants, not only that some topicsare more important and others less important, but in general on the rank order of the topics.Perhaps this is not too surprising, because the highly rated topics primarily reflect the traditionalfields that biomedical engineers have worked in (cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and neural).Fields in which few biomedical engineers are currently involved were rated lower, although theremay be opportunities in these as well. No topics in physiology, aside from our one