AC 2008-2556: A COMPREHENSIVE LABORATORY CURRICULUM IN SINGLEDEGREE OF FREEDOM (S-D-F) VIBRATIONS; PHASE I – WORKING MODELEXPERIMENTSAlexander Colletti, The College of New Jersey Alexander Colletti Alex Colletti is a senior mechanical engineering major at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ). He has been involved in TCNJ’s Mini-Baja SAE project and Society of Automotive Engineers (where he was secretary). He is also a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). After graduation Alex plans to go on to graduate school to obtain a PhD in the field of energy and heat transfer. He is working on the forced response system of the apparatus.Joseph Monaghan, The College of New Jersey
overview of the experimental setup) andthe local video (zooming in on the analyzed airfoil) are streamed in real time and/or saved to afile. A camera with pan, tilt and zoom functions was chosen such that the students can adjust thecamera view based on their requirements and preferences. The GUI was implemented usingASP.NET25 in conjunction with the Visual Studio .NET Development Environment26. Page 13.949.8 Figure 11: GUI of real-time wind tunnel remote experimentsIn the laboratory assignment used in the undergraduate course on fluid mechanics at SIT, thestudents are given the values for the planform area S of the airfoil and
consisted of five sequential lab activities in five consecutive weeks: the studentswere required to: 1) calibrate the level sensors and the pump; 2) model the coupled-tanks process with a transfer function; 3) obtain a closed-loop transfer function that satisfies the system performance requirements; 4) determine the controller’s transfer function Gc(s) and convert the transfer function into a difference equation that can be implemented as a digital controller on a computer; and 5) integrate the controller with the sensors, the pump, and the coupled-tanks apparatus to test and analyze the entire system’s performance.Each of these five activities is detailed in subsequent sub-sections. To help the students visuallyunderstand the
associated with the first example will be used to develop a model of the reactionkinetics of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscularjunction.A. Ligand-Receptor Interaction Figure 1 is a diagram of a simple ligand-receptor interaction where the rate constants kf (M-1 -1 s ) and kr (s-1) model the reaction associated with the ligand binding to the receptor and thereverse dissociation reaction respectively. The associated equilibrium reaction and the concomitant reaction rate equation are shown in(1) where R is the number of unoccupied receptors per cell, L is the free ligand concentration(M/dm3) and C is the number of bound receptor ligand complexes per cell
signal)5_ Power output amplification6_ Antenna and impedance matchingI am attaching the ck207.pdf file with the technical information about your transmitter.You need to research and study how the transistor(s) or diode(s) used perform the particular function of each stage.Perform a system functional analysis, and a mathematical input/ output gain analysis at each state, and then write aformal report and a prepare power point presentation.(Remember that for the report and Power point presentation you will need to describe how the transmitter work as awhole, and how the transistor(s) or diode(s) combined with other circuit elements perform the functions of eachstage.Study and research assignment for members of the Receiver groupThe following are
the United States. Nationwide this was accomplishedthrough the use of a method called triangulation. In this method a rather long base line ismeasured on one coast, say 25 miles, using a steel tape and taping bucks6. Using a transit toensure that the line is straight and leveling to determine the elevations of the ends of the tape, avery precise measurement is made of the base line (a very long and tedious task). See Figure-2on the left is a metric leveling rod, in the center a taping buck. The elevation of the end points ofthe tape are determined with dumpy level as shown in Figure-3. Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4In the 1940’s this technology permitted the measurement of horizontal
undergraduate research on the subject.Keywords: III-V Semiconductors, Concentrator Cells, High-Efficiency, MultijunctionSolar Cell, Gallium Arsenide Based Cells, Lattice-Mismatched, MetamorphicII. Solar Energy Basics a. Solar cell equationsThe basic structure of a solar cell is an illuminated (collection of photons, hv) P-Njunction as depicted in Fig. 1. When the junction is not illuminated, there exists ajunction built-in potential resulting from the formation of a space charge zone at thejunction level as shown in Fig. 2. When the junction is uniformly illuminated by photonswith hv > Eg (energy gap of the junction material), electron-hole pairs (EHP) will begenerated at a rate gop (in EHP/ cm3.s) and will participate in the diode
. Page 13.66.4 a) Robot stops within 0.05m of stop signs. b) Robot completes passing maneuver around a moving obstacle within the modular section(s) maintaining a safety buffer of 0.1m in front of and behind obstacle. c) Robot parallel parks in a designated parking spot.4. Optional modified basic traffic rules are as follows. a) Robot exhibits correct precedence order at an intersection, i.e. the first vehicle to reach a stop line is the first to leave. b) Robot maintains a safety buffer of 0.3m when traveling.LEGO Mindstorms NXT Specifications are summarized in literature21, 22.Route configuration:To provide a variety of navigational situations, a set of miniature route segments was constructedfor this course to allow
groups wascaused by the worm gear output shaft of the motor. If students chose the wrong motor rotationdirection, the disk unscrewed from the shaft. A warning was placed in the first revision of thelaboratory procedures and the problem eliminated. Page 13.192.10 Table II. Electrical-mechanical energy conversion Output Mechanical Power Input Electrical Power Efficiency ∆ mass f T ω Pout V I Pin η (g) (Hz) (mNm) (rad/s) (W) (V) (A) (W) (%) 2 35.1 1.2152 220.54 0.27
ECE 371’s laboratory teaching philosophy, the ECE 464laboratory provides students the forum to assume a higher degree of design responsibility.Having acquired the necessary implementation skills, students are expected to traverse the entire Page 13.1315.9digital systems design flow in order to successfully complete each project. Using this design-directed teaching style, the newly defined academic goals for the ECE 464 laboratory section areshown below. • Apply behavioral and register-transfer level (RTL) digital system modeling in the context of larger, more complex digital systems found on modern microprocessors • Expose
data is collected.Use of qualitative reasoning is encouraged because the experiments are designed to allow trendsin the dependent variable(s) to be readily measured.The Laboratory ExercisesThe two laboratory exercises described in this paper were performed as part of a weeklylaboratory section in a required fluid mechanics course for third year students in Civil andMechanical Engineering. Altogether, the students performed six laboratory exercises that weregraded. Four exercises were conventional, and two were inquiry-based.Tank FillingThe objective of the tank filling exercise is to develop in students a solid conceptual Page
overall human capital strategy. The remainderof the paper will focus on the STEP Program itself.A consequence of the end to the cold war was that the Department of Defense (DoD) found itselfwith an excess amount of infrastructure that was no longer required. The excess infrastructureincluded personnel no longer needed to support our post cold war efforts. This lead to congressauthorizing a number of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) rounds to be conducted into themid-1990’s that were intended to right size DoD both in physical plant infrastructure as well asin personnel resources. BRAC rounds were conducted every odd numbered year culminating inthe last, and most extensive, round occurring in 1995. This periodic BRAC process did reducethe size
project(s) for other groups of students. b. One or more areas are relevant to faculty’s personal research interests and faculty is/are willing to mentor one or more groups of students to continue the research. 3. Assuming positive answers to Step #2, the interested faculty develops a Progressive Research Project Master Plan. The Plan for a progressive research project must identify desired outcomes that can be achieved by successive groups of students in a series of 3- month research projects. This should be based on the results Step #1. Ideally this is done in conjunction with the students who completed the initial project. 4. Faculty, with students who have completed their project(s
Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, vol.1, pp.559-562, June 2006.2. Oliver, T.F.; Mohammed, S.; Krishna, N.M.; Maskell, D.L., "Accelerating an embedded RTOS in a SoPC platform," TENCON 2004. 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference , vol.D, pp. 415-418.3. Uo-Huang Lin; Hsin-Sheng Lee, "Implementation of Embedded Controller using SoPC Technology," 2006 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, pp.1-6, Dec. 2006.4. Zadeh, L., Fuzzy sets, Information Control 8, 338-353, 1965.5. Patyra, M.J.; Long, J.E., "Synthesis of current mode building blocks for fuzzy logic control circuits," 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol.4, pp.283-286.6. Roy, A.; Miranda
only worsened the situation. This paperexplains the decline in military Metrology training, the attempt to integrate the needed traininginto colleges and Universities, and Sypris Test & Measurement Inc.’s (ST&M) partnershipefforts with Central Georgia Technical College and University of Central Florida to meet itsIndustrial Metrology needs.Introduction“Metrology” is the Science of Measurement. It is a small field that is obscure from mainstreamScience and Engineering but shares the same principles and theories taught at any institution ofhigher learning. The function of this small group touches almost every action we do and everytransaction we make in our day to day existence. Two such examples of this that are easilyrelated to are
instrumentation for data acquisition is shown in Figure 1(b). (a) Wind Tunnel Facility (b) Test Section and Instrumentation Page 13.102.4 Figure 2: Educational Wind Tunnel FacilityWhile relatively inexpensive in comparison to some wind tunnels, this facility has beendemonstrated to be capable investigating a wide variety of phenomena of interest to fluidmechanics and aerodynamic courses.1,3-5 The wind tunnel has a test section measuringapproximately 12 in x 12 in x 24 in (305mm x 305mm x 610mm), and has a maximum air speedof approximately 140 mph (63 m/s). It is instrumented with an electronic strain
the lab instructor verify that every student team collected all necessary data.The printouts are then included in the lab reports, making these reports more informative,looking more professional, and easier to grade. Students are required to upload some of their datafiles on the server to be used in post-lab analysis and homework assignments, linking labexperience to theoretical learning in the course.Finally, the students obtain hands-on experience with the software, which is widely used inindustry for control and data acquisition, thus they get a competitive edge in job hunting.10. References 1. M. Duarte, B. P. Butz, S. M. Miller An Intelligent Universal Virtual Laboratory (UVL) IEEE Transactions on Education, volume 51 number 1
. Different types of experiments suitable forengineering students and their fundamental learning objectives are identified. A simple approachto design, introduce, assess, and evaluate these experiments is outlined. Several assessmentrubrics are presented as well as a survey to evaluate the lab experience and prepare a correctiveaction plan, if applicable.Bibliography1. Feisel L.D. and Rosa, R.J., “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” Int. Journal of Engineering Education, January 2005.2. [Last visited 2008-01-17].3. Etkina, E., Murthy, S., and Zou, X., “Using introductory
and has given presentations at national and international conferences. She served as Section Coordinator for the Twin Cities Section (1988-1989) and has been a Vice President on the Board of Directors for the Eastern Division (1994), Measurement Science and Technology (1995 to 1997), Publications (2001), Operations (2002-2004) and now Learning & Development (2005-present) where she is involved in developing long term objectives in metrology Education and Training. She has received the following awards for her work in metrology • NCSLI Best Paper Award (co-author), Applied Category (2007)• Arthur S. Flemming Award (2004); • Algie Lance “Best Paper” Award (tied