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Conference Session
Innovations in Computer Engineering Technology Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Veeramuthu Rajaravivarma, SUNY-Farmingdale
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Engineering Technology
AC 2008-881: CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE OF PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKTECHNOLOGY AS NEXT GENERATION TELEVISIONVeeramuthu Rajaravivarma, SUNY-Farmingdale V. Rajaravivarma is currently with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at SUNY, Farmingdale State College. Previously, he was with Tennessee State University, Morehead State University, North Carolina A&T State University, and Central Connecticut State University. Dr. Rajaravivarma teaches electronics, communication, and computer networks courses to engineering technology students. His research interest areas are in the applications of computer networking and digital signal processing
Conference Session
Electrical ET Curriculum and Projects
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Spezia, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
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Engineering Technology
Student Self-Assessment Peer Assessment Instructor Assessment Figure 9. Comparison of Assessment Processes in Frequency Response Tester ProjectIn observing student performance over the project history, several interesting points and areas forcontinued instructional design refinements have been discovered. One area of concern is thatgroup members have difficulty writing and applying information from circuit designdescriptions. This is evident in the comprehensive technical reports that require group membersto use peer materials. To help eliminate this deficiency, model circuit descriptions will be takenfrom technical publications and given to students for review. The instructor
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Technology Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan McGaughey, Carnegie Mellon University; Jeremy Michalek, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
; ‚ layered, linked, accessible, and reusable course notes; ‚ the ability to monitor student progress in real time; ‚ support for scheduling and team formation; and ‚ support for course co-development. Page 13.1402.13Student interaction benefits include ‚ increased peer to peer interaction; ‚ increased student-instructor interaction; ‚ accessibility of all work in the public domain; ‚ full historical records of individual contributions to group assignments; ‚ support for collaborative writing; ‚ mechanisms to control accuracy; and ‚ growth and reuse of information over time, across courses, and across
Conference Session
Continuous Improvement & Assessment of ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina; Beverlee Kissick, Kansas State University-Salina
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Engineering Technology
AC 2008-981: THE JOURNEY TO BUILD A 21ST CENTURYFACULTY-LIBRARIAN RELATIONSHIP: A RETROSPECTIVE CASE STUDYREFLECTED WITH CRITERIA 2E AND JJung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina Jung Oh is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Kansas State University at Salina. She earned her Ph.D. from UCLA and was an ASEE postdoctoral fellow at Naval Air Warfare Center. She was 2004 Wakonse Teaching fellow and 2006 Peer Review of Teaching fellow at K-State. Her interests in scholarship of teaching include cross-curricular innovation.Beverlee Kissick, Kansas State University-Salina Beverlee Kissick is an Emeritus professor and former director of libraries at Kansas State University at Salina. She earned her
Conference Session
Computer and Electrical Engineering Technology Innovations
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Loker, Pennsylvania State University-Erie
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Page 13.1405.3 Europe, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) coordinates regulatory efforts. Other countries have their own regulatory agencies, but many of them accept either the FCC or ETSI as proof of compliance. ‚ Network Topology: Due to the limited transmit power which reduces the maximum transmission range, multihop networks are needed. In multihop networks, the message source and destination addresses are not necessarily within range, and communication may occur through intermediate devices that relay messages. This happens with devices that are configured as peer-to-peer. ‚ Self-organization: To enable ease of installation, WSNs need to be self-organizing. Thus
Conference Session
Diversity and K-12 Issues
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Asad Yousuf, Savannah State University; Mohamad Mustafa, Savannah State University; Hope Cranford, Savannah State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
toward the abovepopulations.Virginia Polytechnic University: Virginia Polytechnic University uses a five week summerprogram to facilitate the recruitment and retention of minority students. This program focuses onincreasing skills in academic subjects; developing skills in interactions with peers, faculty andadministrators; and learning successful study methods and time management.The Rochester Institute of Technology: The Rochester Institute of Technology, in partnershipwith the Rochester City School District and the National Action Council for Minorities inEngineering (NACME) is participating in the NACME Vanguard program to identify potentialminority engineers and provide them with academic enrichment and college readiness skills.The New
Conference Session
Innovations in Computer Engineering Technology Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nasser Alaraje, Michigan Technological University; Alaa E. Abdel-Hakim, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
stepping up to this challenge by introducing the new focus area to give the studentsof Electrical Engineering Technology program the opportunity to learn and experience the designand implementation of computer-based application. Industry’s commonly used softwaredevelopment tools are used in several courses of the program. Through industry standardapproaches, the students learn state-of-the art problem solving and development techniques.Currently, the number of courses offered in Computer Engineering Technology represents ashortage of coverage. It is much less coverage than similar programs at peer institutes. Tostrengthen the area of Computer Engineering Technology, more courses need to be added to thecurrent curriculum, the paper suggested a list
Conference Session
Student Learning Techniques & Practices in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
B. Sridhara, Middle Tennessee State University; Joseph Prince, Middle Tennessee State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2008-1442: SOME INTERESTING ENGINEERING PROBLEMS WITHOBJECTS OF SIMPLE GEOMETRY AND RELATIVELY COMPLEXMATHEMATICAL FORMULATIONB. Sridhara, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. B. S. Sridhara is a professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Studies at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E. degrees from Bangalore University and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He received his M.S.M.E. and Ph. D. degrees from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, and Auburn University, Alabama. Dr. Sridhara has published several peer-reviewed articles in the areas of Acoustics, Vibration, finite element methods, and
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Kurtanich, Youngstown State University; William Wood, Youngstown State University; Edward Garchar, Youngstown State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
; stimulates creative thinking byposing open-ended real world design problems; requires application of technical skills andconcepts; and provides training and practice of writing and oral presentation skills [2]. Inaddition, inclusion of an open-ended design experience prepares our graduates to implement thebest engineering and management practices and technologies in the engineering design industry.Capstone Course Process The Youngstown State University School of Engineering Technology philosophy is tocreate an academic environment that resembles the work environment into which the graduate isexpected to be employed. The capstone course sequence (CCET 4884 – Civil/StructuralFacilities Design and EET 4880 Electrical/Mechanical Facilities Design
Conference Session
Manufacturing Engineering Technology Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Zhan, Texas A&M University; Jay Porter, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
project-related work near the end of thesemester. The project management part of Six Sigma helps the students to conduct theirproject at an even pace. Instead of working in the “fire-fighting” mode near the end of thesemester, they spent more time preventing fires from happening early on. The facultymember kept track of teams’ progress by holding weekly review meetings. The studentsalso learned other basic skills such as teaming voting, writing meeting minutes,brainstorming, and using affinity diagrams. The students were required to do ademonstration for their prototype, give a presentation, and write a final report for theirproject.2.3. Assessment The assessment of teaching Six Sigma consisted of two parts: one for the students andone for the
Conference Session
Distance Learning in ET
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Meral Anitsal, Tennessee Tech University; Ismet Anitsal, Tennessee Tech University; Ismail Fidan, Tennessee Tech University; Bonita Barger, Tennessee Tech University; Michael Allen, Tennessee Tech University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
explains the differing views of non-participating faculty ondistance education. Many faculty resist online teaching because of feelings of isolation andredundancy, lack of confidence using technology, and fears of replacement8. Some instructorsbelieve that the increased amount of preparation time required for distance learning takes awayfrom activities they will be evaluated on such as grant writing and publishing9, 28, 29.Covington, Petherbridge, and Warren17 followed a state university’s English department duringits implementation of an online program. Covington et al.17 recognize administrative support(i.e., defined goals), professional development (i.e., training), and peer support (i.e., sharedexperiences) as pillars to implementing distance
Conference Session
Continuous Improvement & Assessment of ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Chin, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
timing devices. Prepare charts, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate workflow, routing, floor layouts, material handling, and machine utilization. Evaluate data and write reports to validate or indicate deviations from existing standards. Read worker logs, product processing sheets, and specification sheets, to verify that records adhere to quality assurance specifications. Figure 4. TasksThe machines, equipment, tools, and software, or Tools and Technology, an industrialengineering technologists may use are listed in Figure 5. Tools used in this occupation: Coordinate measuring machines CMM—Direct computer-controlled coordinate measuring machines DCC-CMM
Conference Session
Recruitment & Retention in ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Raju Dandu, Kansas State University at Salina; John DeLeon, Kansas State University at Salina
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
fall 07, 27 scholarships were awarded in the amount of $1800/semester.Administering the grant in its first year has been rewarding and challenging. This paper willprovide insight into the structure of the award winning proposal and information related to Page 13.824.2application demographics and the selection process.Grant Proposal StructureSuccessful grant proposal needs an excellent teamwork, leadership, and administrative support ofan academic institution. The grant writing team has been mindful of specific instructions,limitations, and requirements of S-STEM proposal.ELITE ProposalKansas State’s Enhancing Lives through Technology and
Conference Session
ET Leadership, Administration, and Articulation
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Samples, University of Pittsburgh -Johnstown
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
to new instructors as theylearn to teach. Many are the way of ABET, faculty and student evaluations, and the expectationsof ones peers. They have been updated to reflect the changing methodologies of teaching andthe “student centeredness” of learning in Chickering and Gamson’s3 "Seven principles for goodpractice in undergraduate education." 1. Encourages contacts between students and faculty. 2. Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students. 3. Uses active learning techniques. 4. Gives prompt feedback. 5. Emphasizes time on task. 6. Communicates high expectations. 7. Respects diverse talents and ways of learning.Note that there is no reference to knowing the subject matter as this is certainly a given
Conference Session
Web-Based Learning in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charlie Edmonson, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
it helps create a feeling of community and classroom cohesion. Students get to know the instructor and other students through verbal interactions.Disadvantages of Asynchronous On-line Learning - Lack of human contact. Some students need or want the face-to-face contact with instructors and other students. Some students say that they learn better when they can see a person's face and converse in real time with a peer or instructor. - Requires self-discipline. The primary drawback of asynchronous on-line learning is that students must be self-disciplined. Students must take the initiative to login to participate in on-line discussion groups and to complete other course assignments. Some students
Conference Session
Student Learning Techniques & Practices in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Zhan, Texas A&M University; Ryan Beasley, Texas A&M University; Ana Elisa Goulart, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
is the teacher’s responsibility to teach themeverything they need to learn. These students like the traditional teaching method oflecturing. It has been extensively studied in the literature that other learning styles such asactive learning, self-learning, and cooperative learning are more effective1. As pointedout by Donawa et al2, the primary purpose of all education is to teach students how tolearn effectively. Various efforts have been made to get the students actively involved in thelearning/teaching process3, 4, 5 over the last century. Extensive research on peer teaching4suggests that having students teach each other is an extremely effective way to increasestudent learning. Recently, Plett et al6 experimented with students grading
Conference Session
Engineering and ET Relationships & Professional Development
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daphene Koch, College of Technology - Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
designed to collect the most common responses that would make the final surveyinstrument entirely multiple-choice. Samples included questions asking, “Did anyone influenceyour decision to enter this program?” They were directed to circle yes or no, and if yes, write inthe influential person. A pilot study was conducted with a small sample to validate the directionsand items in the instrument. This survey was initially administered to 78 students in a seniorlevel course in program C.A second pilot study was conducted by administering the survey to 157 students with acombination of different levels (1st year through 4th year) of students at one university. As afurther assessment of the face validity and readability of the instrument, semi
Conference Session
Continuous Improvement & Assessment of ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nirmal Das, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
(for GSU Mission Annual Faculty Institutional Peer Review Merit Review Effectiveness of Faculty Review (Annual) COST Mission Every 3 years Success Faculty Review
Conference Session
Web-Based Learning in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sohail Anwar, Pennsylvania State University-Altoona College; Harpal Dhillon, Excelsior College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
the faculty • Course Assessment (Exams, projects, discussions, quizzes, etc.) • Grading Policy (weights and Excelsior grading scale) • Course Policies (e.g. honesty, plagiarism, late submissions, effective writing, etc.) • Other Course Instructions (WebCT Institutional bookmark: Excelsior College Virtual Library, Electronic Peer Network, Bookstore, etc.)Assessment of Quality of the On-line Nanotechnology Course: A Key IssueFor assessing the quality of subject matter content of each on-line course offered by theExcelsior College’s School of Business and Technology (SBT), the “Quality Matters”Rubric developed by the Quality Matters Organization is used. This rubric is shown inTable 1. As shown in Table 1, course attributes
Conference Session
Educating for Results: Tools used in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Hundley, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis; Terri Talbert-Hatch, Indiana University; Joshua Killey, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis; Elizabeth Wager, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
and Technology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).Joshua Killey, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis Joshua Killey is Director for the Office of Career Services and Professional Development in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).Elizabeth Wager, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Elizabeth Wager is a Lecturer of Technical Writing in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), where she is also pursuing a master's degree in applied communication
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Technology Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Kitto, Western Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, such as a diving board. On theother hand, the post-class questionnaires showed that by the end of the term less than tenpercent of the students could not distinguish between these effects.Last term, in addition to writing research papers where the students answered importantmaterials engineering questions, the students presented their work to each other duringPoster Sessions. Peer grading rubrics were also used during the sessions (the studentswere provided with concept based grading guidelines). The students seemed to enjoy thesessions, but more importantly they gained valuable experience by communicating toeach other why one material is used for a particular application. Their arguments had tobe grounded in at least three materials