can be particularly critical in creating connections between teachers in different departments – for example, connecting the math and science teachers. ‚ Introduce Active Collaborative/Cooperative Learning (ACL) to build student engagement in classroom ACTIVITY ‚ Introduce Project Based Learning (PBL) to build connections between core subject areas – no project is solely focused on learning in math (or science, or English or social studies) – and to build student ownership of the learning objectives ‚ Introduce Engineering as the context for “real-world” projects to build student buy-in (why do I need this? s I need this to get a good job/contribute to society, etc)There are several challenges to be
/4/470/7 in the classroom as STEM professionals. GE Foundation 03/02-03/05 $315 (#’s part of above) Included focus on increasing diversityK-12 Project-Based Learning NSF GK-12 Extended to include St. Lawrence Univ.; Focus on 07/04 – 06/09 $2,000 5/14/10/650/17Partnership Program (PBLP) Track 2 institutionalization NSF-OPP
of Chemical Engineering and Executive Director of the Center for Pre-College Programs at New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has spent the past thirty years designing and implementing professional development programs and curricula for K-12 teachers in science and technology. At the college level, he collaborates on projects exploring teaching methodologies and assessment strategies in first-year college courses in the sciences, engineering, and computer science.Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology LINDA S. HIRSCH is the Program Evaluator in the Center for Pre-College programs. She has a doctoral degree in educational psychology with a specialty in psychometrics and a Masters
Engineering Education AnnualConference & Exposition, (2004 ).2. "Office of Post Secondary Education."3. L. McAfee, and A. Kim, "Successful Pre-College Summer Programs," American Society for EngineeringEducation, (2007).4. D. Oppliger, S. Oppliger, M. Raber, and R. Warrington, "Engineering Enterprise Alliance A K-12,University and Industry Initiative to Create a Pathway to Engineering and Science Careers," American Society forEngineering Education, (2007).5. B. Matanin, T. Waller, J. Kampe, C. Brozina, and B. Watford, "A STEP in the Right Direction: StudentTransition to Engineering Program," American Society for Engineering Education, , (2007).6. C. Vallas, L. Richards, and A. Miodek, "SUMMER INTRODUCTION TO
of mathemaatics, educatiion, andengineeriing faculty. The T goal is to t develop engineering and a science explorations e s and curricuulumfor impleementation innto participaant schools. During D thesee preparationns, connectioons betweennnational and a state con ntent standarrds and the mathematics m s and sciencee showcasedd in theworkshopps are identiified and disccussed. Figuure 2 describbes both topiics presentedd during theSummer Teacher Wo orkshops andd an
2007.2. Zarske, Malinda S., Sullivan, Jacquelyn F., Knight, Daniel W., Yowell, Janet L. and Wiant, D. (2007) “The TEAMS Program: A Study of a Grades 3-12 Engineering Continuum,” Proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, HI, June 2007.3. Cejka, E., Pickering, M., Conroy, K., Moretti, L. and Portsmore, M. (2005) “What do college engineering students learn in K-12 classrooms?: Understanding the development of citizenship & communication skills,” Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR, June 2005.4. Gravel, B.E., Cunningham, C.M., Knight, M.T., and Faux, R. (2005) “Learning through Teaching: A Longitudinal Study on the Effects of
Desi Arnaz in I LoveLucy); Latino portrayals of the 50’s and 60’s (particularly Mexican roles) more oftendisplayed characters as villains or buffoons. Asians were portrayed as either menialworkers or as “mysterious”11. Even in current times, the portrayal of gays and lesbianstends to follow rather limited stereotypes12. Finally, it should be pointed out that thepresentation of “blue collar” whites is often reinforcing of societal stereotypes (considerArchie Bunker in All in the Family and Homer Simpson)13.Recent trends regarding professional portrayals on televisionMany recent television series portray various professions in a very positive light. Forexample, the medical profession is typically presented as a noble profession where
that integrating many differentmathematics ideas in one concrete context is challenging. Further supports, such as using thedesign context as a capstone activity or incorporating structured transfer activities, may berequired to effectively enable students’ mastery of the more general mathematical ideas. In ourfuture work, we intend to consider more case studies of the curriculum in-action withimprovements to the implementation based on these findings, in addition to conductingcomparative analyses of the curriculum relative to alternative approaches. This will help us tofurther elaborate on the conditions necessary for designing effective K-12 engineering curricula.Bibliography1. W. H. Schmidt, C. C. McKnight, and S. A. Raizen, A Splintered
qb23,wmm24,emg26,kusic,fromme,af63@drexel.eduAbstract Since the 1960’s, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) has been promoted as the new standardfor teaching and learning. Schools were provided with computers and internet connections atan astounding rate in the 1990’s, but there was no correlated increase in student performance.1Investigation into this problem has revealed that computer technology is simply used to augmenttraditional ‘instructionist’ teaching strategies,1,2 and this type of integration does not parallel thecurrent real-time problem solving domain that is driven by technology. Therefore, the integration of technology to reinforce science, technology, engineering andmathematics (STEM) education must not simply augment the
of Massachusetts designed to increasestudent interest and teacher preparation in STEM subjects. Those STEM Fellows whowished to receive 3 graduate credits (45 hours) were required to attend 2 additional daysin the summer and were required to design and field-test a written lesson plan and thenshare the experience using the lesson with the other STEM Fellows.Objectives of Content InstitutesTeacher-participants would be able to • explain the science, technology, engineering and/or mathematical topics listed in the Topical Syllabus included in the Appendix; • demonstrate the application of the topics to Alternative energy systems; • specify which standard(s) of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Science and Technology
student math and science performance has beento use inquiry learning for promoting teachers’ deep understanding of foundational STEM(science, technology, engineering, and math) concepts and the processes and the connectionsbetween them. Research shows that STEM teachers in U. S. schools lack content knowledge andmastery of subject-related pedagogy that enables them to teach content most effectively1. Theyalso lack a sense of the connections among concepts that reveal mathematics as an internallylogical and coherent system of knowledge2. This forces teachers to use lectures to deliver Page 13.241.3content, which emphasizes procedure over engagement
project in effect between 2003 and 2006that primarily relied on anecdotal evidence of success. This project was extremely effective in creatingsixteen NCJETS (North Carolina Junior Engineering and Technology Society) high school clubs in sevencounties of the Central Piedmont region of North Carolina. Clubs were established with a math, science ortech ed teacher (or teachers) serving as club sponsor(s) and were encouraged to develop individualidentities that best served their populations. DiET also established the basis for annual competitions heldon the UNC-Charlotte campus, as well as offering high school summer camps through the UNC-Charlottesummer programs office.Phase II of this effort, Enhancing Diversity in Engineering Technology (NSF
effectively educate teachers inengineering so as to create a more engineering literate society. INSPIRE ran two academies fora week each in summer 2007. Teachers of 3rd and 4th grades (N=60) from local schools attendedthe local academy and from around the country for a national academy.We developed a Photo Prompting survey an administered it through a on online webform.Participants were shown an image and asked to answer three sections of questions related to,categorizing the types of engineering in the image, noticing engineering, and explaining aspecific type of engineer perspective (indicated under the picture in Table 1). The specificquestions were:Categorize:Question 1: What types(s) of engineering is (are) most closely related to this image
that textbooks published after 1990 (following the mathematics reform of thelate 1980’s and the release of the landmark1989 NCTM Principles and Standards) placed lessemphasis on early mastery of symbolic representation, as compared to older textbooks that werepublished before mathematics education reform took hold8, suggesting that some systemicimpact of the reform affects curriculum organization.Another curriculum analysis effort was conducted by Project 2061, funded by the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to help all Americans become literate inscience, mathematics, and technology1. Using the expertise of teachers, researchers, andscientists, Project 2061 developed a procedure for evaluating textbooks and assessments
Science andEngineering (S/E) Career Interest Survey (CIS); a validated engineering career interest surveydesigned for middle school students5. Findings indicate that through participation in the“WebQuest” students became more interested in possible careers in engineering. This projectwas undertaken as part of an NSF Cyber Infrastructure Teams grant to explore new techniquesfor enhancing engineering education through cyber-supported product dissection that includesnine universities and 34 faculty members.Section 1: IntroductionProduct dissection has been used in a variety of ways to successfully engage engineeringstudents in their learning. Intellectual and physical activities such as dissection help to anchorknowledge and practice of engineering
, that compared torandom selection success rate of 42%, on the average visitors were scoring at 60% levels acrossall age and gender groups. Unfortunately data tracking does not allow to identify repeat plays bythe same visitor, so it was not possible to track performance improvements due to learning.While responses to Bonus Quiz questions on the game exit yielded on average 80% of correctanswers, but since they were optional, only about 15% of visitors have chosen to answer them.Extending the Museum ExperienceWhile the interactive experience with the exhibit on the museum floor is in itself rewarding tothe visitors, to effectively amplify the learning process and leverage initial visitor(s) interest, afollow up extending beyond museum
the environment.High School ModelIt is a natural step to expand on the concept to the high school level to provide anintroduction to engineering using service-learning design. Transferring the college-levelmodel to a high school environment required restructuring to provide the engineeringbackground and technical skills required by the individual project(s) and to acknowledgepedagogical needs of younger adolescents. Instructional teams were formed using highschool teachers and mentors from local industry and/or university programs.The first pilot high-school program was initiated by alums at Bedford North LawrenceHigh School in Bedford, Indiana10. With support from their employer, Crane NavalSurface Warfare Center, and the local American
form. Three of the five teamscompleted all of the evaluation questions.Table 5. Questions that the student teams answered to evaluate their assigned waterQuestion Day 1 Day 2 comments comments1. List the source(s) of this water OK OK2. List contaminants that are likely to be present in the 5 items listed 3 items listedsource water3. State the treatment used for the water OK OK4. Which of these [treatment] methods are likely to 5 items; only 2 3 items listedremove the contaminants listed above gps answered5
Education, 94, (1), 87– 101.8. Saad, A. & Zaghloul, A-R.M. (2002). A knowledge visualization tool for teaching and learning computer engineering knowledge, concepts, and skills. Published Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education IEEE Conference, Boston, MA, Session 2TF.9. Clark, D., Reynolds, S., Lemanowski, V., Stiles, T.,Yasar, S., Proctor, S., Lewis, E., Stromfors, C., & Corkins, J. (2008). University students’ conceptualization and interpretation of topographic Maps. International Journal of Science Education, 30(3), 377-408.10. Branoff, T. J. (1998, June). Coordinate Axes and Mental Rotation Tasks: A Dual-Coding Approach . Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering
, C., Gupta, S., and Pruitt, L. (2006) Undergraduate Students Teaching Children: K-8, Outreach Within the Core Engineering Curriculum. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference, Chicago. 2. Elton, D., Hanson, J., and Shannon, D. (2006) Soils Magic: Bringing Civil Engineering to the K-12 Classroom. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, April: p125-132. 3. Moskal, B. et al. (2007) K-12 Outreach: Identifying the Broader Impacts of Four Outreach Projects. Journal of Engineering Education, July, p173-189. 4. Jeffers A., Safferman, A., and Safferman, S. (2004) Understanding K-12 Engineering Outreach Programs. Journal of
described in the work of Supovitz and Turner.12 Their study provides asummary of six critical components of science professional development that have beenidentified by researchers and educators over the 1990’s. First, high-quality professionaldevelopment immerses participants in inquiry, questioning and experimentation -- andtherefore, in modeled inquiry forms of teaching. Second, professional development wasintensive and sustained. Third, professional development engaged the teachers in concreteteaching tasks based upon teachers’ experiences with students. Fourth, professionaldevelopment deepened teachers’ content skills, both in subject matter knowledge and in howstudents learn a particular subject matter. Fifth, high quality professional
local animal shelter to create a collaborative event called, “The Walk Against Violence.” Her dog, Buddy, is also being trained to become a service dog through a Pet Therapy program in area hospitals.Christine Anderson, Michigan Technological University Chris S. Anderson – Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Diversity Chris S. Anderson has masters of science degrees in Biological Sciences from Michigan Technological University and in Education Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is certified to teach both middle and high school science. Anderson supports the collaboration of Academic and Student Affairs to increase the diversity of
as a function of experiencing the new curriculum. We will collect data using this instrument at the end of each academic year. Page 13.517.9The program evaluation employs a comprehensive logic model. Figure 2 illustrates thismodel.Figure 2: BMERET Logic Model provides a visually based logic model for this project. BMERET Elements Outcome Measures Contextual Backdrop • Participation in the BMERET CST, course U laboratories improves research Traditional Assumptions grades S
Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine, Rising above the gathering storm: Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2006.8. National Research Council. National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1996.9. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Science for all Americans, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.10. Russell, S. H., & Hancock, M. P., Evaluation of the research experiences for teachers (ret) program: 2001-2006 (SRI Project P13392). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, 2007, July.11. Averett, S
ve nc el an kn s- ve ov ol va d
%20Core%20-%20Jenny-Yong-Marty_y2.pdf[18] Denson C. D., Avery Z. (2007). Retrieved October 1, 2007, from African American High School Students Perceptions of Engineering and Technology Education.'s_Perceptions.pdf[19] Blashki K., Jia N. D., Prompramote S. (2007). ‘The future is old’: immersive learning with generation Y engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(4), p. 409-420.[20] Barnett M. (2005). Engaging Inner City Students in Learning through Designing Remote Operated Vehicles. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 14(1), p. 87-100.[21] Gifford L. K., Eckenrode H. M., Rogers L. C. (2004). A Partnership Incorporating Labs into
, PA.: Learning Services. 6. Ernst, V. E., Clark, A. C. (2006). Supporting technological literacy through the integration of engineering, mathematic, scientific, and technological concepts. Published proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Session 370. 7. Idowu, P., Brinton, G., Hartman, H., Neuhard, S., Abraham, R., & Boyer, E. (2006). Information visualization applied in presenting some fundamental power system topics. Published proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Session 1335. 8. Lantz, C. (2000). Visual Readability in Instructional
districts in a mixed group.The ages of the students were from the mid 20’s to the mid 50’s. Of these students, only one hadhad any programming experience which was important in testing the ease with which teacherscould become competent with the software and the programming concepts in a short time. Initialstudent motivation ranged from very high, actually playing with the Mindstorms® product athome, to very resistant, saying that they were unable to learn new “technology.” This informationset the stage for the first day.Problem SolvingThe first goal was to clearly indicate to the teachers that the learning was to be beyondtechnology specifics. The initial exercise was unrelated directly to the LEGO® product and wasgeared simply to problem solving
ofthree events held on the UNC Charlotte campus during the academic year: (1) a trebuchet design Page 13.540.4competition; (2) a bridge or beam design competition (3) a written research paper/publicspeaking competition, (4) the national TEAM+S test; and (5) a robotics competition. In addition,an engineering/technology conference that is co-sponsored by local industries and professionalorganizations is included as one of the academic year events. Each of these events attractsseveral hundred high school students, parents and teachers, as well as industry representativesand Lee College students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Last year seven of