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Conference Session
Venturing Out: Service Learning, Study Abroad, and Criterion H
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Duffy, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Carol Barry, University Massachusetts Lowell; Linda Barrington, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; David Kazmer, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; William Moeller, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Cheryl West, University of Massachusetts Lowell
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Liberal Education
Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Service-Learning Projects in 35 Core Undergraduate Engineering CoursesAbstractThe College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) has integratedservice-learning (S-L) into many of its core required undergraduate courses over the last threeyears. Projects that meet real community needs and that help students achieve academicobjectives in the courses are difficult to create. Projects for 35 different undergraduate requiredcourses are summarized to help faculty, staff, and students develop S-L projects for their owncourses. Faculty at UML were encouraged to “start small rather than not at all.” Courses andprojects include, for example: first-year introduction to engineering with 340
Conference Session
Beyond Individual Ethics: Engineering in Context
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Byron Newberry, Baylor University; William Lawson, Texas Tech University; Kathy Austin, Texas Tech University; Greta Gorsuch, Texas Tech University; Thomas Darwin, University of Texas at Austin
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Liberal Education
qualities of honesty andobjectivity, avoidance of conflicts of interest…and making decision[s] which are fair and basedon merit.” These themes are also consistent with the themes of the NAFTA Code of Ethics,specific to Canada, the US and Mexico, and designed expressly to be equivalently worded inFrench, English and Spanish.15 These themes match well to our module themes 2-6. We havealso included the more specific themes of modules 1, 7, & 8 because engineers and researcherswho will be working in the U.S. should be conversant with the specific laws, rules, andexpectations concerning ethics codes, intellectual property, data integrity, and research practices.Each module is intended to require one hour (nominally) to complete, and consists of the
Conference Session
Venturing Out: Service Learning, Study Abroad, and Criterion H
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University
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Liberal Education
. 9ReferencesBegel A., Garcia D. and Wolfman S., "Kinesthetic Learning in the Classroom", ACM SIGCSEBulletin, v. 36, n. 1, March 2004.Dave, R. H., Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives. Educational Innovators Press. 1975.Dunn, R. S. and Dunn, K. J., Teaching Secondary Students Through Their Individual LearningStyles. Prentice Hall. 1978.Felder, R. M. and Silverman, L. K., “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education”,Engineering Education 78:7 674-681. 1988.Felder R. M. and Soloman, B. A., “Index of Learning Styles”, , accessed 01/17/08Feldman J. and McPhee, D., The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching. CENGAGEDelmar Learning. 2007Gardner, H., Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple
Conference Session
Philosophy of Engineering Education: Epistemology and Ethics
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Valenzuela, University of Evansville; James Allen, University of Evansville; Brian Swenty, University of Evansville
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Liberal Education
improvementin percent allocation across the board at all universities and all courses of study. Even so, thehighest allocation was 19.8% in manufacturing at the University of New South Wales. As theauthor points out, this is well below the 24% allocation recommended by the Institution ofEngineers Australia.In the United States, Stouffer and Russell performed a very comprehensive survey of civilengineering curricula.4,5 The survey is based on data compiled from recent EAC-ABETaccreditation visits. Ninety of the 218 accredited civil engineering programs participated in thesurvey. Like the current study, Stouffer and Russell use U. S. News and World Report rankingsas a basis for categorizing schools, indicating that 21 of the top 26 undergraduate programs
Conference Session
A Century of Development, Promotion, and Reform: ASEE and Engineering Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol Johnson, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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Liberal Education
engineers of bothmediocre social and intellectual background” and felt that colleges did not prepare engineersadequately for practice.6 During the end of the 19th century, a dispute arose as to who shouldhave the right to display the initials after their name. Much of the dispute took place in essaysand letters to professional journals and weeklies, but some of it took place on the collegecampuses themselves as they tried to define the future. As Monte Calvert wrote in TheMechanical Engineer in America, 1830-1910: The conflict between shop and school began in the late 1860’s when the first engineering schools for mechanical engineers were set up, intensified from 1880 to 1890 – the formative period of the ASME – was followed
Conference Session
Beyond Individual Ethics: Engineering in Context
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna Riley, Smith College
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Liberal Education
Conference Session
Learning to Communicate with Engineers and Non-Engineers
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul Ross, University of Wisconsin - Madison
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Liberal Education
Assessment. http://www.abet.org2. Bloom, B, et al. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longmans Green, 1956.3. Carliner, S. E-Portfolios. ASTD, May 2006. 71 – 74.4. Carlson, P. Teaching a Course in the Ethics of Human Communication. 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education,1999. 12d6 – 18.5. Cohn, E., and Hibbits, B. Beyond the Electronic Portfolio. Educause Quarterly, 4, 2004. 7 – 10.6. Hansen, E. Technological Expertise in Liberal Education. 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education, 2006. S1H-17- 227. Heywood, J. Think…About How Others Think: Liberal Education and Engineering. 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers inEducation, 2007. T3C-20 -24.8. Jablokow, K. Engineers as Problem Solving Leaders: Embracing the Humanities. IEEE Technology and Society,Winter
Conference Session
Thinking around the Bachelor of Arts in Engineering
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon Jones, Lafayette College
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Liberal Education
University’s IDEAS B.S. program that integrates the arts, engineering, and sciences into one non-ABET accredited degree [Students have the option to structure their curriculum so they can also get a traditional B.S. degree.] o Provides a technical liberal arts preparation for non-engineering design careers. These programs retain students who become disillusioned with design in engineering departments and engineering colleges.• Engineering courses for non engineers included in the general education requirements o E.g. Princeton University’s Center for Innovation in Engineering Education with multiple courses, Harvard University’s freshman course(s) titled Introduction to the World of
Conference Session
Learning to Communicate with Engineers and Non-Engineers
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Judith Norback, Georgia Institute of Technology; Nicoleta Serban, Georgia Institute of Technology; Nagi Gebraeel, Georgia Institute of Technology; Garlie Forehand, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Liberal Education
skills [8]. In 2004, one study reported that, of 73 top-ranked U.S. and Canadian engineering schoolssurveyed about communication instruction for engineers, 33 percent reported integratinginstruction “in which communication specialists and engineering professors collaborate [9].Many schools have integrated the instruction with various engineering courses, particularly theCapstone Design course [10-16]. Student projects and communication skills instruction have already become a part ofsome introductory statistics courses. Projects have been included for a long time [17-20], even asfar back as the 1970’s [21]. Some statistics professors have recently stressed the importance ofcommunication skills to statistics undergraduates. In
Conference Session
Beyond Individual Ethics: Engineering in Context
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur Sacks, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education
engineering choices.As an art form, film has inherent value in: the richness of the human experience captured in itthat is shared by its audience; the pleasure and insight the experience of viewing film brings tothe audience; the creative integration of narrative, composition, perspective, and techniquecommanded by a team of producer(s), director(s), writers, actors, cameramen, film editors, setdesigners, etc.; the cultural moment it expresses and reveals as it is created and produced; and, itsstaying power as it is viewed, experienced and interpreted over time. Film enables this artisticand technical collective to transform moving image, creating symbols and exploring themes andmyth which mirror other art forms, all of which depend upon technologies
Conference Session
Philosophy of Engineering Education: Epistemology and Ethics
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Heywood, Trinity College-Dublin
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Liberal Education
education a discipline? In this respectthe nineteen sixties debate between Phenix (an American) and Hirst (an Englishman) are ofparticular interest.40 One thing they are both agreed about is the importance of concepts and itis for this reason that key concept maps are important in determining the curriculum providedthey take into account what engineers do.41Thus, what we think about knowledge and knowing clearly influences the aims of educationwe have and in turn the curriculum, the mode(s) of instruction, and assessment. We have to beclear about what we mean when we talk about knowledge and knowing.In another analysis of important terms Wringe insists that aims are not objectives even thoughthe terms may be more or less synonymous.42 There has
Conference Session
Venturing Out: Service Learning, Study Abroad, and Criterion H
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Ollis, North Carolina State University; Anthony Smith, CPE-LYON FRANCE
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Liberal Education
clearly offer corresponding experiences in their chosenconcentration(s). The six week syllabus in Table 2 suggests parallel, but not integrated, efforts inFrench language instruction and chemistry/chemical engineering laboratory practice.While the French language instruction occurred at two levels (for students with low ormoderate prior French experience), the lab was integrative in the sense that instructionswere provided in French, and the US students translated these into English, then wrotetheir lab reports in standard form for our US engineering campus program. Our USstudents downloaded our typical lab manual from our US campus website prior todeparture for France, and followed its designated report format. These practices allowedeasy
Conference Session
Learning to Communicate with Engineers and Non-Engineers
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Leslie Potter, Iowa State University; John Jackman, Iowa State University; K. Jo Min, Iowa State University; Matthew Search, Iowa State University
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Liberal Education
Short Assignments,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE National Conference.10. Jacquez, R., Gude, V.G., Auzenne, M., Burnham, C., Hanson, A.T., Garland, J., 2006, “Integrating Writing to Provide Context for Teaching the Engineering Design Process,” Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE National Conference.11. Yalvac, B., Smith, H.D., Troy, J.B., and Hirsch, P.,2007, “Promoting Advanced Writing Skills in an Upper- Level Engineering Class,” Journal of Engineering Education, 96(2), 117-128.12. Lord, S., 2007, “Effective ‘Writing to Communicate’ Experiences in Electrical Engineering Courses,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE National Conference.13. Kedrowicz, A., 2007, “Developing Communication Competence: a
Conference Session
Beyond Individual Ethics: Engineering in Context
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dean Nieusma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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Liberal Education
diverse disciplinary approaches in a way that is bothpedagogically coherent and immediately relevant to students’ experiences.Introduction [S]ystemic engineering reform, and its [traditional] curricular and programmatic forms…, will only have limited success until the relationship between engineers’ identity and knowledge and method is fully addressed, and an integration of the liberal arts—particularly those areas dealing with the relationship between engineering and culture and politics—takes place.1This paper analyzes Rensselaer’s Product Design and Innovation (PDI) program as a potentialmodel for a new liberal education for engineering students that achieves the high level ofintegration of technical and liberal arts
Conference Session
Learning to Communicate with Engineers and Non-Engineers
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Wilson, University of CIncinnati; Teresa Cook, University of Cincinnati; Jo Ann Thompson, University of Cincinnati; James Everly, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
writing in the disciplines.Bibliography1. W. Zhu, “Faculty Views on the Importance of Writing, the Nature of Academic Writing, and Teaching andResponding to Writing in the Disciplines,” Journal of Second Language Writing, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 29-48, March2004.2. S. Lord. Effective “Writing to Communicate” Experiences in Electrical Engineering Courses. Presented at the2007 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Honolulu, HI, June 2007.3. S. Manuel-Dupont, “Writing-Across-the-Curriculum in an Engineering Program,” Journal of EngineeringEducation, vol. 85, no.1, pp. 35-40, January 1996.4. E.D. Wheeler, G.G. Balazs, and R.L. McDonald, “Writing as a Teaching and Learning Tool in EngineeringCourses,” Proceedings, 1997 ASEE