no two students arelikely to receive the exact same problem decreases the odds of cheating or copying answers fromother students, both of which are widespread issues when assigning problems from the textbook.There are online homework systems, such as WebAssign, which are tailored to individualtextbooks, but they typically utilize the same homework problems as in the textbook andeqpugswgpvn{"fqpÓv"thwart cheating or the problems associated with easy access to completesolutions manuals.One aspect of teaching that WeBWorK can change radically is the meaning of Ðoffice hoursÑ.WeBWorK allows students to e-mail their instructor and/or other designated person(s) frominside a particular problem in their WeBWorK assignment. The instructor (and/or
; • Develop an innovative 200-level course that meets the needs of engineering students; • Ensure that problems related to engineering are emphasizedThe current manuscript will discuss the process and design of a four semester credit hour coursethat will include the key elements of multivariable calculus and differential equations with theprerequisites of traditional MA 125: Calculus I and MA 126: Calculus II courses.Needs of Engineering Students – Faculty InterviewsThe authors interviewed faculty from Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and ComputerEngineering and Mechanical Engineering who taught any course(s) that had/have either MA 227:Calculus III or MA 252: Introduction to Differential Equations as a prerequisite or had one ofthese courses
understanding the field.Some of the research questions would be best explored by a math-educator who can look throughtheir lens of expertise of common students’ K-12 experience based on current policies oncontent, the theories of semiotics, and theories of cognitive development in a social environment.Other questions are best tackled by engineering faculty, especially those which describe thenature of student misconceptions and lack of abilities in using mathematics in engineeringcourses. Page 13.627.16References1. Fink, L.D., Ambrose, S., & Wheeler, D. (2005). Becoming a professional engineering educator: A new role for a new era. Journal
To identify which factors/effects are important.Response Surface To maximize or minimize a response. designs To reduce variation by locating a region where it is easier to manage. To make a process robust (note: this objective may often be accomplished with screening designs rather than with response surface designs).Regression To estimate a precise model, quantifying the dependence of modeling response variable(s) on process inputs. Page 13.370.12© American Society for Engineering
DelineatorTM. The Style Delineatormeasures four qualities of concreteness, abstraction, sequence, and randomness in people’sperception toward, and ordering of, their world.9 As shown in Table 1, dominant learning stylesare identified with one of four style types: concrete-sequential (CS), abstract-sequential (AS),concrete-random (CR), and abstract-random (AR). Every individual has the ability to orienthimself or herself toward all four styles. However, people tend to have strong orientation towardone or two, or sometimes even three, dominant style(s). The Style Delineator reveals a score foreach style type, identifying the dominant learning style(s) among the 4 types. For example, aperson might score 39, 19, 26, and 16 for CS, AS, CR, and AR
al. (2004). Remote atomic force microscopy of microscopic organisms: Technological innovations for hands-on science with middle and high school students. Science Education, 88 (1), 55-71. 8. Waldron, A. (2006, May). Nanotechnology in public. Nano Today. Retrieved on June 23, 2006 from nanotoday 02 2006/Opinion-Waldron.pdf, 1(2), 56. 9. Rozeboom, W. W. (1966). Scaling theory and the nature of measurement. Synthese, 16 (2), 170- 233. 10. Person, A. C., Berenson, S. B., & Greenspon, P. J. (2004). The role of number in proportional reasoning: a prospective teacher’s understanding. In (Vol. 4, p. 17-24). Proceedings of the 28th
project teams.ConclusionA methodology for teaching differential equations suitable for small institutions is discussed.The course is team-taught by two instructors, one from mathematics and one from engineering.The instructors utilize the small-class size and the diverse backgrounds and interests of thestudents to enhance student learning. Students complete final projects on real-life modelingproblems with differential equations within a multidisciplinary team. Course assessment surveysand oral feedback from students and the faculty in mathematics and engineering are indicatorsthat our methodology is effective in teaching differential equations to engineering students.Bibliography1. Sazhin, S. S. (1998). Teaching Mathematics to Engineering
coordinate value shown in column two. Column three is acontinuation of column 1 and column four is continuation of column two. Position dataare dimensionless because they were normalized by diving each entry by the amplitude ofoscillation of the sphere during the tested cycle. That amplitude was taken to be the initialdisplacement of the sphere. The time data were not normalized, however. Page 13.1364.5Table1. A sample of collected dataTime Position Time Position(s) (-) (s) (-) 0 -0.90847 0.37 1 0.017 -0.87254 0.395 0.984692 0.034 -0.85317 0.415 0.930334 0.051 -0.80631
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. [Pennsylvania State University]10. Varde, Keshav S. “Effects of Pre-Freshman Program for Minority Students in Engineering”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. [University of Michigan-Dearborn]11. White, Carl, Myra W. Curtis, and Clifton S. Martin. “Pre-Freshman Accelerated Curriculum in Engineering (PACE) Summer Bridge Program”, Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. [Morgan State University]12. Office of Engineering Student Services, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2007.13. Ohland, Matthew W. and Elizabeth R. Crockett
AC 2008-2703: EARLY BIRD - TEACH MATHEMATICS BEFORE PROBLEMSARISESabina Jeschke, University of Stuttgart After receiving her M.Sc. in Physics at the Berlin University of Technology in 1997, graduating with distinction, Sabina Jeschke worked as an assistant teacher at the department for mathematics and natural sciences and earned her doctorate in 2004. Holding a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation, she spent several months of research at the NASA in Moffet Field, CA. In 2000 and 2001, S. Jeschke worked as an instructor at the GaTech (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta). Since 2005, Sabina Jeschke has been associate professor for "New Media in Mathematics and
honors option MA345HON.References1. Dennis Berkey and Bogdan M. Vernescu, A Model for Vertical Integration of Real-world Problems in Mathematics, the Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2007.2. Robert L. Borrelli, and Courtney S. Coleman, “Differential Equations, Modeling Perspectives”, 4th edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1997.3. Julie Gainsburg, The Mathematical Modeling of Structural Engineers, Mathematics Thinking and Learning, 8(1), 3–36.4. Jeff Kramer, Is Abstraction the Key to Computing? Communications of the ACM, April, 2007 Vol. 50, No. 4, P. 37 - 425. Mathematical Science Education Board, “Measuring What Counts: A Conceptual Guide for Mathematics Assessment”, National Academy Press, 1993.6
, Global Position System - Signals, Measurements, and Performance, Ganga-Jamuna Press, 200114. Michael S. Braasch, Fundamentals of the Global Positioning System (GPS)", Proceedings of Environmental Modeling and Simulation, ISTED, 2004.15. Ignatios Vakalis, Andrea Karkowski, Terry Lahm, A Guidebook for the Creation of Computational Science Modules, Page 13.1000.11
. during300,000 BC-250 BC. Section 3, on the other hand, is an exposition of mathematical ingenuityto perform computation during pre-computer era, i.e., during 200 BC till the birth of anelectronic digital computer during early twentieth century. Section 4, on the other hand,presents the impact of ever increasing power of computing on the computing scenario since theappearance of the first digital computer during 1940’s. Section 5 comprises conclusions.2. Computing Scenario During Pre-historic Era (300,000 BC – 250 BC)Universe is a gigantic errorless never-stoppable parallel computer with infinite precisionBefore 15 trillion BC, the universal errorfree computer boots up with a Big Bang. Since thenthe computing in nature/universe is going on continuously