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Displaying results 451 - 480 of 943 in total
Conference Session
Assessing the Efficacy of Non-traditional Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wayne Pferdehirt, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin - Madison; John Nelson, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Amy Shenot, U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
conservation and cogeneration studies for Argonne National Laboratory, and managed flood studies for the Army Corps of Engineers. Wayne's technical expertise is in solid and hazardous waste reduction and management, and natural resource management. He has a BS in engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University, and an MS in civil engineering with an emphasis in regional planning from Northwestern University.Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin - Madison Jeffrey S. Russell, PhD, PE, is professor and chair in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a co-founder of the Construction Engineering and Management program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has a BS degree in civil
Conference Session
FPD2 - First-Year Advising and Transition
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Romkey, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
, also known as a supplemental instruction program, were designedto provide subject-specific support and enrichment to students in the program throughout the firstyear, particularly in subjects that students typically find challenging. Supplemental instruction isa method that was developed at the University of Missouri-Kansas City in the mid-1970’s byDeanna Martin5. Originally, it was designed for a medical school program, and was successful inimproving course grades and retention. However, today, it is used across several universityprograms, although it has not been widely researched within the engineering community.Facilitated study groups are designed to enhance students’ understanding of course material, andprovide them with skill
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Course Innovation I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Thornton, Emerson Climate Technologies; Kyle Shipp, Kettering University; Tony Lin, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
… ised… ation some ne… s y to d of ideas issue work d pra time xplan tivity m… d… eryo
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yakov Cherner, ATeL, LLC; Amin Karim, DeVry University; Ahmed Khan, DeVry University; Victor Rubanchik, Southern Federal University (Russia); Gary Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. B A C DFigure 7 Simulations designed for virtual exploration of signal reflection and distortion effects.Using the drag and drop option on simulations A and C in Figure 7, a student is able to movethe car around a parking lot and see how the different reflections from surrounding buildingsaffect the signal shape, phases, and amplitudes. S/he can choose between one or two pulsesignals and vary signal frequency, pulse duration, and delay between pulses. Simulations Band D help the student understand the Huggens-Fresnel principle and the impact of variousparameters on the structure of Fresnel’s zones, as well as what sources of secondary
Conference Session
Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma in Manufacturing Education 2
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Brian Thomas, Cleveland State University
Tagged Divisions
’ solutions, and repetition through the term to reinforce the concept that Lean is a processand not an event. This paper contains recommendations for other instructors based on theexperience at Cleveland State University, and at other institutions.References[1] K. W. Stier, “Teaching Lean Manufacturing Concepts through Project-Based Learning and Simulation”, J. Industrial Technology, 19 (4), Aug.-Oct. 2003. Page 13.834.12[2] J. K. Liker, The Toyota Way, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2004.[3] P. T. Terenzini, A. F. Cabrera, C. L. Colbeck, J. M. Parente, and S. A. Bjorklund, “Collaborative Learning vs. Lecture/Discussion: Students
Conference Session
Tools for Teaching
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alfred Ducharme, University of Central Florida; Ali Mehrabian, University of Central Florida; Diala Gammoh, University of Central FLorida
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
at the viewing site. Figure 1shows the legacy FEEDS system. Figure1. Legacy FEEDS recording system.During the 1990’s, FEEDS had delivered over 5000 graduate and undergraduate engineeringcourses to numerous FEEDS sites through Florida, and more than 2,000 working engineers andtechnical managers had earned their Master’s degrees using FEEDS. In 20 years, over 50,000students have registered for FEEDS courses.The way the information was delivered was changed after the entry of the World Wide Web inthe mid-1990. It was not initially utilized for distance education in Florida. From 1995-2000,bandwidth limitations by end-users or students did not allow for video download and delivery asa viable means of delivering lecture
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education Initiatives
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Quamrul Mazumder, University of Michigan - Flint; Dhruba Baishya, University of Michigan - Flint
Tagged Divisions
2003. Page 14 of 153. Herling. D., Herling. A., Peterson. J. Integrating Engineering and Global Competencies: A case study of Oregon State University’s International Degree Program. In proceedings of the 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conferences, Reno, NV, October 2001.4. Torres, J.L. What's in it for me? The whys and wherefores of international exchange programs. In proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Montréal, Quebec, June 2002.5. Hipel. K.W. The Internationalization of Engineering Education: A Tale of Two Countries. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2003, Vol. 33, No. 1.6. Owusu-Ofori. S., Klett. D
Conference Session
Electrical Engineering Technology Design Projects & Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Youakim Al Kalaani, Georgia Southern University; Frank Goforth, Georgia Southern University; Shonda Bernadin, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
X 3.08Assemble and test a diodecircuits such as clippers, Simulation 2 X 3.09clamps, rectifiers andvoltage multipliers Laboratory 2 X 3.09Assemble and test s ofBipolar Junction Simulation 3 X 2.5Transistors (BJT)including pnp, npn,common base, commonemitter, common Laboratory 3 X 3.47collector configurationsAssemble and
Conference Session
Anything New in Dynamics?
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Geoff Rideout, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Tagged Divisions
crank lengthB3C3 1 m coupler length 6ksA, ksB, 10 N/m parasitic stiffnesses, points A, B, C, DksC, ksDRsA, RsB, 200 N-s/m parasitic damping, points A, B, C, DRsC, RsDT(t) 10 N-m input torqueb 2 N-s/rad pin C rotational damping constantc 5 N-s/m slider viscous damping constant Page 13.1168.14Appendix B – Student Questionnaire and ResultsQuestionnaire regarding ENGI7945 Machine DynamicsPossible AnswersStrongly agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree(2
Conference Session
Assessment of K-12 Engineering Programs and Issues
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Petros Katsioloudis, Berea College
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
, PA.: Learning Services. 6. Ernst, V. E., Clark, A. C. (2006). Supporting technological literacy through the integration of engineering, mathematic, scientific, and technological concepts. Published proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Session 370. 7. Idowu, P., Brinton, G., Hartman, H., Neuhard, S., Abraham, R., & Boyer, E. (2006). Information visualization applied in presenting some fundamental power system topics. Published proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Session 1335. 8. Lantz, C. (2000). Visual Readability in Instructional
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Physics or Engineering Phy
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Jonassen, University of Missouri; Young Hoan Cho, University of Missouri; Carlos Wexler, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
). The mechanisms of analogical learning. In S. Vosniadou & A. Ortony(Eds.), Similarity and analogical reasoning (pp. 199-241). New York: Cambridge University Press.15. Medin, D.L., & Ross, B.H. (1989). The specific character of abstract thought: Categorization problem solving, and induction. In R.J. Sternberg (Ed.), Advances in the psychology of human intelligence (Vol. 5, pp. 189-223). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.16. Loewenstein, J., Thompson, L., & Gentner, D. (2003). Analogical learning in negotiation teams: Comparing cases promotes learning and transfer. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2 (2), 119-127.17. Catrambone, R.., Holyoak, K. J. (1989). Overcoming contextual limitations on
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Teams
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Samantha Jacques; Deepti Suri, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
curricular innovation but also rises tothe challenge of providing globally relevant engineering education.Project ContextThe Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), founded in 1903 is an educational institutionbased on an applications-oriented curriculum. From the beginning, leaders of business andindustry cooperated in the institution's development, and a close relationship was established thathas continued throughout the school’s history.The Biomedical Engineering Program at MSOE was started as a Biomedical EngineeringTechnology program in 1969. In the mid 1980’s the program moved from a technology focus toan engineering focus, and was ABET accredited as one of the first four Biomedical Engineeringprograms in the country in 1990. MSOE’s
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Curriculum Innovation
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg Waidley, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Jason Bittner, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
consistent information resource for the student teams. At the end ofthe course, students prepare a white paper and present a PowerPoint to the senior managerswithin the participating agency(s).This Practicum course accomplishes several objectives. It provides students with real worldexperience in the analysis of transportation issues. It gives them experience communicating theresults of their work to industry managers. And, critical to this discussion, it provides thestudents with experience working with teams of people from other disciplines, who havedifferent talents, vocabularies, and approaches to problem solving.The spring of 2007 marked the fifth spring in which this course was offered. The transportationtopic areas that students have been
Conference Session
Innovation & Assessment in the delivery of IT/IET
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Scachitti, Purdue University Calumet; Jamie Workman-Germann, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis; Matthew Stephens, Purdue University; Annaji Sharma Ammu, Purdue University Calumet; Richard Szromba, Purdue University Calumet
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
developed to meet this expanding need for IET and IT principles in non-manufacturing industries under the guise of ‘Lean Six Sigma.’ Emerging opportunitiessuch as these at various academic institutions will be discussed.IntroductionThe profession of Industrial Engineering has been evolving since its conception in the1880’s when Frederick Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth first began to develop therules and techniques of methods improvement1. Since then the term Industrial Engineerhas been associated with a variety of organizational functions and methodologies thatstem from this one central concept of helping enterprises to drive down costs andimprove organizational efficiency. Topics associated with this over the years haveincluded quality
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Trevelyan, University of Western Australia; Sabbia Tilli, University of Western Australia
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
also like to acknowledge contributions from colleagues in theEngineering Learning and Practice Group and Dr. Lesley Jolly of the University of Queenslandfor invaluable help with survey design and methodology.References1. J. P. Trevelyan and S. Tilli, Published Research on Engineering Work. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 2007. Vol. 133, No. 4, pp. 300-307.2. J. P. Trevelyan, Technical Coordination in Engineering Practice. Journal of Engineering Education, 2007. Vol. 96, No. 3, pp. 191-204.3. J. P. Trevelyan. A Framework for Understanding Engineering Practice. in American Association for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. 2008. Pittsburgh.(submitted for review).4. R
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
previous step, students were able touch and feel themechanisms, see them working, and watch the visual aids. The very next step wasabout them getting into the mechanisms for a learning experience that was based onclose contact and practical. Animated toys were selected as the target products sincethe course was based on Animatronics. An example activity is given below in Figure 3.After experimenting with and dissecting the toys, students were asked to generatereports that included: • Function(s) of the toy or the mechanism including motions generated Page 13.76.4 • Structure of the toy and its subassemblies (mechanisms present within
Conference Session
Beyond Individual Ethics: Engineering in Context
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur Sacks, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
engineering choices.As an art form, film has inherent value in: the richness of the human experience captured in itthat is shared by its audience; the pleasure and insight the experience of viewing film brings tothe audience; the creative integration of narrative, composition, perspective, and techniquecommanded by a team of producer(s), director(s), writers, actors, cameramen, film editors, setdesigners, etc.; the cultural moment it expresses and reveals as it is created and produced; and, itsstaying power as it is viewed, experienced and interpreted over time. Film enables this artisticand technical collective to transform moving image, creating symbols and exploring themes andmyth which mirror other art forms, all of which depend upon technologies
Conference Session
Topics at the intersection of Aero and Naval Eng.
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sung Kyung Hong, Sejong University; Min-kee Hong, Cheong-Shim International Academy; Yoon-ki Hong, Cheong-Shim International Academy; Jong-hyun Hwang, Sejong University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
easily. It can provoke interest to related field by experimenting directlywith understanding of simplified system. Also, it provides students an opportunity to apply theknowledge they learned in class.2. The vehicle that replace FCC by GCS loads only GPS does not require expensive inertiasensor or air data sensor, can make by cheap price. Also, It is possible to achieve small size andlight weight because required loading space is decrescent. And It is enable direct application toMAV.Bibliography1. S. Morries and M. Holden, “Design of Micro Air Vehicle and Flight Test Validation”, Conference on Fixed,Flapping and Rotary Wing Vehicles at Very Low Reynolds Numbers, University of Notre Dame, June 20002. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 4th
Conference Session
Investigating Fuel Cells and Alternative Fuels in the Classroom and Lab
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Recayi 'Reg' Pecen; Faruk Yildiz; Kenan Baltaci, University of Northern Iowa
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
produce the same output voltage from a mass flowcontroller. The GCF is a function of specific heat, density, and the molecular structure of thegases. In our case pure hydrogen is used as the baseline gas but flow controllers are usuallycalibrated with nitrogen. To calculate the Gas Correction Factor (GCF) for pure gases, followingformula is used: (0.3106)( S ) GCFx = (d x )(cp x )where GCFx is the gas correction factor for gas x (In our case hydrogen gas used),0.3106 is the factor of (Standard Density of nitrogen) and (Specific Heat of nitrogen),S is the molecular structure correction factor where S is 1.03 for
Conference Session
Problem Solving and Misconceptions
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Verleger, Purdue University; Heidi Diefes-Dux, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Page 13.689.7 standard deviation).• One or more statistical measures (e.g. maximum, range, standard deviation) of height (surface elevation) are used to quantify the roughness of the image. The measure(s) selected are aligned with a clearly stated definition of roughness.• Frequency, 2-d size, and/or distances between significant features in the images is addressed. Procedures that address these issues must also use a measure related to height to quantify roughness. This is necessary as measures of frequency, 2-d size, and distance between features alone cannot define roughness. Either the procedure accounts for these issues or a rationale is provided for not considering these issues within the procedure.• The fact
Conference Session
Educating Graduates in Engineering for a Flat World
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Mariasingam, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Thomas Smith, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Sandra Courter, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tagged Divisions
/weblinks/MKEZ-6G6QZY?OpenDocument2. Mariasingam, M.A., Smith. T.W., Courter, S. S., & Moses, G. A. (2007). Globalization and Engineering Education for 2020. Paper presented at the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education [ASEE] Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27, 2007.3. ASEE Conference (2005). Globalization of Engineering Education. Retrieved on August 25, 2006 from Grindel, T. (Ed) (2006). In search of global engineering excellence: Educating the next generation of engineers for the global workplace. Atlanta/USA. Continental AG, Hanover/Germany. www.conti-online.com5. Kenney, M. and Dossani, R (2005). Offshoring and the Future of U.S. Engineering: An
Conference Session
Professional Practice and AEC Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stan Guidera, Bowling Green State University; Anthony Mutai, Bowling Green State University
Tagged Divisions
). Cost analysis of inadequate interoperability in the US capital facilities industry. Johnson, S. (1998). What’s in a representation, why do we care, and what does it mean? Examining the Evidence from Psychology. In Automation in Construction. 8 (1): 15-24.7 Birx, G. BIM Evokes Revolutionary Changes to Architecture Practice at Ayers/Saint/Gross. In AIA Architect. (2005). Khamlani, L. (2004). The IFC Building Model: A Look Under the Hood. AECbytes Feature (March 30, 2004). Hagan, S, Graves, T, Matta, C., and Kam, C. (2005). Building
Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Course Management
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Scott Hawker, Rochester Institute of Technology; Ian Webber, Rochester Institute of Technology; Michael Starenko, Rochester Institute of Technology; Jeremiah Parry-Hill, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
, Collaborate, Teach, Collaborate, Teach, Retrieve, Assemble, Learn, Understand, Learn, Understand, Find, Discover, View, Edit, Annotate Create, Discover Create, Discover Extract, Organize Interact with Shared Content Interact with Shared Content Interaction and Collaboration Workspaces (“Documents”) brevitatem, 2 3 Description and Organization absolutionem, paucitatem s f 2
Conference Session
Multinational and International Design
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Mehalik, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
., Michael Lovell, and Larry S. Shuman. “Product Realization for Global Opportunities: Learning Collaborative Design in an International Setting.” International Journal of Engineering Education, forthcoming Spring 2008.2. T.L. Friedman, “China’s Little Green Book,” New York Times, Nov. 2, 2005, Section A, p. 29.3. Eric Beckman, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Gena Kovalcik, Matthew Mehalik, Kim LaScola Needy, Robert Ries, Laura Schaefer, Larry Shuman, and Doris Kowaltowski, “Creating the Holistic Engineer: A Focus on Sustainability in an International Setting.” Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education, Rio Conference, 2006.4. C.K. Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School
Conference Session
Non-Technical Skills Build Success in ET
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maren Henry, University of West Georgia; Eric Granlund, Pennsylvania State University-Altoona
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
into the cone (see Fig. 2). The nut structure was then changed to a retainer ring structure (Zhong, 2001). However, five years later, on March 16, 2006, the retainer ring structure also broke at the same location (see Fig. 2). A comprehensive investigation was then performed including dynamic analysis of position rods to identify the design problem. References Zhong, S. (2001). Failure analysis and design strength study of piston rod for the Shuikou hydroelectric power unit 6. Large Electr Mach Hydraulic Turbine, 7, 7–11.Second Passage The turbine was put into production in November, 1995. On February 10, 2000, the turbine was found to be
Conference Session
Engineering Economy -- Outside the Introductory Course
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Peterson, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
, An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering, 1998, Addison-Wesly Educational Publishers Inc.3. Brauer, Roger L., Safety and Health for Engineers, Second Edition, 2006, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.4. Meredith, Jack R., and Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Project Management, Managerial Approach, Sixth Edition, 2006, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.5. Ostwald, Phillip F. and Timothy S. McLaren, Cost Analysis and Estimating for Engineering and Management, 2004, Pearson Prentice Hall6. Peterson, William R., Rafael E. Landaeta, and Bryan Magary, “Is It Time For A New Paradigm?”, 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings (June 12 – 15, 2005, Portland, Oregon), American Society for Engineering Education, Session 2639 (CD-ROM
Conference Session
Professional Skills and the Workplace
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley Ater Kranov, Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology; Robert Olsen, Washington State University; Carl Hauser, Washington State University; Laura Girardeau, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. Page 13.32.137. Shuman, L. J., Besterfield-Sacre, M., and McGourty, J. (2005, January). The ABET “Professional Skills”- Can They Be Taught? Can They Be Assessed? Journal of Engineering Education, p. 41-55.8. Brumm, T. J., Hanneman, L. F. & Mickelson, S. K. (2006). Assessing and Developing Program Outcomes through workplace competencies. International Journal of Engineering Education, 22, 1, p. 123-129.9. Shuman, L. J., Besterfield-Sacre, M., and McGourty, J. (2005, January). The ABET “Professional Skills”- Can They Be Taught? Can They Be Assessed? Journal of Engineering Education, p. 41-55.10. Rogers, G. (2006, August). “Direct and Indirect Assessments: What Are They Good For?” Community Matters: A Monthly
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Linda Anthony, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Marjory Palius, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Carolyn Maher, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Prabhas Moghe, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
classifications identified in other studies ofcommunities of practice – i.e., elaboration, interpretation, explanation and argumentation in thework of Palincsar[10] and contextualization, explanation, instruction, critique, and elicitationamong the speech events identified by Donath et al.[3].Scaling tendency refers to the context in which the discourse occurs and where it fits in thelandscape of activities that comprise the experience of doing research. We have identified threescales of discourse. The most finely grained is tactics (T) , which focuses on details of thespecific research. The mid-level is strategy (S), which focuses on both the experimental designand interpretation of results, which may address issues like assumptions, simplifications
Conference Session
Mechanics Education Programs and Projects
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Papadopoulos
Tagged Divisions
. “Development of a Concept Inventory for Strength of Materials”, 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2003.28. Richardson, Jim. “Concept Inventories: Tools for Uncovering STEM Students’ Misconceptions”, AAAS, 2005.29. Rosati, Peter. “Mechanics Texts are for Students”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 1996.30. Sjøberg, S. Lie. Technical Report 81-11, University of Oslo, 1981.31. Steif, Paul. “An Articulation of the Concepts and Skills Which Underlie Engineering Statics”, Proceedings of the 34th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2004.32. Steif, Paul S. and John A. Dantzler. “A Statics Concept Inventory: Development and Psychometric Analysis”, Journal of Engineering Education, October
Conference Session
Information Technologies Classroom Instruction
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert MacDonald, Purdue University; Raheel Malik, Whirlpool Corp.; Anthony Smith, Purdue University; James Goldman, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
implementation is easier to implement because there is noadditional cabling required beyond power to the access points, but the distribution system mustbe configured manually by the administrator.In order to replicate similar course modules, the instructor(s) must obtain the proper hardwareand make it available for student use. Access points must support some kind of similar meshprotocol, as well as wireless distribution system protocols that can work in conjunction with802.11 standards. Ideally, wireless access points utilized for this course module should supporttwo separate radios. One radio should support 802.11a while the other supports 802.11b/gstandards. In this manner, the distribution system can be separated from the client-accessdomain. A