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or project director, then themanagement team steps in to have the issue(s) addressed.The results presented in Table 3 indicate that the NNIN is meeting its primary objectives: • Providing advanced research project – 4.14 • Learning to use advanced equipment and processes – 4.16 • Exciting participants about graduate school – 4.48 • Providing information on nano careers – 4.08 • Enhancing presentation and writing skills – 4.25 • Exposing participants to the breadth of nano – 4.22We use the information gained from these post-surveys and external evaluations to makechanges to our program. For example, in 2006 many students indicated that the NNIN REU didnot provide them with enough information about careers in nanotechnology with
) improve students’ retention in the current engineering program. Page 13.601.10AcknowledgementsThe authors of this paper would like to thank their colleagues in the Electrical and ComputerEngineering Department at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology who have been instrumental indeveloping the Digital Systems course in the past years.Bibliography1. S. Brown, Z. Vranesic, “Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design”, Mc Grew Hills, 2nd edition,2007.2. Mihaela Radu, “Extensive Coverage of Functional Verification of Hardware Designs”, in the proceedings of2007 International Conference on Microelectronics Systems Education. MSE 07, 3-4 June
fuelfrom seeds of the Jatropha shrub, which grows in West Africa. The impact of this approach onstudent satisfaction and success is discussed.IntroductionA central focus of engineering education is the design process. Our goal as engineering educatorsis to ensure that graduating engineers have the ability to “design effective solutions that meetsocietal needs” 1. Traditionally, engineering education is built on a foundation of sciences andmathematics courses, with students taking engineering courses in their upper years, with fewstudents experiencing design outside of a focused course in their discipline. In the 1990’s, inresponse to accreditation criteria, most engineering schools added a “capstone” design project inthe final year. These projects
architectures. DelMar Information Technologies also sells several software products and services, including corporate training classes.Richard Mislan, Purdue University, West Lafayette Richard is an assistant professor specializing in the area of Cyber Forensics. Richard 's areas of research include Small-Scale Digital Device Forensics, Unusual Sources of Digital Evidence, and the Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Improving Efficiency in Cyber Forensics. He is also a faculty member with the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). Formerly of Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan, Richard has taught graduate and
projects are often reviewed online, in trade publications, oracademic venues. OSS may include less documentation and require more expertise to install andmaintain, although again the larger, more popular projects recognize these challenges and workto address them. Page 13.952.2Team projects have a long history in education, with an extensive literature2,3,4 which this paperdoes not attempt to summarize. However, team activities (and supporting tools) can be classifiedaccording to their broad objective(s): 1. Cohesion. Teams need to develop and maintain cohesion - a sense of community, trust, and shared purpose. Tools can only indirectly
of active learning activities – a similar balance was employedfor each section. Exam performances of the two sections were compared against eachother to assess the degree to which an increase in active learning promotes understandingand retention. Entrepreneurial tendencies were noted for individual students as theyworked on group projects near the end of the semester. Before the projects were handedout, both sections were exposed to lectures on state-of-the-art heat transfer technologicalsolutions to some current problem(s). During these lectures, entrepreneurialcharacteristics (i.e. creativity and “big-picture thinking” etc..) and skills (i.e. problemidentification, market analysis and patent searching etc..) that were exhibited during
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Inquiry Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(5), 487-509.5. National Research Council (NRC), Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education (1996). National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.6. Murphy, D. S., & Sullivan, K. (1997). Connecting Adolescent Girls of Color and Math/Science Interventions Annual Meeting of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (Baltimore, MD, March 22- 25, 1997), 13 pages.7. Navarro, R.L., Flores, L.Y., & Worthington, R.L. (2007). Mexican American Middle School Students’ Goal Intentions in Mathematics and Science: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54(3), 320-335.8
2061,” Update American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC: AAAS, 2001-2002.4. “Evaluating and Improving Undergraduate Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics,” National Research Council, Washington, DC, 2003, p. 116,5. J. Polman, Designing project-based science: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press, 2000.6. B. J. S. Barron, “Doing with Understanding: Lessons from Research on Problem- and Project-based Learning,” The Journal of the Learning Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 3&4, pp 271-311, 1998.7. N. Capon, & D. Kuhn, “What's so good about problem-based learning?” Cognition and Instruction, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 61-79, 2004.8
-confidence in mathematics than men 9. Seymour and Hewitt 13 interviewed students thatswitched majors and persisted in majors from several disciplines among seven campuses showedthat there is no evidence that those who dropped out of engineering lack preparation, have alower ability, or are unwilling to work. Rather, “problems which arise from the structures of theeducation experience and the culture of the discipline[s] (as reflected in the attitudes andpractices of the S.M.E. faculty) make a far greater contribution to S.M.E. attrition than individualinadequacies of students or the appeal of other majors (p. 392). The main reason why womenswitch out of engineering is because they felt alienation, isolation, and loss of confidence. Thisis primarily
thicknesses and coefficients of friction. • HVAC/Mechanical Systems – Determine the number and size of various components of a distributed HVAC system including as air handling fans, heaters and air conditioners given the loading and the characteristics of the individual system components.Walnut Street BridgeThe first lecture was by a professional engineer involved with the initial design of the bridge andits approach viaducts in the mid 1980’s. He presented an overview of the project including theconstraints imposed by replacing an existing structure in a physically limited urban environment,utilities, and the reuse of existing components such as piers and abutments. The bridge and
found high correlations between the two items about intelligence (0.74) and between the twoitems about programming (0.84). There was a low to negligible correlations among othercombinations, with the strongest (up to 0.3) being between attitudes about intelligence andprogramming items. We assessed the correlations between ratings on each LSI dimension andagreement with the six statements. We found most of the correlations were small. The highestcorrelation was between SEN/INT dimension and the first statement about programming skills.The more strongly a student scores as a “sensor”, the more s/he believes that her/hisprogramming aptitude cannot be changed.We did not uncover any clear evidence that students with different learning styles
availablespots. All indicators point to a successful educational model. Senior Design Interest 30 25 20 Quantity 15 Projects 10 Proposals 5 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 YearBibliography 1. Howe, S. and Wilbarger, J.”National Survey of Engineering Capstone Design Courses”, Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
aresult, a follow-up study is needed to expand the results of this study onto the entire populationof electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science freshmen involved inintroductory programming courses.References1. Carlisle, M. C. Welcome to the Raptor home page. Retrieved November 19, 2007 fromhttp://raptor.martincarlisle.com/2. Carlisle, M. C., T. A. Wilson, J. W. Humphries, and S. M. Hadfield, “RAPTOR: A Visual ProgrammingEnvironment For Teaching Algorithmic Problem Solving,” Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE Technical Symposiumon Computer Science Education, ACM Press, 2005, 176-180.3. Carnegie Mellon University, Alice: An Educational Software that Teaches Students ComputerProgramming in a 3D Environment
ground.Bibliography1 Klosky, J.L. and M. Klosky. 2006. “The Internet Communications Tsunami – It’s Not Coming, It’s Here.” Means,Methods and Trends, the on-line journal of ASCE’s Construction Institute. Spring, 2006.2 Prensky, M. (2001) “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (from On the Horizon)”. NCB University Press 9(5).3 Ibid4 Rainey, L., (2006) “Digital Natives: How today’s youth are different from their ‘digital immigrant’ elders and whatthat means for libraries”, Presentation to Metro-NY Library Council, Brooklyn Museum of Art5 Levin, D. and Arafeh, S., (2007) “The Digital Disconnect: The Widening Gap Between Internet-Savvy Studentsand Their Schools”, Pew Internet and American Life Project.6 Ibid7 Lenhart, A. and Madden, M., (2005) “Teen Content
sheet. It is recommended that the project assignment sheet(s) be used as a cover. The report must include inorder the following ten sections; some sections include subsections.1. Project Drawings, Parts List and Bill of Materials (15%). These summarize and communicate your design and must be sufficient to fabricate the design. Drawings must be roughly to scale and must include (1) a rendering of your design, (2) an isometric assembly with components ‘called-out’ and correlated by number or part name with the parts list, (3) details to clarify component connections and joints and (4) other details as necessary. Use professional conventions. Include all dimensions. Do not draw details of standard ‘off-the- shelf’ hardware
Learning in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 1, pp. 16-31, Spring 2007.3 Jordan, W., Ballard, B., Morton, A., Sanders, B., and Wakefield, J.K., Implementing a Service LearningEngineering Project in East Africa, presented at the Gulf Southwest Regional Meeting of A.S.E.E., South PadreIsland, TX, March 2007. In CD based Proceedings (no page numbers).4 Jordan, W., Parker, H., Eppink, J., Hemmen, S., McGhee, R., and Eberhardt, M., Building Bridges for a BetterFuture: “Bridging the Gap”, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Edinburgh,U.K., August 2007.5 Creed, Christopher J., Suuberg, Eric M., Crawford, Gregory P., Journal of Engineering Education, v 91, n 2, April,2002, p 185-195.6 Gallogly, Vincent, “Utilizing engineering
Page 13.349.921 This author has requested anonymity.Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition 8Copyright 2008, American Society for Engineering Education students are pretty much done at the end of class time. It also forces me to really focus on what I 22 want to test them over without asking redundant questions.If you solve an exam ahead of time, you can also pass out solutions to students as theyleave. Wayne Wells23 tells of one instructor who did this: [A]s each student completed the work and turned it in, she handed them a copy of the solutions with the rule
faculty, documentation of professional development activities, or other teaching related items. ‚ Is participation compulsory or voluntarily? Participation requirements vary widely. ‚ Who is/are the target group(s)? While some countries focus on professional development for junior faculty, others address all those teaching in technical, engineering-related domains. ‚ What is the professional development program duration? There may be multiple sequential levels of professional development activities and/or achievement, and programs vary from short courses to continuous development. ‚ What is the professional development
written in s fashion that relates the objective is a specific and measurable fashion. This section of the paper investigates how the learning objectives relate to the published course goals. Tables 5, 6, and 7 are matrix tabulations of the learning objectives provided mapped to Page 13.333.11 the corresponding course objective at the appropriate level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The