would be told that they have 5-10minutes (depending on the problem) to think through the problem, write down the correctequations and begin the solution/calculation process. The instructor is available toanswer questions during this time. The instructor then concludes the exercise bypresenting the entire solution to the class and answers follow-up questions. Typically,the solution is presented when a few of the more advanced students have completelysolved the problem and performed all necessary calculations while the vats majority ofthe students have completed the problem set-up. The instructor believes that whilestudents can benefit from being helped or listening to a peer explain his/her thinking withregards to the setup or solving of a
directed project rather than a research thesis o A Professional Fellow (recognized by his/her peers as having progressed well beyond the norm). o Industry experienced faculty are needed to teach the professional engineers. Some of these could/should be visiting/adjunct faculty who are experienced practicing engineers. Page 13.558.53.3 Transforming Engineers into Leaders • In many engineering organizations today, there are multiple tracks for advancement. To be successful in any of these tracks, professional graduate engineering education is needed. o One track is to
” units. This freed time on the CNC, andpermitted the operator to assist in folding airplanes later in the round. It also sped up the cuttingoperation for the “A” airplanes significantly. As a result, Lean Machine was able to lead thelabor-per-unit performance metric by a wide margin. Page 13.834.9 Figure 4. Lean Machine’s Paper Cutter.Other “best practices” implemented by students in the IE 606 laboratory include: • Implementation of single-piece flow and “pull” production through the re-writing of the work rules. • Physical rearrangement of work stations to minimize travel and encourage single-piece
rat trap forpower, technical and progress report writing requirements, calculation requirements, and ascoring algorithm imposing trade-offs between size, weight, cost, and performance.The resulting projects satisfied individual course outcomes and created an opportunity tohighlight the benefit of understanding basic engineering concepts. The freshman versioncombined the earlier truss and stability projects into a cohesive project which encourageddiscussion on the relation among different disciplines. The senior project required the use ofmore advanced design skills practiced in earlier courses along with analytical techniques from awide variety of courses.Senior projectSeniors worked in groups of three. A detailed memorandum given to the
access the staff information of the course 25 Website. 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Staff Information: Number of AccessesIn addition to BlackBoard® usage data, we analyzed student survey data regarding issuesassociated instructional technologies such as frequency of use, comfort in use, communicationwith instructors, communication with peers, knowledge of course deadlines and requirements,review of course materials
institution main campus.The remaining two attended international high schools in an urban setting. Eventually, all AsianAmerican TT students attended one or both of the primary sending institutions.Six of the seven Hispanic TT students attended high schools in urban/suburban designatedcommunities. The lone Hispanic female came from a small town and had only 4 TT credit hourscompared to an average of 60 per student for her urban ethnic peers. As with the ASAMstudents, four of the seven HISP students, at one time or another, attended one of the primarysending institutions for our TT population. Two of the three AFAM students graduated fromurban/suburban high schools. The lone female also attended high school in a small town. Likeher HISP counterpart
ScienceFestivals20 held in different locations, bring together more than 1,000 middle school girls, parentsand teachers. Page 13.896.9Education Unlimited21 offers a variety of summer programs for students in grades 4-12. TheirA+ Summer Programs22 held at Stanford University builds proficiency in logic, critical thinkingand writing skills, dividing students into two sessions: a 12 day camp for 11th and 12th graders23,and a 9 day camp for 9th and 10th graders24, which focus on critical thinking skills in academicactivities: college level writing, research skills, logical thinking/argumentation, study skills, timemanagement, course/major selection, note taking
. The first presentation had each student focus on a specific scientist of significance that hasmade one or more significant contributions to topics of interest for the course. The second and thirdpresentations required each student to read a contemporary research article related to astronomy,or space exploration. Science was often used as an appropriate source since it’s articles are writtento be understandable to a wide readership. Students were asked to present the topic of the researcharticle, the significance of the research and findings in the article and the background informationnecessary to clarify the significance of the research results.Student presentations were rated by other students using peer review sheets. The review sheet al
theme that changes each year. Individual students write a paper of findings, which is evaluated by a judging committee. Top performers are invited to present their work in a conference format to their parents, teachers, peers and the general public. Page 13.23.4 3. A poster session competition that provides an additional forum for student teams to address the same open-ended problem as the career exploration contest. 4. A civil engineering related project which has included a bridge building contest in which student teams design, analyze and construct bridges to given specifications and then test the
-preserveinterpretive center provides laboratory space for K-12 education via camps and enrichmentactivities for nearby students. Our demonstration wind turbine and solar photovoltaic systemshave generated significant interest from nearby high school science teachers who want to exposeyoung students to the benefits and challenges of alternative and renewable energy technologies. Intentional living and learning communitiesAt the time of this writing, Calvin College is evaluating options for an intentional living andlearning community to be housed on one floor of a new dormitory whose heating and coolingloads may be partially offset by a geothermal system. It is envisioned that the geothermal systemand other innovative energy systems in the dormitory will
.Engineering Education Capability Maturity Model 13Current accreditation processes are binary, the program either gets accredited or not. A multi-level model to facilitate the process of going through accreditation and to help find peers couldincrease the number of LAC programs that seek accreditation. The proposed model is based on afive-level process improvement model proposed in 1995 at Carnegie Mellon University, calledthe Capability Maturity Model (CMM)9. The CMM measures an organization’s processcapability, i.e. the inherent ability of a process to produce planned results. As the processcapability increases, the results become predictable and measurable, and the most significantcauses of poor quality and productivity are controlled or eliminated
experience of one of the GTA’s who was involved inleading 3 of the 45 workshops. The GTA taught the first workshop on the early mornings ofWednesdays (8:00 to 9:50 am), and the second and third on Friday mornings, the second beingearly in the morning (8:00 to 9:50 am), and the third being right after (10:00 to 11:50 am). In the1-day time gap between the workshop taught on Wednesday and workshops taught on Friday,the GTA, if possible, modified the instructional delivery process of the activities, with theobjective of improving the learning outcomes. The modified instructional delivery was based onthe GTA’s reflections, peer suggestions, and students’ feedback. Course modifications are, ingeneral, in accordance with the literature on human/student
as students work withtheir teachers and peers 2. When engaged in active learning, students make gains not only incontent knowledge, but in process skills and attitudes towards science. When teachers use acurriculum based on active learning, their behaviors also become more student centered, withless focus on worksheets and lectures, and more focus on lab work and inquiry 3. In general,active learning reaches students who possess a wide variety of learning styles, much more sothan traditional teaching and learning 4.In contrast to traditional lecture-style classrooms, active learning takes place when teachersengage students such that that they think about and perform meaningful activities. This can be assimple as pausing several times during
object to a situation in whichothers strive more intensely towards ethical conduct? Surely most who prize moralconduct in the professions would hesitate to object to any around them findingheightened internal motivation for ethical behavior, whatever the source of the motivation,particularly where those ethical conclusions are largely congruent. Their self-interest isserved by the religious principles of others. The most common objection I’ve heard is that a Christian engineering ethic wouldbe globally and culturally constrained. Peers assert that engineering requires a secularethic that can be universally embraced, as other religious systems or worldviews wouldbe justified in rejecting a religiously derived ethic. We must recognize
graduate students, whoacted as teaching fellows. At this writing, ten Fellows are currently working during the secondterm 2007-8 with ten YPSD Faculty Affiliates. Fellows contribute time, knowledge, and energyto the classroom to increase student understanding, appreciation, and interest in science,technology, engineering, and mathematics. Each Fellow assists in one or two teachers’classrooms each week for at least two, two-hour periods, along with an additional one to twohours of preparation time outside the classroom. Each team determines the exact role that theFellow will play in the classroom so that each partnership is mutually beneficial. Fellows alsoassist with design and help conduct labs, group work, and class discussions. They are free
participation had significant positiveeffects on 11 outcome measures: academic performance (GPA, writing skills, critical thinkingskills), values (commitment to activism and to promoting racial understanding), self-efficacy,leadership (leadership activities, self-rated leadership ability, interpersonal skills), choice of aservice career, and plans to participate in service after college. “These findings directly replicatea number of recent studies using different samples and methodologies.”(p.ii) 5 They found thatS-L to be significantly better in 8 out of 11 measures than just service without the courseintegration and discovered “strong support for the notion that service learning should be includedin the student’s major field.”(p.iii)6.Eyler and
.” “Lack of security and promotion possibilities.” “I don’t have a peer group in my department. I don’t get reviewed, and I’m not considered for promotion.” “No guarantee on classes being available. No benefits.” “There is no security. There is no recognition for the work that I do. The university and department have no stake in my success so I often feel like a target instead of a valued team player. Often made to feel like a second class citizen because I don’t have tenure. Still held to a higher standard.”Finally, faculty were asked to rate their work life balance (Q34). Table 6 shows how faculty
towards their learning, and therefore inclined towant more involvement in the process. They also want to relate learning to their life experiences,understanding that education is for life. Young learners, on the other hand, have little experience to drawon, and therefore tend to be dependent on the instructor for guidance. They are also motivated to learnmore by reward and punishment, i.e. good grades, failing grades4. Typically, the traditional lecture isbased on the pedagogical model, with the professor providing information to the student, while theandragogical model allows for more interaction and cooperation between the student, peers, professor,and subject matter (active learning). With both approaches, effective learning can occur. Yet
experience focused only on membrane electrode assembly (MEA) components and performance. Good hands-on experience. Want to eventually work at TARDEC.B-27) Any other comments about your participation in the LTU-TARDEC Fuel Cellresearch group?: Not only did I learn about Fuel Cells while working on this project, but I also got to learn about design and implementation of experiments, was involved in test stand development and about interaction with peers, superiors and clients. The progress and involvement in the LTU-TARDEC research group nearly eliminated the learning curve that I would have required to become fully successful at an engineering company. There is no doubt in my mind that the knowledge I