launch speed is 6.1 km/s, how fast is it moving at the peak of its trajectory? - Problem from one of the authors’ first year engineering student’s Physics homework [1]If your background is engineering, you are also likely to have seen problems like the one abovein classes that you have taken.If you are unsettled by problems that engineering studentsencounter that lack any reflection on the inherent moral implications, such as the one above, weencourage you to read on as we relate our efforts to contribute to the struggle for social justice inengineering. If you are not troubled with problems like the one above, then you may not findvalue in reading any further. Then again, perhaps you could benefit from learning aboutSolidarity
classes. Wewant the most accurate estimate of how you see yourself. CreativityAesthetic designFunctional designDrawing abilityManufacturing skillsCritiquing abilityIdeation abilityAppreciation for aestheticsAbility to identify major design movementsQuestion 4 – The final for this course is to complete an aesthetics-based design project. Rate youragreement with the following statement: I am confident in my ability to succeed on such a project. II. IdentificationQuestion 15* - We are interested in knowing why you are studying engineering. Please indicate below theextent to which the following reasons apply to you:Technology plays an important role in solving society’s problemsEngineers make more money than most other professionalsMy parent(s
questions anda thought. At least 30 minutes of the class time was used to facilitate a discussion of the topic,using the forum thread as a catalyst for the discussion. Table 1: Stakeholder Considerations Table for Use with Case StudyFor their final, students were (Adapted from VanTyne, 2020)assigned a case-study role-play modelled from the OnlineEthics Center for Engineeringand Science (OEC). We usedthe case-study concepts andadjusted the role descriptionsfrom Borenstein et al.’s “A CityDecides on Self-Driving Buses”(Borenstein, 2019). Studentswere given the scenario andtheir role assignments a weekprior to the final. Students usedTable 1 to document theirstakeholder decision makingand
first-year retention and academic performance of Black students,” In Proc. 128th ASEE Annual Conference, Virtual, 2021.[5] S. Ciston, M. Carnasciali, J. Nocito-Gobel, and C. Carr, “Impacts of living learning communities on engineering student engagement and sense of affiliation,” In Proc. 118th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada, 2011.[6] M. Flynn, “Engineering residential learning communities: Evaluating the impact on freshmen engineering students,” M.A. thesis, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, 2012.[7] J. Hodge, M. Lagoudas, A. Harris, J. Froyd, M. Hobson, and J. Pope
or what I see in the news. And try to understand why or how things became like that and what needs to be done. And so it was through that lens, I went and saw things in 2017.Familial Capital Anchored HE Career Goals to Stories of HopeAs seen in Jeffry’s story, for many students an increased understanding of HE comes withincreased understanding of all the barriers to infrastructure equally. Many marginalized studentswere able to maintain drive despite the permanence of colonialism, racism, capitalistic greed,through the stories of their family and childhood community(s). While one student felt anger forglobal injustices and unfounded variation of privilege, the stories of economic growth in her ownfamily and underserved
cases by December 2019 due to a new virus in the cityof Wuhan, in the province of Hubei, in China 1 , considerably far removed from the continentalUnited States (US). Very little was then known about SARS-Cov-2 or COVID-19, especially tomany at the large U. S. research university in this study. The semester had reached its mid-point,Spring Break, when the World Health Organization (WHO) officially began using the globalpandemic terminology 2 . The virus had high transmission, hospitalization 3 , and mortality rates 1,4 .The carriers of the virus could be pre-symptomatic 2 or asymptomatic 4 among the manythen-unknowns of COVID-19 leading to many concerns about community transmission 5 . Tominimize transmission and overwhelming hospital resources
challenging to address the issues surrounding girl education in certain contexts, especiallywhen the cultural differences of the stakeholders are not handled properly. Our partners at PlanInternational initiated an endeavor that focuses on educating girls around the globe. Theirframework places the students as equal stakeholders in their programs, this allows the girls tobuild their confidence and become “central drivers of change” [19]. This socioecologicalframework is meant to support the girls in impacting their communities and eventually thesocieties they live in. Our engineering design curriculum is one of the many way ’s girls in ruralSub-Saharan African can become dynamic members of their communities. Increasing theparticipation of girls in
sociales», Thinking for Innovation, mar. 2018, Access: january 22, 2022. [Online]. Available: sociales-digital-business/[2] M. S. Ramírez-Montoya, «Transformación digital e innovación educativa en Latinoamérica en el marco del CoVId-19», Campus virtuales, vol. 9, n.o 2, pp. 123- 139, 2020.[3] F. J. García Peñalvo and A. Correl, «La COVID-19: ¿enzima de la transformación digital de la docencia o reflejo de una crisis metodológica y competencial en la educación superior?», Campus virtuales, vol. 9, n.o 2, pp. 83-98, 2020.[4] B. Bogdandy, J. Tamas, and Z. Toth, «Digital Transformation in Education during COVID-19: a Case Study
industrial sector work together to define a suitable problemspace for students, and to develop the relevant platform(s) for student teaching. Co-creatinglearning activities with industry assures students are exposed to relevant problems, techniques,and technologies from that industry sector; while providing an opportunity for students topractice applying their classroom learning in a real-world, hands-on activity.Activity implementations – derived from the Industrial Automation Hub – were described for afirst year, introductory Mechatronics Engineering course, and a fourth-year technical elective.Student survey responses from these implementations showed that students saw these activitiesas relevant, valuable, and enjoyable to their learning as
] Strangman, Nicole, Tracey Hall, and Anne Meyer. 2004. Background knowledge instruction and the implications for UDL implementation. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. (Links updated 2009). Retrieved September 2018 from: udl.html#.W5AL8uS0WUk.[29] Blumenfeld, Phyllis C., Elliot Soloway, Ronald W. Marx, Joseph S. Krajcik, Mark Guzdial, and Annemarie Palincsar. 1991. Motivating project-based learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning. Educational Psychologist. 26: 369-398. Available at:[30] Markham, Thomas. 2011. Project Based Learning: A
to incorporate female, people of colors and evendifferent majors’ perspective.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grantnumber #2010696. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. The authors gratefully acknowledge the participants in this study and thecontributions of our research team.References[1] K. G. Wolfinbarger, R. L. Shehab, D. A. Trytten & S. E. Walden (2021). The influence of engineering competition team participation on students' leadership identity development. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(4), 925-948
, there is now thechallenge of how might it be possible to provide the same transformational experience to futurestudents in in-person classes, avoiding going back to labs where data collection, plotting andcomparison to theory seem to be main outcome. Rather the goal should be to find ways forstudents to encounter challenges and failures, overcome them and make their success a point ofpride and deep, lasting learning.References[1] L. D. Feisel and A. J. Rosa, “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate EngineeringEducation,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 121–130, Jan. 2005, doi:10.1002/j.2168-9830.2005.tb00833.x.[2] T. E. Allen and S. D. Barker, “BME Labs in the Era of COVID-19: Transitioning a Hands-onIntegrative Lab
. Theauthors also would like to acknowledge the financial support of the School of Engineering,Universidad Andres Bello.References[1] Cabrera, A. F., and La Nasa, S. M. 2000. Understanding the college choice of disadvantaged students. New Directions for Institutional Research. (No. 107): 23-29.[2] Hossler, D., and Gallagher, K. S. 1987. Studying student college choice: A three-phase model and the implications for policymakers. College & University. (Spring): 207-221.[3] Kotler, P., and Fox, K. F. 1985. Strategic Marketing for Educational Institutions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.[4] Paulsen, M. B. 1990. College Choice: Understanding Student Enrollment Behavior. ASHE- ERIC Higher Education Report No. 6. Washington
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development andvalidation of an assessment focused on separating the students at Level 2 (OO Abstraction) fromthose at Level 3 (OO Polymorphism). While designing the assessment, researchers will focus onthe critical prompts leading to participants achieving milestones.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the NSF under Grant Nos. 1525028, 1525173,1525373.References [1] M. B. Rosson and S. R. Alpert, “The cognitive consequences of object-oriented design,” Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 345–379, Dec. 1990. [2] D. J. Armstrong, “The quarks of object-oriented development,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 123–128, Feb. 2006. [3] C. Schulte and J. Bennedsen, “What do teachers teach in
cancer or with a family history of cancer. They found a need in theinsurance benefits industry and are filling it".The word cloud below (figure 1) shows the words the students used to describe their experiencein the program. As can be seen, when asked: "what skill(s) did you learn or enhance by workingon the projects with your team and the client?" Most of the students mentioned communicationand team skills as the skills they learned or enhanced. This was one of the goals of the StittScholars Program. The students also mentioned that they learned or enhanced their marketingskills, how to think differently, project management, and working with students from differentmajors. Figure 1: Word Cloud of Skills Learned or Enhanced from the
) and the accreditation process that is a negative (or positive) influence on the demand for master’s level accreditation? 4. Do you consider yours to be a Master's Level Program or an Integrated Baccalaureate- Master’s Level Engineering Program? 5. Do you have a parallel non-ABET accredited MS program? 6. If not, how do you handle incoming students with non-ABET accredited BS degrees? 7. Is there anything in the current ABET EAC MS general criteria that consistently causes you problems or issues? 8. There have not, to date, been any Master’s level program criteria developed by any society. Would you be interested in having Master’s level program criteria for your program(s)? 9. Do you have any
Class 2021: The state of digital learning and courseware adoption,” 2021. [Online]. Available:[5] E. Zone and C. Johnson, “Want Adaptive Learning to Work? Encourage Adaptive Teaching. Here’s How,” EdSurge, Sep. 23, 2016. adaptive-learning-to-work-encourage-adaptive-teaching-here-s-how[6] E. J. Theobald et al., “Active learning narrows achievement gaps for underrepresented students in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 117, no. 12, pp. 6476–6483, Mar. 2020, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1916903117.[7] P. O’Sullivan, C. Forgette, S. Monroe, and M. England, “Student perceptions of
desire with the student,teaching virtue, mentoring, practicing virtue, enforcement, rehabilitation, and reflection.references[1] T. E. Corts, Ed., Bliss and Tragedy: The Ashtabula Railway-Bridge Accident of 1876 and the Loss of P. P. Bliss, Birmingham, Alabama: Samford University Press, 2003.[2] R. Lumley, Tay Bridge Disaster, Stroud, Gloucestershire: The History Press, 2013.[3] W. D. Middleton, The Bridge at Quebec, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.[4] E. T. Layton, The Revolt of the Engineers, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.[5] C. E. Harris, M. Davis, M. S. Pritchard and M. J. Rabins, "Engineering Ethics: What? Why? How? And When?," The Research Journal for Engineering Education, pp. 93-96, April
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD) of ASEE. Dr. Asgarpoor was recently elected as the 2022-2023 Secretary for the American Society for Engineering Management.Neal A Lewis NEAL A. LEWIS, CPEM, received his Ph.D. in engineering management in 2004 and B.S. in chemical engineering in 1974 from the University of Missouri–Rolla and his MBA in 2000 from the University of New Haven. He has over 25 years of industrial experience at Procter & Gamble and Bayer. He is a faculty member of the online Master of Engineering Management program at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Previously, he taught at UMR (now Missouri S&T), Marshall University, University of Bridgeport, University of New Haven, Fairfield
materials award program has also beenlaunched that allows participating faculty to write a short application and receive up to $1200 inlab materials to help implement new hands-on lab activities at their school. In the upcomingyear, CREATE will further examine the intersection of Solar PV and energy storage with electricvehicle technology, and we hope to report on additional faculty programming in thisinterdisciplinary area in the near future.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation Department of UndergraduateEducation Award #s 1600934, and 2000714. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National
-calibration-original-line-quantum-with-3-sensors/ ). The scope of the undergraduate project was to consultthe online manufacturer’s manual ( and interface the analog sensor output which ranged from 0-800mv to an analog input port(10 bit) of Arduino UNO and use the appropriate calibration to convert the signal to appropriate PPFD Figure 7 : The FarmBot, Solar and Wind Power Data Acquisition and Analysis Project(Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) units of µmol/m2.s. During the calibration, the student team alsocompared the output of the line sensor as displayed on the serial monitor output of the Arduino to a pre-calibrated handheld PAR sensor that was provided to them.The
Presentations is the student’s final opportunity tocreate a well-organized project anchored in critical thinking and a deeper understanding of thephysical principles at play in biological systems.Course ContentThe course schedule of deliverables/assessments, lectures, and activities is shown in Table 1below. As indicated by the course schedule, students are expected to be either preparing for aquiz or working on a portion of their semester long project. This is different than most of theircourses as students are not assigned traditional homework assignments each week. Table 1: Fall 2021 Schedule of Course Deliverables/Assessments, Lectures, and Activities Week Monday Session Wednesday Session Lecture(s) Covered
researchcomplements other research in the use of lightboard systems for flipped classroom methods.References1. M. Moore, and G. Kearsley, Distance education: a systems view of online learning. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012.2. E. Bettinger, and S. Loeb, Promises and pitfalls of online education. Brookings. June 09, 2017, from (accessed January 2022).3. K. V. Elumalai, J. P. Sankar, K. R, J. A. John, N. Menon, M. S. M. Alqahtani, and M. A. Abumelha, Factors affecting the quality of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of higher education students. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19, 731-753, 2020, from https
, Inês, & Mokhithi, Mashudu (2021) Developing growth mindsetsin engineering students: a systematic literature review of interventions, European Journal ofEngineering Education, 46:4, 503-527, DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2021.1903835[2] Deci‚ E. L.‚ Eghrari‚ H.‚ Patrick‚ B. C.‚ & Leone‚ D. (1994). Facilitating internalization: Theselfdetermination theory perspective. Journal of Personality‚ 62‚ 119-142.[3] Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). Self-determination theory. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W.Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins (Eds.), Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 416–436).Sage Publications Ltd.[4] Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House.[5
= “The mass of a spring-mass system, with m = “&M&” kg and k = “&k&” kN/m, vibrates on a horizontal surface under a harmonic force of magnitude “&F&” and a frequency of “&freq&” Hz. Find the resulting amplitude of steady state vibration. Assume the coefficient of friction between the mass and the horizontal surface as “&ukThe ‘&’ in the formula concatenates the strings with the values from the named cells. Cell C2has the answer calculated from the values in the other cells and D2 has 0.01*C2, the acceptabletolerance for the problem.Figure 2 shows the format of a spreadsheet to generate the options. Formulas in columns O, P, Q,R, and S created the possible patterns
the labs (determination of addresses and nicknames needed for a lab and sketches of HMI screens) to be submitted as pre-lab work to force students to be better prepared for lab. • Review all lab documents for clarity. • Look at improving cable length and cable management on the equipment. • Look at adding another module with solenoids and other devices.References[1] A. R. M. Khairudin, A. Abu-Samah, N. A. S. Aziz, M. A. F. M. Azlan, M. H. A. Karim andN. M. Zian, “Design of Portable Industrial Automation Education Training Kit Compatible forIR 4.0” in 2019 IEEE 7th Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC), 2019, pp. 38-42, DOI: 10.1109/ICSPC47137.2019.9068090.[2] S. Hsieh, “Design and Evaluation of Sensor