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Displaying results 31 - 48 of 48 in total
ASEE-NE 2022
Brian M Golliher, US Coast Guard Academy; Luke Henry Monaco, U.S. Coast Guard Academy; David Mazurek P.E., US Coast Guard Academy
L7-U8 120.0 (tens.) 116.3 (tens.) −3.08 L7-L8 116.2 (tens.) 118.1 (tens.) +1.64 L8-L9 116.2 (tens.) 118.1 (tens.) +1.64 U8-L8 43.2 (tens.) 44.1 (tens.) +2.08 U8-L9 178.1 (comp.) 179.3 (comp.) +0.67C. Capacity AssessmentsAlthough first introduced in the late 1800’s, the Cooper load continues to be the universalstandard followed throughout North America for both the design and rating of railroad bridges.Thus, in order to perform a comparative analysis of the Fish’s Eddy Bridge, the Cooper systemwas employed to rate each
ASEE-NE 2022
Hugh L Mcmanus, Northeastern University; Kris Jaeger-Helton, Northeastern University
, Capstone 2. Among other assignments, a midterm presentation and report serve aspractice and a chance to iterate towards the final products, which include an executive summary,an on-line juried presentation, an in-person poster-and-pitch day, and a final report.Feedback. It is well established that constructive feedback is enormously valuable, particularlyif certain conditions are met: It should come from a respected source, it needs to be relativelyimmediate, and it should be delivered with thoughtful clarity from a “more knowledgeable other”(Salalahi, 2019). Further, the recipient(s) ought to be in a receptive and ideally solution-orientedframe of mind (Stone & Heen, 2014). Throughout the capstone experience, teams benefit fromfeedback
ASEE-NE 2022
Ahmed Hassebo, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Afsaneh Ghanavati, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Sharif IM Sheikh, Wentworth Institute of Technology
course I and course II engineering courses at theinstitution. Although the proposed lab experiment(s) can be used as a smooth transition between any circuit analysiscourses that are offered as sequences in engineering curricula, they are also helpful in making a bridge between thetopics of DC and AC Analysis in a single circuit analysis course. This paper proposes that for a course sequence case,the assignment of RL and RC passive filters as the final experiment of the course I would serve as a smooth transitionbetween the course sequences.To explain the concept of passive filter, oscilloscope, function generator, and network analyzer equipment must beintroduced. If the mentioned equipment is presented at the end of course I, course II
ASEE-NE 2022
Ahmed Hassebo, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Sharif IM Sheikh, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Wayne Bynoe, Wentworth Institute of Technology
across the IP network. This TS stream is then loaded into IP packets (TransportStream over IP (TSoIP)). Assuming that IP packets have a 1500 byte MTU, and since TS packets are fixedat 188 bytes, only 7 TS packets can be encapsulated into an IP packet. The resulting IP packet is 1316 bytes,not including headers.Note that encapsulating TS packets into the IP packet increases the rate of the TS stream as a result ofthe addition of headers (RTP/UDP/IP/MAC headers). We assume that half of the video surveillance cameras(26 cameras) are 1MP (1280*720) IP cameras that consume about 1 Mb/s per camera (assuming H.265encoder) at full resolution (for the mainstream). Each of the remaining 26 surveillance cameras is assumedto be using a second sub-stream
ASEE-NE 2022
Trinh Huynh, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Pilin Junsangsri, Wentworth Institute of Technology
technique can also be used between a remoteserver and another remote server, or between a local server and another local server within thesame WiFi network and known IP address. The data collection can be done automatically bycreating automation Python script that uses Paramiko library. This Python script allows users toaccess the Pi, collect target file(s) and save it to the assigned local server’s destination.Results Figure 7: Virtual desktop interfaceThe test was conducted on both hardwood floor and a short carpet floor. In both places, the carwas fully charged and connected to the same 2.4GHz frequency of the WiFi network. Althoughthe floor conditions were different, the car managed to complete all the given tasks
ASEE-NE 2022
Stephanie DeCarvalho, University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth; Jun Li, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Sarah D Dulac, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
the second tie connecting the supports and the buildpart, as suggested by the AM Scenario lessons on the 3DEduspace. The data for the AM processwas then input, and the structural restraints assigned. The chamber temperature was set to thedefault of 298 K, while the melting temperature of Ti-6Al-4V was set to 1300K. The AMparameters can be found in Table 3. For this scenario, a clamp was applied to the bottom face ofthe build plate, and both supports were assigned a fixed displacement with no rotation. Theinitial increment for the thermal and static steps were set to 150 s, while the maximum incrementwas set to 1000s. The simulation checks were performed in order to ensure no complicationswould occur, and then the simulation for both the
ASEE-NE 2022
Ashley Ruth Banaszewski; Andrew Hartley; Kevin T Mai; Amy Xu; Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University
.” CNBC, July 15, 2021. Available: meet-demand-iea-says.html. [2] “Human Energy Converted to Electricity.” Available:[ Retrieved December 6, 2021]. [3] U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). “Electricity in the U.S.” Available: [Retrieved December 6, 2021][4] Vedantu. (2020, August 17). Effects of burning fossil fuels. VEDANTU., Available: [Retrieved December 10, 2021].[5] B. Maheswaran, C. S. Stransky, and H. Kumarakuru
ASEE-NE 2022
Daniil Slutskiy, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Ricardo Moreira, Wentworth Institute of Technology ; Michael McGuire, Wentworth Institute of Technology ; Saurav Basnet, Wentworth Institute of Technology
, which is commonly used in suchapplications. It is important to have a charging controller to prevent destruction of the battery.The charging controller has a 5 volt and 1 ampere rated input and output, which is enough tocharge one 18650 battery. It has a red led on board so that user can see when the battery ischarging. Based on the charging controller current output and the 18650’s capacity the user canexpect to have it fully charged in 4 hours. That sounds like a lot, however, in emergencysituations, the battery does not need to be fully charged. Theoretically, to charge a modernsmartphone up to 10%, you would only need to generate power for 15 minutes. Figure 4 - Diagram of the electric circuit used in the design.The
ASEE-NE 2022
Maria Katerina Apostle, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Saurav Basnet, WentWorth Institute of Technol; Luke Clarke Bassett
to create a bigger and better product in the future. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the lab manager, Joseph Diecidue, for providing the materialsnecessary for this project, as well as Professor Filip Cuckov for his technical advice and suggestionsfor Future Directions in particular. REFERENCES[1] S. Islam, A. Pulungan, and A. Rochim, “Inventory management efficiency analysis: A case study of an SME company”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2019, vol. 1402, no. 2. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/2/022040.[2] M. Paolanti, M. Sturari, A. Mancini, P. Zingaretti, and E. Frontoni, “Mobile robot for retail surveying and
ASEE-NE 2022
Andrew Michael Seredinski, Wentworth Institute of Technology
. Isa and A. M. Amirruddin, “Survey on the Effectiveness of Exit Ticket Method inImproving Student’s Focus and Understanding in Teaching and Learning for Course DFC2073Programming Fundamental in Politeknik Muadzam Shah,” Proceedings: InIIC Conference 2019,pp. 184-189, 2019.8. M. Akhtar and M. Saeed, “Assessing the Effect of Agree/Disagree Circles, Exit Ticket, andThink-Pair-Share on Students’ Academic Achievement at Undergraduate Level,” Bulletin ofEducation and Research, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 81-96, August 2020.9. R. S. Kirzner, T. Alter, and C. A. Hughes, “Online Quiz as Exit Ticket: Using Technology toReinforce Learning in Face to Face Classes,” Journal of Teaching in Social Work, Vol. 41, No.2, pp. 151-171, 2021.10. B. Stein, A. Haynes, M
ASEE-NE 2022
Uma Balaji, Fairfield University; Isaac Macwan, Fairfield University
. Nature 483, 29 (2012).[6] Gui, Q., Lawson, T., Shan, S., Yan, L. & Liu, Y. The Application of Whole Cell-Based Biosensors for Use in Environmental Analysis and in Medical Diagnostics. Sensors 2017, Vol. 17, Page 1623 17, 1623 (2017).[7] Thouand, G. Handbook of Cell Biosensors. Handb. Cell Biosens. (2020). doi:10.1007/978- 3319-47405-2
ASEE-NE 2022
Emmanuel James Theodore; Saurav Basnet, WentWorth Institute of Technol; Brendan Gibbons; Cameron James Dore, Wentworth Institute of Technology
. [Accessed: 21-Apr- 2020].the door. In addition, the 3D printed enclosure would be adjusted [2] S. Davidoff, M. K. Lee, C. Yiu, J. Zimmerman, and A. K. Dey,as needed to provide a more streamlined design and decrease the “Principles of Smart Home Control,” Lecture Notes in Computeroverall cost of printing the enclosure. Some considerations Science UbiComp 2006: Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 19–34, 2006.around malicious use was explored, specifically around usingthe product on the outside of the door facing inward with amodified lens. Research into this led us to some issues that
ASEE-NE 2022
Ashanthi Shanika Maxworth, University of Southern Maine
Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook I: Cognitive Domain; David McKay Company: New York, NY, USA, 1965. 7. Airasian, P.; Cruikshank, K.A.; Mayer, R.E.; Pintrich, P.; Raths, J.; Wittrock, M.C. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives; Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D.R., Eds.; Allyn and Bacon: Boston, MA, USA, 2001; ISBN 978-0-8013-1903-7.8. Hadzigeorgiou, Y.; Garganourakis, V. Using Nikola Tesla’s story and his experiments as presented in the film “The Prestige” to promote scientific inquiry: A report of an action research project. Interchange 2010, 41, 363–378.9. Hadzigeorgiou, Y.; Klassen, S.; Froese-Klassen, C. Encouraging a
ASEE-NE 2022
Diane Ward, Educator
Tagged Topics
. References[1] Tan, L., Main, J., Darolia, R. (2021). Using random forest analysis to identify studentdemographic and high school-level factors that predict college engineering major choice. Journalof Engineering Education, 110 (3), 572-593. [Accessed: March 28, 2022].[2] Sarma, S. Grasp. New York: Doubleday, 2020.[3] Astra Nova. Astra Nova, 2022. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: March28, 2022].[4] Dahn, J. “Interview.” Email interview, (March 28, 2022).[5] Dahn, J. “Interview.” Email interview, (March 28, 2022).[6] Frank, C. “Interview.” Email interview, (March 27, 2022).[7] Frank, C. “Interview.” Email interview, (March 27, 2022).[8] Young Engineers. Young Engineers, 2022. [Online]. Available:
ASEE-NE 2022
Claire Marie Dollins, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Meghan Scruton, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Eli Ross Breitbart Frischling, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Joshua Patrick O'Grady, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; John M Sullivan Jr, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
. Dais, “Best Violin for Beginners (2021): Top 15 Violin Brands,” TakeLessons Teachers.[2] MasterClass staff, “What Are the Different Parts of a Violin and How Do They Work? Learn About the Violin’s 20 Key Components,” Sep. 29, 2021.[3] S. V. Dyck, “Violinmaking: Carving the Scroll,” Benning Violins, 2021.[4] Yamaha Corporation, “The Structure of the Violin How sound is produced,” Yamaha.[5] J. Wolfe et al., “Violin Acoustics.”[6] J.-B. le R. d’Alembert, “Recherches sur la courbe que forme une corde tenduë mise en vibration,” in Histoire de l’Académie royale des sciences et des belles-lettres de Berlin, vol. 3, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1749, pp. 214–219.[7] L. Euler, “Supplément aux recherches sur la
ASEE-NE 2022
Tim Reno Baci Snow, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Michael James Cuddy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kevin Neidhart, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Griffin O’Neil, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Fiona Zoutendyk, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Robert Daniello, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
applied during the test. The rotational motion ofthe lead screw translates the crosshead to apply force to a specimen; the force is measured by aload cell and then interpreted using a calibration factor via a microcontroller. Typically, materialstesters have a vertical orientation where the crosshead translates vertically. When doing initialresearch, the team researched a vertically oriented testing machine, but determined to utilize ahorizontal design after looking into various inexpensive horizontal testers for basic application;most benchtop, low-cost machines are only capable of testing in tension, mostly made of plastic,and some can be powered by a motor, generally utilizing an S-Type load cell. The team utilized asimilar conceptual layout
ASEE-NE 2022
Jake Robert Ross, Northeastern University; Kevin You-Ichiro Ohgami, Northeastern University; Nicholas Jasper Gillespie, Northeastern University; Owen Krivacek, Northeastern University; Benjamin Service; Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University
:// device-captures-energy-from-human-motion [3] Public Playground Safety Handbook, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commision, December 29, 2015 [4] R. Z. Arndt, "Pedal Power! How to Build a Bike Generator." Popular Mechanics, November 14, 2017. Accessed December 04, 2021. w-to-build-a-bike-generator-16627209/. [5] "Electricity Generating Gym Equipment." The Green Microgym: Electricity-Generating Fitness Equipment. August 28, 2019. Accessed December 04, 2021. [6] S. Ersoy, "How Sheffield
ASEE-NE 2022
Dimitrios Bolkas, Pennsylvania State University, Wilkes-Barre Campus; Jeffrey Chiampi; Carol L. Morman PE, PS, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Communication. November 30, 2021.[10] ASCE UESI (2021). Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI). Online at: surveying-institute Accessed December 27, 2021.[11] J. Wolfartsberger, “Analyzing the potential of virtual reality for engineering design review.” Automation in Construction, vol. 104, no. 1, pp. 27–37, 2019.[12] H.-B. Havenith, P. Cerfontaine, and A.-S. Mreyen. “How virtual reality can help visualise and assess geohazards.” International Journal of Digital Earth, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 173–189, 2019.[13] H. Shen, J. Zhang, B. Yang, and B. Jia. “Development of an educational virtual reality training system for marine engineers.” Computer