Paper ID #36015Energy of Revolving DoorsMr. Maxwell B Boulerice, Northeastern UniversityMs. Megan Claire BaginskiMr. Dominic Gomes, Northeastern UniversityAlexander S Nikolov, Northeastern UniversityProf. Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University Bala Maheswaran, Ph.D. Northeastern University College of Engineering 367 Snell Engineering Center Boston, MA 02115 American c Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Harnessing Rotational Energy of Revolving Doors Dominic Gomes, Alexander Nikolov, Maxwell Boulerice, Megan Baginski, and
transferdata in real time.One of the most important components of the communication subsystem is the antenna.Currently most CubeSats typically use patch, slot, dipole and monopole, and reflector antennas[1]. These designs all have their own advantages and disadvantages, but a common disadvantageamong them is their narrow bandwidth ranging from 1% to 45% with comparably low gain.Designing a high gain, ultra-wideband antenna to operate in the S band for a larger transmissionbandwidth may require a size that exceeds the size constraints of the CubeSat, which will requirea deployment mechanism.In this paper, a log-periodic dipole array (LPDA) is proposed. The main advantages of the LPDAare that it has a low voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of less than
Paper ID #36277Plasma antennas – a gentle introductionDr. Paul Benjamin Crilly, United States Coast Guard Academy Paul Crilly is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the United States Coast Guard Academy. He is also Chief/Department Chair of the Electrical Engineering and Cyber Systems Section. He received his Ph.D. from New Mexico State University, his M. S. and B.S. degrees at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, all in Electrical Engineering. He was previously an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tennessee and was a Development Engineer at the Hewlett Packard Company. His
three-link robot. This robot will be given a specifictransformation at each link. The robot will show the beginning and end positions of the robot. It will alsoshow the DH matrix for the forward kinematics. The inverse kinematics is very similar to the teaching of forward kinematics except instead of givingthe transformations the end effector position is given. The robot will represent the movements to thesame position but will mathematically work backwards to find the transformations. To teach the Jacobian, a predefined robot is used to calculate all Jacobian(s). Then the robot ismoved to all values found to show students the singularity at these points. The examples for trajectory planning will include a dynamic visual of a pre
/S) transition, software-defined radio, through-the-wall radarimaging (TWRI)I.INTRODUCTION Materials common in construction are reinforced concrete or cement-based materials.Occasionally, these materials naturally develop cracks due to deterioration throughout their lifecycle. The detection of cracks, erosion, voids, and gaps in walls and structural supports is criticalin preventing structural failures. Microwave-based, non-invasive techniques such as Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) are preferred to detect structural anomalies since there is no impacton the integrity of the structure or material due to the penetration ability of microwaves intodielectric materials. Current NDT equipment have several limitations and drawbacks, such asbeing
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thank Dr. M. Tylinski of the Wentworth Institute of Technology for assistance incharacterizing the LEDs we used for this experiment. Finally, we wish to thank the staff ofAccelerate at the Wentworth Institute of Technology.7. Citations[1] K. S. Novoselov et al., “Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films,” Science (80-. )., vol. 306, no. 5696, pp. 666–669, Oct. 2004, doi: 10.1126/science.1102896.[2] K. S. Novoselov et al., “Two-dimensional atomic crystals.,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 102, no. 30, pp. 10451–3, Jul. 2005, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0502848102.[3] J. Zupan and D. Kolar, “Optical properties of graphite and boron nitride,” J. Phys. C Solid State Phys., vol. 5, no. 21, p. 3097, Oct. 1972, doi
sustainable energy through salinitygradient [2]. Prospects for the various energy sources were assessed after the 1973 oil crisis, andSidney Loeb [3] introduced the idea of PRO in the 1970’s. However, research slowed down in the80s and 90s due to the expensive cost of the available membranes, which would make osmoticpower generation financially unviable. More recently interest in searching new clean and non-periodic energy sources resulted in the construction of several large or small-scale pilot SGP powerplants [4, 5]. Salinity gradient can provide us with a very large source of clean energy. Riversaround the world with an average flow of 1.2×10 m3/s have the potential to produce up to 2.5 TWof energy. This is about 13 percent of the current world's
-calculatealternative (effect sizes) that counteracts this bias.• I will demonstrate how visualizations focusing on differences between demographicgroups can lead stakeholders to underestimate variation within groups. I will present astatistical technique (cluster analysis) that naturally describes within-group diversity. Inaddition, I will provide a simple data visualization technique, outcome-based categorization,that can also be helpful.• I will illustrate how demographic categories commonly used by higher educationinstitutions can fail to represent the rich, multifaceted nature of individual identity(s). I willdiscuss examples of how to integrate standard demographic categories with meaningfulinformation from other datasets, such as hometown information
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forthem.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underIUSE/PFE: RED Grant No. 1920761. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Appendix: Questionaries for Reflection PiecesInitial Reflection Piece1) Please articulate how you are attending the class, how you plan to study, what you believe may give you difficulties, and most importantly what steps will you take to tackle those perceived difficulties.2) Please give me suggestions on what I can do to help you succeed in this class.3) Have you been classified via formal diagnosis as belonging to the neurodiversity
optimization and improvement, this mouse pad can be transformedinto a product that is ready to be commercially produced and distributed. We believe that thisproduct and others like it have the potential to generate a substantial amount of renewable energy!References [1] B. Maheswaran, "Teaching an Accelerated Course via Team Activities: Assessment and Peer Rating of the Team Impact". 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016, June. ASEE Conferences, 2016. [2] B. Maheswaran, C. S. Stransky, and H. Kumarakuru, "Innovative Energy Elevator: a Physics and Engineering Wonder!". 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018, June
questions are generally related to the heat transfer processes/geometriesdescribed in said figure. Students are asked to carefully scrutinize the figure toidentify the probable mode(s) of heat transfer. During the review period, groups ofstudents work together to come up with potential exam problems related to thecovered content and then identify strategies, methodologies, and/or relevantequations to obtain solutions. The primary role of the instructor during theseactivities is to ensure that the discussions are relevant to the upcoming exam’scontent or focus. Review sessions are typically held the day before the exam, andthe preview figures are provided in advance. The review activity is based onvarious studies supporting collaborative learning as
correctly [2]. Given these problems with teamwork projects in engineering classes within allengineering disciplines, a goal of this research study is to involve students themselves in oneparticular class, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, in researching and improving theteamwork process. To encourage active student participation, the research team choseparticipatory action research (PAR) as the primary research framework, due to its emphasis onlistening and learning from the people (i.e. engineering students) who are impacted by aparticular problem or issue (i.e. teamwork projects) and using this information to create actionsteps towards positive change [3]. Since the 1960’s, PAR has been used extensively ineducational settings [4] and
Society for Engineering Education, 2022A Practical Method for Improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nuclear Science Mr. James Olson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dr. Li Liu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mr. Malcolm Porterfield, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteBackground and Motivation Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is the oldest operating private school of scienceand school of engineering among those that were established in any English-speaking country[1]. Starting with civil engineering in the 1820's, RPI has continually evolved available curriculato meet societal goals. Since the early 1990's, societal progress
: Diagnosed with ADHD I have ADHD I find that this help me focus. It is an alternative to leg bouncing. I like the spinning chair.Keeping this in mind, it makes this device’s implication in schools and offices more useful, as people withissues focusing can use their chairs as a way to help them. This produces more energy. It does notnecessarily affect our product as a whole, however we believe it is notable enough to include. Reflectingon the results of our final design, we conclude that it would be an advantageous way to produce renewableenergy.References [1] S. Tyaglov, A. Sheveleva, T. Guseva, “Justification of the Need and Feasibility of Switching to Renewable Energy Sources for the Implementation of Sustainable
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Instructor 3’s original CBG methodology: • Most students enjoyed the flexibility of CBG where they could move at their own pace and had a chance to recover from failures. • Infinite resubmissions increased the instructor's burden because the instructor needed to grade many assignments and had to give feedback in all cases. • Flexible deadlines could hurt students who have poor time management and increase the instructor burden (grading and feedback). Table 1 components used in the different trials Instructor 1 Instructor 2 Instructor 3
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theCapstone Mechanical Engineering Design course and designed, constructed and tested theexperimental setups: S. Brickner, C. Mazzini, T. Murphy, J. Small and T. Wingardner, A.Carbonar, M. Li, E. Tsirlis, A. Wyshogrod, D. Balogh, C. Emanuel, E. Paskalis, A. Sherman, C.Cashen, H. Li, S. McGinn, V. Swan, Z. Zhang, G. Blaney, I. Corey, Z. Jagla, and G. Tomic.Financial support for building this laboratory was provided by the university.6. References[1] D. Pusca, D.O. Northwood, “Curiosity, Creativity, and Engineering Education”, Global Journal ofEngineering Education 20(3), pp. 152-158, 2018.[2] J.R. Reisel, J. R., “Adding the Concept of Improving Product Value to a Design Project in a Course onInternal Combustion Engines” Paper presented at 2019 ASEE
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testing Apparatus Significance Laser Thermometer To measure the temperature of the pan Multimeter To measure the voltage and amperage produced Tub To hold the ice on which the prototype shall be placed Ice To maintain tray at 0℃ Heat Gun To heat the panTesting Setup Figure 8 – Testing SetupFigure 8 is a pictorial representation of the prototype being tested with the help of the testingapparatus listed above.Results and AnalysisFrom the testing that was conducted, data was obtained for both the pre-determined testing cases. S. No Temperature (℃) Voltage (V) S. No Temperature (℃) Amperage (A) 1 35.4
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to broaden their horizons from conventional robots. With an existinginfrastructure of 3D printers, the cost of our methodology is at a minimum; it is solely the price ofthe flexible filament and the price of shipping. Students will gather experience with FDM printingof flexible filaments, iterative design, and hands-on experiments with their robots being off-campus. Our methodology of remote printing of flexible components gives access to roboticsengineering education to students by decoupling the need for access to laboratory equipment.References[1] S. Asgari, J. Trajkovic, M. Rahmani, W. Zhang, R. C. Lo, and A. Sciortino, “An observational study of engineering online education during the COVID-19 pandemic,” PLOS ONE
meeting with the twoexperts who collaborated in this work. Over several weeks, under the guidance of their advisors,students began researching relevant material and created several drafts that were reviewed byfaculty advisors who provided feedback. The team executed the project by completing andsubmitting the draft of this research paper as the final stage in PjBL.2.1 Focus Group Activity To ensure the team was on task and felt comfortable with the performance in the co-creation process, Dr. S, one of the faculty researchers held two focus groups in the Fall semesterfor participants to share their experiences. Dr. S has her Ph.D. in Anthropology and has beenteaching in Sociology and Anthropology for over twenty years. With her moderating
students indicated that this approach didhelp them to draw free-body diagrams and to have a better understanding of how to draw free-body diagrams because all five types of free-body diagrams were systematically described and 10explained. We just implemented this approach last year and plan to continue this approach inour engineering statics course and will collect more feedback and comparison data in the future.5. REFERENCES[1]. Van, D. (2004, June), Designing A Mechanical Breadboard For Effective Teaching Of Engineering Statics Paper presented at 2004 Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. 10.18260/1-2—12811[2]. Anand, S. (2005, June), Teaching Statics To Civil Engineering Students Paper
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