Paper ID #39391WIP: Skip the Lecture: A Decoding First Approach to IntroductoryComputing EducationDavid Zabner, Tufts UniversityTrevion S Henderson, Tufts University Trevion Henderson is Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Tufts University. He earned his Ph.D. in Higher Education at the University of Michigan. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 (WIP) Skip the Lecture: A Decoding First Approach to Introductory Computing Education David Zabner Trevion Henderson
Blocks(i) We will utilize the code blocks editor for listening to an Arduino input pin. Next, the analogvalue or digital state will be print out in the SerialM onitor window. To open the code panel, astudent needs to click the “Code” button.(ii) Next, s/he is asked to click on the SerialM onitor which is located at the bottom of the codepanel.(iii) To run the Arduino code, s/he should click “Start Simulation”, and observe the numbers inthe Serial Monitor during the interaction with the potentiometer. As the potentiometer input valuechanges by moving the pointer on the dial, the serial output value will change accordingly. Sincethe circuit includes two independent Arduinos, students can click back and forth between the twoArduinos while the
Paper ID #36938Teaching IoT in Both Physical and Virtual EnvironmentsProf. James R. Mallory, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE)Edmund Lucas, National Technical Institute for the DeafWilliam Arnold ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023Teaching IoT in Both Physical and Virtual EnvironmentsAuthors: Arnold, W., Fontaine, J., Griggs, S., Huff, G., Johnson, D., Linares, C., Patel, S.,Reader, J., Roman, J., Sawaqed, Y., Yadav, R., Lucas, E. & Mallory, J. National TechnicalInstitute for the Deaf / Rochester Institute of TechnologyPrimary Division: Computing and Information Technology DivisionSecondary Division: Education
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Affecting the Future Career Pathway Decisions of Lower-income Computing Students1. IntroductionWithin research on broadening participation in computing, the experience and perspectives ofundergraduate students have been important elements of exploration. As undergraduate studentsare experts of their own experience, conducting research that focuses on understanding theirperspective can help those who organize programmatic efforts to respond to student needs andconcerns. This paper emerges from the context of a specific National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program.As with all S-STEM programs, Florida Information Technology Graduation
CIT21400 course. In this study, we integrated the microlearning instructional approach into CIT 21400to help engage students and retain the knowledge gained through the introduction to datamanagement course. CIT 21400 is a required class for all CIT students and a prerequisite for allother courses in the data-management concentration. Figure 1 shows the current plan of study forthe CIT data-management concentration; we draw particular attention to CIT 21400’s position asa prerequisite course for all data-management courses. Approximately 140 students who enroll inCIT 21400 will directly benefit per academic year. We anticipate seeing learning and performancegains over time as students continue in their programs as an outcome of our research
indrawing our conclusion. Nevertheless, this work has an added value as a basis for us toconduct more extensive research in the future. Additionally, academics will have a wideropportunity to explore deep learning to produce more novel educational solutions since ourstudy discovered that only a small number of studies had investigated the application of thisAI technology.References[1] M. King, R. Cave, M. Foden, and M. Stent, “Personalised education From curriculum to career with cognitive systems,” 2016.[2] T. J. Sejnowski, The deep learning revolution. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2018.[3] J. S. Groff, “Personalized learning: The state of the field & future directions,” 2017. [E-book]. Available: https://dam
253 600Students were asked to self-report their GPA. GPA was based on a scale of 4, with an “A” being a4.00, a “B” being a 3.00, a “C” being a 2.00, a “D” being a 1.00, and an “S” being a 0.00. Someclasses also used a “+” or “–” system. A “+” adds 0.33 to the base grade, while a “-” subtracts0.33. For example, a “B+” would quantitatively be a 3.33 (3.00 + 0.33), while a “B-” would be a2.77 (3.00 - 0.33).Data was gathered on students’ expected majors. Out of a total of 600 students, 311 (51.8%) weremechanical and/or aerospace engineering students, 114 (19.0%) were civil and/or environmentalengineering students, 102 (17.0%) were biomedical engineering students and 73 (12.2%) studentshad other majors. This data can be seen in Figure 2
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will typically increasethe pass rate of a course. This course is also one of the first programming classes taken by transferstudents which may contribute to the high DFW rate. Future work will include a comparison ofthe DFW rates between historic offerings and those that have made use of Plickers.In conclusion using Plickers in class is a positive experience for both the instructor and the stu-dents. Since each class has a clear structure of: Plicker question, lecture, break, Plicker question,lecture/activity, quiz, students are never doing any one task for very long. This aids in keepingstudents engaged and on task.References [1] L. Porter, D. Bouvier, Q. Cutts, S. Grissom, C. Lee, R. McCartney, D. Zingaro, and B. Simon, “A Multi
• Students learn to manage a project and manage a project timeline • Reinforces that programming is a tool that allows practitioners to implement solutions and designs and is far from the end all and be all of CS • Makes collaboration to learn from peers natural impacting overall learningWhen students have more agency over the project, they are empowered to become owners oftheir learning process.References[1] S. B. Jenkins, “The Experiences of African American Male Computer Science Majors in Two Year Colleges,” University of South Florida, 2019.[2] L. J. Sax, H. B. Zimmerman, J. M. Blaney, B. Toven-Lindsey, and K. J. Lehman, “DIVERSIFYING UNDERGRADUATE COMPUTER SCIENCE: THE ROLE OF DEPARTMENT CHAIRS IN PROMOTING GENDER AND
Computing Education, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1–22, Jun. 2010, doi: 10.1145/1789934.1789938.[4] P. Ardimento, M. L. Bernardi, M. Cimitile, and G. de Ruvo, “Reusing bugged source code to support novice programmers in debugging tasks,” ACM Transactions on Computing Education, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 2–24, Nov. 2019, doi: 10.1145/3355616.[5] H. L. Nguyen, N. Nassar, T. Kehrer, and L. Grunske, “MoFuzz,” in Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Dec. 2020, pp. 1103– 1115. doi: 10.1145/3324884.3416668.[6] J.-H. Ji, G. Woo, H.-B. Park, and J.-S. Park, “Design and Implementation of Retargetable Software Debugger Based on GDB,” in 2008 Third International Conference on
, Germany, Mexico, and Malaysia. Several research papers[5–11] have found that hands-on learning via mobile studio platforms such as the Mobile StudioBoard (MSB) and the Analog Discovery Board (ADB) can help students with diverse learningstyles, demographics, and academic backgrounds learn better. There are now several commercialproducts, such as Analog Devices Inc.'s ADALM 1000 board (ADALM 1K) and ADALM 2000board (ADALM 2K), Digilent's Analog Discovery 2TM, and Quanser's QUBE-Servo portableplatform, that allow students to conduct control engineering experiments.Given the difficulty, if not impossibility, of obtaining hands-on experience in a traditional labsetting in a CS department, portable hardware platforms could provide a tremendous
ofremote/isolated learning cannot be absorbed by their families due to economic pressures andfamily obligations. HBCUs need to move from Covid-19 crisis answers and learn how torecover and make sure that money and arrangements for learning recovery set the foundationsfor more efficient, unbiassed, and strong education systems. References[1]S. BARKER, "CISION PRWEB," Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Science and MachineLearning (DSML) Platforms, 1 March 2021. [Online]. Available:[2] P. H. England, "Disparities in the risk and outcomes of Covid-19," PHE
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ConfidenceAbstractBecause cybersecurity professionals are crucial to national security, public safety, and economicprosperity, employment opportunities in cybersecurity continue to increase. To meet the publicand private sectors’ need for cybersecurity professionals, universities are adding academicprograms in cybersecurity. West Virginia University, which is a land-grant R1 university with avibrant cybersecurity program that offers a B.S. degree, academic minor, and an Area ofEmphasis (AoE) in cybersecurity, has received an NSF S-STEM grant to increase the numberand diversity of highly qualified cybersecurity graduates by offering scholarships to high-achieving and economically challenged undergraduate students.Our past research was focused on grit and motivation
The computer science program is ABET accredited and has built-in assessments in all core courses in computing. CS I TABLE VII and CS II are a part of these core courses. C OURSE NUMBER TRANSLATIONS ABET states specific proficiencies that students must pos- sess at the conclusion of the semester. They are abilities to: Course # Name Semester COMP 1000 Computer Science I Fall 1) Choose the appropriate data type(s) for implementing a
, S. D. Blum, and S. D. Blum, Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead). Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2020. Accessed: Feb. 05, 2023. [Online]. Available:[5] M. E. Selbach-Allen, S. J. Greenwald, A. E. Ksir, and J. E. Thomley, “Raising the Bar with Standards-Based Grading,” PRIMUS, vol. 30, no. 8–10, pp. 1110–1126, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1080/10511970.2019.1695237.[6] J. K. Zimmerman, “Implementing Standards-Based Grading in Large Courses Across Multiple Sections,” PRIMUS, vol. 30, no. 8–10, pp. 1040–1053, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1080/10511970.2020.1733149.[7] T. Buckmiller, R. Peters, and J. Kruse, “Questioning points and
a power drill, and multi-toolSwiss knife were not included in Section III. Access to individual(s) with basic workshop skills isrequired for replicating the construction process described in this manuscript.Individual(s) trying to replicate the process described in this manuscript may face circumstantialor contextual problems that we did not encounter. Reasons for potential differences incircumstantial problems include i) changes in the operating environment, ii) workshop skill levelof involved personnel, and iii) variations in purchased material quality.Instructors for courses with a large enrollment size may have to divide their class into multiplesubgroups and schedule separate time slots for each subgroup. Which will ensure students in
related survey items). Valuing Diversity is represented by the twoprimary factors of Serving Customers Better (VL-S) and Fulfilling a Greater Purpose (VL-F). Ahigh score on VL-S would indicate that the computing student believed customers could bebetter served if diversity is valued. A high score on VL-F would indicate the computing studentperceived valuing diversity aligned with a strong inward desire for purpose and fairness in theirwork. Furthermore, the Enacting Inclusive Behaviors construct is represented by the two primaryfactors of Promoting Healthy Behaviors (BH-P) and challenging discriminatory behaviors (BH-C). A high score on BH-P would indicate the engineering student would take measures to ensureevery team member was included and
implementation which is not guaranteed that theprogrammer will consider it. To do so, some constraints are included in this ER model toenforce this type of business rule as can be seen in Figure 2 which will be implementedby writing trigger(s). Figure 2: ER Diagram for Airplane Maintenance System Including Business RulesA mechanic is an individual with certain skills that make him qualified to maintainairplanes. If the plane is serviced by an unqualified mechanic, the plane will not becertified to fly. So, the mechanic must receive specific types of training related tomaintaining airplanes. There are many different types of training that a mechanic canreceive for maintaining airplanes such as training on landing gear, training on engines
STEMdegrees.Reference 1. Beninson, L. A., Koski, J., Villa, E., Faram, R. & O’Connor, S. E. Evaluation of the research experiences for undergraduates (REU) sites program. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 32, (2011). 2. Eagan, M. K. et al. Making a Difference in Science Education the Impact of Undergraduate Research Programs. Am Educ Res J 50, 683–713 (2013). 3. Lopatto, D., Creating effective undergraduate research programs in science: the transformation from student to a scientist (eds. Taraban, R. & Blanton, R. L.) 112–132 (Teachers College Press, 2008). 4. Lopatto, D., Undergraduate Research
who violate UNCCharlotte ’s policies related to academic misconduct. In addition to an official record of theviolations, some of the sanctions / penalties that may be imposed according to UNC Charlotte ’spolicies are a reduced course grade, resubmission of an academic exercise, suspension, etc.Our module’s last objective is for students to be able to recall strategies and resources to avoidacademic misconduct. To achieve this objective, we provide practical strategies on how to avoidacademic misconduct. Example strategies include understanding UNC Charlotte ’s policies aboutacademic integrity, the policies of specific courses that define what is and is not allowed, whatonline sources are acceptable to consult and how they can be cited, how to