skills in the following areasare needed to effectively manage construction projects: teamwork, leadership, communication,conflict management, motivation, and trust building [10] [16].Some of these soft skills are correlated with personality traits in past studies. Using the Big Fivepersonality assessment model, [7] discovered that project managers that had the openness toexperience and conscientiousness traits possess the inborn abilities to be good leaders, do not onlydemonstrate concern for projects but would take corresponding actions to ensure project goals areachieved. [13]’s study compared the personality traits of construction workers using the HEXACOPersonality Model. The study found that field leaders had lower inquisitiveness than
leaders in the specialty contractingsegment to be successful in their job. The competencies of top-performing site supervisors that aidproject success were investigated and information from the study can be used by employers toassess the performance of their workers and help construction companies devise skill developmentinitiatives to enhance the areas of weakness of their employees.LITERATURE REVIEWRecruiting workers with a specific mix of skills in the construction industry has been a challengeover the year. The different factors contributing to this challenge have been identified in previousresearch and literature. The scarcity of skilled people is one of the major causes of the wideningtalent gap. [18]’s study on the age distribution of
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analyt- ics, creativity and innovation, and emerging technologies. He is actively pursuing the development of educational techniques and methods in construction. He has developed construction-based simulation applications and strives to bring aspects of project management into simulation applications.Dr. Raheleh Miralami, Mississippi State UniversityDr. George D. Ford, Mississippi State University Dr. George Ford P.E. is the Director of Mississippi Stateˆa C™s Building Construction Science (BCS) program. Dr. Ford has 15 years of industrial experience including corporate work, and 16 years of teaching experience at the post-secondary level. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023
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should continue Concrete Bowling Ball project.Q-4 Concrete Bowling Ball project lab presentation and report improved your learning in thiscourse.Q-5 I can accurately define what is meant by concrete mix design in construction projects.Q-6 The lessons in this course provided me with an awareness of concrete mix design practices.Q-7 I tried to relate material covered in lecture(s) to Concrete Bowling Ball project.Q-8 I fairly contributed to the sample preparation part of the Concrete Bowling Ball project.Q-9 I fairly contributed to the sample testing part of the Concrete Bowling Ball project.Q-10 I fairly contributed to the report writing part of the Concrete Bowling Ball project.Each question was rated on the scale of 1 to 5, 1 representing
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% 43.10% 31.03% 3.45% well as student collaboration the whiteboard(s) can be easily viewed from every 27.59% 41.38% 29.31% 1.72% seat the lab is a good representation of the cultural 22.41% 51.72% 24.14% 1.72% diversity within the CM programTable 1 Construction Lab Physical Attributes Performance Based on Student ResponsesIn response to the size of the space and furnishings, the results shown in Table 1 reveal that70.69% of the students responding agree that the construction lab provides sufficient space foractivities, 67.24% agree that the table and seating arrangement options
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