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- Power Engineering & Curriculum Innovations
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- 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Glenn J Bradford, University of Melbourne; Gavin Buskes, The University of Melbourne; Paul N Beuchat, The University of Melbourne
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
for teaching highly technical concepts. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Considerations for Software-defined Radio Use within a Project-based Learning SubjectAbstractIn this paper we reflect on the use of software-defined radio (SDR) within a project-basedlearning (PBL) subject at the master’s level that incorporates a semester-long wirelesscommunication design project. PBL as a pedagogy is an important tool for addressing disparitiesexisting between the capabilities with which engineering students graduate and those demandedby employers. Ideally, it enables ‘dual impact’ activities in which both technical and professionalskills can be developed concurrently
- Conference Session
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE) Poster Session
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- 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Oludare Adegbola Owolabi P.E., Morgan State University; Chukwuemeka Duru; Pelumi Olaitan Abiodun, Morgan State University; Opeyemi Taiwo Adeniran, Morgan State University; Uttam Gaulee; Sotonye Ikiriko, Morgan State University; Neda Bazyar Shourabi, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Md Mahmudur Rahman, Morgan State University; Frank Efe; Jumoke 'Kemi' Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University; Benjamin Gbeminiyi Famewo
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
. According to the NationalResearch Council [3] and Savey [4], inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a pedagogical approach inwhich students begin with a question followed by investigating the solutions, reflecting, andcommunicating findings, and creating new knowledge based on the collected evidence. IBL hasbeen widely adopted in science education because of its great potential to facilitate more positivestudent attitudes and a deeper understanding of scientific concepts [5], [6]. Additionally, accordingto Specht et al [7], inquiry-based learning has been increasingly suggested as an efficient approachfor fostering students’ curiosity and motivation by linking science teaching in schools withinformal learning and phenomena in everyday life. To ensure the
- Conference Session
- Broadening Participation through Access, Equity, Inclusion in ECE
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- 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Rania Hussein, University of Washington; Riley Connor Maloney, University of Washington; Luis Rodriguez-Gil; Jon Ander Beroz; Pablo Orduna, LabsLand
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
university setting. The success of an advanced digital design course deliveredusing a remote Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) lab inspired the creation of anintroductory digital logic curriculum for 2-year community college and high school students. TheBEADLE curriculum is designed to prepare students for a junior-level course in computerengineering at a 4-year university, where digital logic is typically taken during the first twoyears. To evaluate the curriculum, we offered it to a sophomore class on digital logic design at a4-year public university and collected pre- and post-assignment surveys to gauge understandingof the material. Reflection pieces were also used to evaluate the students' approach and level ofcomprehension. In this paper
- Conference Session
- Curricular Innovations in Computing -2
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- 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Lea Wittie, Bucknell University
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
on their form as there is a large pool of random examquestions for each topic (around 30 versions of each question). Exam Reflection Form Topic: What steps I took to solve the problem: What I misunderstood and what I should have done: Notes: Figure 5: Exam reflection tool used by students when going over incorrect exam questions.As an example, Figure 6 shows a fill-in-the-blank question on non-strict parameter passing; passby need.In order to prevent unnecessary re-attempts to achieve a perfect score on questions where thestudent has already achieved a score of 90% or higher, all such scores are converted to 100%credit. The difference between a 90% score and 100% typically comes down to typos rather thana lack of understanding. This
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- Curricular Innovations in Computing -2
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- 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Sarah L. Harris, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Yingtao Jiang, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Christine Clark; Ed Jorgensen; Tiberio Garza, Florida International University; Norma A Marrun, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Valerie L. Taylor
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
. 16-01). http://cepa.stanford.edu/wp16-01[18] Delgado Gaitan, C. (2013). Creating a college culture for Latino students: Successful programs, practices, and strategies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.[19] Fine, M. (1993). Apparent involvement: Reflections on parents, power, and urban public schools. Teachers College Record, 94, (4), 682-729.[20] Moll, L., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & González, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge for teaching: Using a qualitative approach to connect homes and classrooms. Theory Into Practice, 31(2), 132-41.[21] Yosso, T. J. (2005). Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race Ethnicity and Education, 8, 69-91.[22] Crisp, G., & Nora, A
- Conference Session
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE) Poster Session
- Collection
- 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Kenneth A Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Bruk T. Berhane, Florida International University; Mohamed F. Chouikha, Prairie View A&M University; Miguel Velez-Reyes P.E., University of Texas at El Paso; Barry J. Sullivan, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Heads Assn; Michelle Klein, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. Heads Assoc. (ECEDHA); Yeimidy Lagunas, Inclusive Engineering Consortium; Milford Muskett; Amanda Nastiuk; Sinais Alvarado; Elizabeth Hibbler, Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC)
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
enterprise; graduate more and better prepared minorityengineers; increase efficiency and productivity at MSIs; and develop a sustainable and effectiveinfrastructure to support minority students, faculty and staff at all universities. In time, IEC willgrow, and the model being developed can be replicated and implemented for other disciplines.The ECP project created an HBCU Engineering Network which successfully demonstrated thatan experimental centric pedagogy combined with hands-on educational technology stimulatesstudent interest in the STEM area, promotes content acquisition and problem solving, andretention. As the ECP project wound down, the group reflected on what lessons there are to belearned from this experience. First and foremost, the