Paper ID #37212Integration of VHDL Simulations and Written Reflections to ImproveStudent Understanding of Sequential Logic CircuitsBen Arie Tanay, Purdue Engineering EducationDr. Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh Renee Clark serves as the Director of Assessment for the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. She received her PhD from the Department of Industrial Engineering, where she also completed her post-doctoral studies. Her research has primarily focused on the application of data analysis techniques to engineering education research studies as well as industrial accidents. She has over 20
Paper ID #38062Changes to a Circuits Lab Sequence to Encourage Reflection andIntegration of Experiences Across Related Courses to Explore NewSolution Spaces to an Engineering ProblemDr. Chandrasekhar Radhakrishnan, University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignDr. Christopher D. Schmitz, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign Christopher D. Schmitz received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois in 2002.Dr. Rebecca Marie Reck, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Rebecca M. Reck is a Teaching Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign. Her
undergraduate students over the years. Next, we will introduce and discuss the twoclasses (Freshman Engineering and Electromagnetism) where we deployed the method. We willalso highlight the students’ work and introduce their journeys by sharing their reflections andsome examples of their activities and challenges. The main question that we are trying to ask andfind evidence for is, "Can we re-engineer mistakes and use them as an important part of thelearning, changing, and adapting to the process, examinations, and growth of the students?” Wefound that providing low-stakes learning opportunities is impactful in encouraging collaborationsamong the students and allowing them to openly engage in their own identity, discuss, examinetheir knowledge and not
for teaching highly technical concepts. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Considerations for Software-defined Radio Use within a Project-based Learning SubjectAbstractIn this paper we reflect on the use of software-defined radio (SDR) within a project-basedlearning (PBL) subject at the master’s level that incorporates a semester-long wirelesscommunication design project. PBL as a pedagogy is an important tool for addressing disparitiesexisting between the capabilities with which engineering students graduate and those demandedby employers. Ideally, it enables ‘dual impact’ activities in which both technical and professionalskills can be developed concurrently
Intrinsic Motivation items of the questionnaire were codedon a Likert-scale from “Strongly agree” to “Strongly disagree”. The Learning Styles Inven-tory questionnaire included 44 items that were binary in nature, students picked the bestfit from two presented options, e.g. “I understand something better after I a) try it out orb) think it through”. Each of these 44 items belonged to one of 4 learning styles categories:Activist/Reflective, Sensing/Intuitive, Visual/Verbal, or Sequential/Global. Students wouldthus get a score between 0 and 11 for each category - for example, the 11 items that cor-responded to the Activist/Reflective spectrum were added with a score of 1 if the responsecorresponded to Activist and a score of 0 if the response
much betterDoes your system display a low pass response or a high pass response? How do you know?Students displayed errors in identification and terminology that are anticipated for any laboratoryexperiment on frequency response. In their written reflections, some students correctlyqualitatively described a highpass response, but incorrectly classified it as a lowpass response.Students in both the speaker completed first and resistor completed first groups bothemphasized the behavior of the speaker when justifying whether their circuit was high or lowpass. One student in the resistor completed first group reversed their judgment of the filternature after doing the speaker version of the experiment. After completing the resistor-onlyportion of
1. Alsodiscussed is the pedagogical background required for designing realistic engineering problems.Finally, an example project for sophomore-level electrical and computer engineers is explained indetail, with the author’s own experiences in assigning this project explored. The project is anopen-ended problem with multiple solution options. Students have scaffold-ed experiences withinthe course to guide them towards several possible techniques. Students follow a fullproblem-solving structure through defining their problem, exploring options, planning a method,implementing said method, and then reflecting upon the success of their design.IntroductionThe first of the seven ABET outcomes is stated as “an ability to identify, formulate, and
provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment,establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives." Therefore, engineering schools must preparestudents with teamwork skills and incorporate teamwork as a significant part of their engineeringcurricula (ABET, 2021).Team participation is typically evaluated through peer evaluations or through instructorobservation of individual team members. Several tools have been developed to assess individualperformance, such as the Team Effectiveness Questionnaire (TEQ) or the ComprehensiveAssessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME). These assessment tools are based onself-reflections or peer evaluations. However, the efficacy of these tools has been questioned.At the University of
interviewed. The feedback from the students and reflections from the faculty wouldprovide guidance about the integration of the undergraduate research experiences into the coursesto broaden the impacts of undergraduate research on learning and teaching. In the future, at leastanother two cohorts of students. especially from underrepresented groups, will be recruited. Wewill have a longitudinal study to explore the impacts of undergraduate research experiences onlearning and teaching using a mixed qualitative and quantitative method.KeywordsResearch Experience for Undergraduate, Drone Swarms, Artificial Intelligence. 1. Introduction Studies showed that interdisciplinary undergraduate research activity efficiently improvesstudents’ learning and
-resources for Fall2021 and in-person classes with e-resources for Winter 2022, in Figure 7, indicates a slightdifference in performance in the midgrade. The weighted average scores for Fall 2021 andWinter 2022 are 3.03 and 2.93. Up to Winter 2022, the in-person class with hybrid resources had, to some extent, normaldistribution whereas the class fully online had non-normal distribution; but the mean value didnot deviate significantly. The learning outcomes for both in person and online does not havesignificant difference as reported in [6-8]. The weighted average scores reflect the reportedresults. The difference in the trend in the figures can, therefore, be attributed to the backgroundof the students.Assessment 1 and Final grades for Winter 2022
. According to the NationalResearch Council [3] and Savey [4], inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a pedagogical approach inwhich students begin with a question followed by investigating the solutions, reflecting, andcommunicating findings, and creating new knowledge based on the collected evidence. IBL hasbeen widely adopted in science education because of its great potential to facilitate more positivestudent attitudes and a deeper understanding of scientific concepts [5], [6]. Additionally, accordingto Specht et al [7], inquiry-based learning has been increasingly suggested as an efficient approachfor fostering students’ curiosity and motivation by linking science teaching in schools withinformal learning and phenomena in everyday life. To ensure the
university setting. The success of an advanced digital design course deliveredusing a remote Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) lab inspired the creation of anintroductory digital logic curriculum for 2-year community college and high school students. TheBEADLE curriculum is designed to prepare students for a junior-level course in computerengineering at a 4-year university, where digital logic is typically taken during the first twoyears. To evaluate the curriculum, we offered it to a sophomore class on digital logic design at a4-year public university and collected pre- and post-assignment surveys to gauge understandingof the material. Reflection pieces were also used to evaluate the students' approach and level ofcomprehension. In this paper
thecourse. The survey also allowed students to expand on any challenges they were still facing atthe end of the course. This final survey allowed us to explore in depth the students’ interests,prior exposure to ECE, course expectations, learning experiences, and takeaways, in addition toany remaining challenges and final reflections. We provide a brief class profile in Table 2,generated from the final survey data. It is important to highlight the different making andelectronics experiences that students had been exposed to prior to taking E40M, in addition to thedifferent academic major interests of the enrolled students. This diversity helped us collect amore representative body of data pertaining to the overall student population’s
further evaluate the impact of quizzes on grades, we compare grades based on solelyindividual efforts such as exams and quizzes, while excluding homework and laboratoryassignments from the calculations. By the authors’ observations, homework assignments may notalways provide an accurate reflection of a student’s knowledge or performance, as students oftenseek assistance from others or even may copy answers from peers or online sources. Althoughlabs are relatively more representative of a student’s individual effort, students still receivesignificant help with them.For this comparison, we calculate the grade with quizzes by re-scaling both quizzes and exams, sothat the total adds up to 100%. We consider eleven quizzes contributing 20%, three
on their form as there is a large pool of random examquestions for each topic (around 30 versions of each question). Exam Reflection Form Topic: What steps I took to solve the problem: What I misunderstood and what I should have done: Notes: Figure 5: Exam reflection tool used by students when going over incorrect exam questions.As an example, Figure 6 shows a fill-in-the-blank question on non-strict parameter passing; passby need.In order to prevent unnecessary re-attempts to achieve a perfect score on questions where thestudent has already achieved a score of 90% or higher, all such scores are converted to 100%credit. The difference between a 90% score and 100% typically comes down to typos rather thana lack of understanding. This
emphasis on the electrical aspectsand the power electronics associated with such technologies. This course does not addresspower system-level topics such as grid integration and economics of renewable energy sources.The course instruction is enhanced by Simulink model simulations to provide students with agraphical environment for simulating and analyzing renewable energy systems. This course canserve as guide to other instructors interested in initiating a course in renewable energy.In this paper the contents and teaching methods of a course in renewable energy technologies arepresented. Example Simulink assignments are described. Reflections on the student experienceare presented and lessons learned are highlighted.Course ContentTable 1 outlines
the course. This approach is rooted in the work on early intervention strategies.The idea is to focus on at-risk students. In this context, we do not consider the oral assessmentprimarily as being part of a summative assessment strategy. Instead, it is designed to be a touchpoint for a meaningful one-on-one interaction between a student and a member of theinstructional team. The value of early interventions for at-risk students is to increaseconnectedness to instructional staff and resources, and student engagement and self-efficacy. Theoral assessments were implemented explicitly with this focus. We also considered additionalbenefits, such as serving as formative assessments for the students to reflect on their level ofconceptual mastery and
effectively influencing customers.The course is delivered as though the students are engineers in industry and their assignments arebased on common real-world communication tasks. They must summarize technical articles inshort, written emails and present a short summary without notes (as though they were providingan update in a staff meeting). Critical to this course design is instructor/peer, real-time verbalfeedback as well as video of all presentations for student self-reflection. Longer form technical,executive and customer presentations are incorporated into the class with the students providingreal-time feedback to their peers as though they were fellow employees in the company. Askingthe students to provide positive and constructive feedback
paper is to help address these questions. We present details of the process andresults of a multi-year international study that examined the topics of difficulty and importance inCS2. As is common in previous CI work, this study uses the Delphi method to identify thesetopics. The Delphi method is a systematic iterative process of arriving at a common opinion ordecision by a diverse group of subject experts 17 . At each iteration (round), the experts areprovided with a questionnaire and an aggregate anonymized group response at the precedinground that might affect the experts’ responses at a current round 18,17,19,20 . After several rounds, thegroup’s response closely reflects the consensus opinion of the group. By giving each expert’sopinion
, circuits and embedded systems. He specializes in the deisgn of multi-physics cyber-physical systems. Dr. Dickerson has also made sev- eral contributions to engineering education research. He currently investigates the use of reflection in engineering classrooms. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Paper ID #36781Accessible Cybersecurity Education for Engineering StudentsDr. Mai Abdelhakim, University of Pittsburgh Mai Abdelhakim is an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). She received her
found similarities in howstudents approached the module. A few students described how their threading model involvedsetting a threshold equal to a certain number, denoting that after that number of active threadswere launched, the program would have to switch to a sequential approach. Another group ofstudents took a different approach along the lines of checking the topmost portion of the treesequentially then assigning a set number of parallel threads after the correct depth was reached.While the answers to these questions were helpful data points of students’ conceptualunderstandings to the course instructors, more importantly, it also reinforced understanding tothe students. Not only did they have to reflect on what parallelized concepts
was taken part way through the semester, after studentshad completed nearly two months of this experiential course. It would be informative to get a premeasure at the very beginning of the semester in addition to a pre measure at the beginning of thefinal design project to see how students’ identity changes across the course of the semester. Wealso believe that having students periodically reflect on their engineering experiences andprogress through written exercises might also help them recognize their personal growth and anychanges in their SE or identity. This is what we have implemented in our ongoing replicationstudy, which had 11 students enrolled Spring 2023 and has over 20 students enrolled for Fall2023.We thought that non-electrical
simultaneously, or completely changing thecurriculum to accommodate project-based learning. These changes allow students to engage withthe material, but not necessarily cause students to take ownership of the learning. This idea of“ownership” is not new, as the contemporary name most often associated with it ismetacognition. Metacognition has many definitions, but we are most interested in the idea ofself-regulation or self-learning. Helping students to direct their own progress by asking questionsthey are interested in pursuing. QFT yeilds higher rates of reflection on material by focusing onInquiry-Based pedagogy[10].This work was directly influenced by [8] in which their paper investigates some advantages ofQTF. In their paper, they state “One of the
Capacity Factor in Year 1 (%) 19.30in the Location and Resource tab. The Perez model was used to Energy Yield in Year 1 (kWh/kW) 1692.00convert the Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) and Diffuse Performance Ratio in Year 1 0.87Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) into front and rear Plane of Array(POA) irradiance. The selected module is bifacial, which means Inverter DC input power is presented in the following can receive irradiance from the rear side as well. Therefore,the albedo value of the site location is crucial to reflect the rearside irradiance from the ground. The software will use theavailable albedo value in the weather file for the simulation
moreeffective than PSpice at analyzing circuit behavior and understanding circuit operation. Forquestion 2, 80% of students believed that Simulink/Simscape was easier to use than PSpice (60%recorded it as much easier to use.) Results for question 3 show that all students believed thatSimulink/Simscape was more easily accessible that PSpice (80% believed it was much easier toaccess.) Across all three categories, at least 80% of students indicated that Simulink/Simscapewas better or much better than PSpice in terms of effectiveness in analyzing and understandingcircuits, ease of use, and ease of access. Written student comments reflect the same sentiments;a few of the student comments are listed below. • Simscape was much more user friendly. The
for a CNC milled 2.4 GHz patch antenna.After the antenna is created, it should be measured and then evaluated on whether it is operablewithin the desired frequency band. Fig. 6 shows the S11 parameter, or the reflection coefficient,which indicates the antenna’s resonant frequency. In general, the lower this number is, the betterthe antenna will perform at that frequency. The S11 parameter can be measured usingcommercially available tools such as a NanoVNA. While gain and directionality are alsoimportant factors in antenna design, finding hobbyist or entry-level devices to properly measurethese aspects is difficult.C. Chemical Etching Figure 7. Left, a probe-fed patch design printed on vinyl backing using a laser jet printer. Right, the
semester (in-personmeetings) to 75% in the second half of the semester (online meetings), indicating that somestudents would rely on the class recordings in lieu of attending the synchronous class meeting.The second question examines the students' overall experience with remote learning in the secondhalf of Course 2 and whether they preferred in-person meetings instead. Eleven students gave adirect answer to this question, while one student indicated it was hard for them to reflect on apreference. The results of this question are summarized in Figure 1. The majority of students (50%)would prefer an in-person offering to a remote offering. However, a considerable amount ofstudents (~45%) indicated they prefer remote meetings, or at least find the
. Another effective solution that we came upwith was to hold the followup presentation and student Q&A session.Student Feedback and ReflectionsBased on our interaction with the students through the followup and Q&A session as well as thewritten feedback/reflection statements provided by the students, we believe that this PBL initiativehas been quite successful in its initial launching phase. Here is a sample feedback that we receivedfrom a group of four students at WPI: “Using the Nanohub software was a very educationalexperience, particularly in conjunction with Daggett’s paper and the paper by Bustamante et al.The myriad of graphs produced by the simulation were interesting to investigate and allowed forthe corroboration of several trends
to reflect on the class andprovide feedback. It is used as a participation activity. This survey starts as follows: “Your insights into your learning in this course can help me see our course from your side of the desk. Please respond to any three of the statements below (more if you’d like). I will use them as I plan for my courses next semester.” Then students are given the option to choose to answer three out of the six listed questions.Given this option, most students tend to answer in more detail when elaborating their answers. Asummary of student feedback in the end of spring 2022 on these questions are given below: Question 1: “This course most helped my learning of the content when … because …” 77.3
especially important to offer electives that reflect the availabity and expertise of the faculty, the interests and enthusiasm of the students, and the current needs of industry. Students responses show a mixed reaction to electives offered by the department, which is expected given that the electives offered each year vary widely. While some students indicate satisfaction with the elective topics offered, others expressed displeasure with the frequency and limited range of topics.Theme 3: Department Support Services (93/551 code segments – 17%) • Networking, technical, and social activities: The department prides itself on the wide range of activities that are organized each year to support student engagement