teams as part of his thesis work, and had the opportunity to teach undergraduate ME courses. His previous efforts and experiences in engineering education helped shape his overall goal of fostering human-centered education systems, which led him to pursue his PhD at ASU.Dr. Mayra S. Artiles, Arizona State University Mayra S. Artiles is an assistant professor in engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. Her research expertise includes engineering doctoral education structure, experiences of underreprDr. Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Arizona State University Samantha Brunhaver, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor within The Polytechnic School of the Ira A
practices affected student motivation.Dr. Racheida S. Lewis, University of Georgia Dr. Racheida S. Lewis, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia in the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Faculty Perception of the GRE as a Graduate Admission RequirementIntroductionThe goal of this paper is to describe a study that assesses engineering faculty perceptions of theGraduate Record Examination (GRE) in terms of its usefulness as an application component foradmission into engineering M.S. Thesis and Doctoral programs
Paper ID #37478Facilitating Engineering Faculty Success: Faculty Development ofGraduate Mentoring PracticesHimani Sharma, Arizona State UniversityMiss Amanda Marie Singer, The Ohio State University Amanda Singer is a second-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University. She graduated in 2021 from Michigan Tech with a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science in Environmental Engineering. Her current research interests include engineering identity formation, community college engineering education, and mixed methods research.Dr. Mayra S. Artiles, Arizona State University Mayra S. Artiles
bachelor’s degrees may be eager to enter the engineering workforce. However,in many engineering disciplines, individuals have more earning potential and career trajectoryoptions with a master’s degree. In this paper, we identify several categories of barriers and lessonslearned to launching an S-STEM focused on graduate students at a large R1 public institution thatmay be useful to other such programs. These include discussions on recruitment of this specializedpopulation of students into graduate school, especially those from other institutions, can bedifficult because i) there are structural and legal barriers to accessing financial information aboutstudents to identify low-income students and ii) smaller institutions may not have the
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Fellow role(s) interested them and why. All of the candidates wereinterviewed and, based on those conversations, we decided to add two more Fellowship roles: The EnSURE Fellow would help organize the Engineering Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (EnSURE) program The Recruiting Fellow would assist in identifying and connecting with prospective graduate students through on- and off-campus recruiting activitiesIn addition to these six Engineering Graduate Leadership fellows, we decided to partner with theGraduate School’s Leadership Fellows program to co-sponsor two additional roles: a GraduateStudent Life and Wellness Fellow, focusing specifically on the needs of Engineering graduatestudents, and a Women in STEM
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continue to collect data during each semester in which the course isoffered. In future iterations of the course, student performance on course assessments can becorrelated with implementations of active learning and community building strategies.References:[1] S. Freeman et al., “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 111, no. 23, pp. 8410–8415, Jun. 2014, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1319030111.[2] E. National Academies of Sciences, Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century. 2018. doi: 10.17226/25038.[3] P. Armbruster, M. Patel, E. Johnson, and M. Weiss, “Active Learning and Student-centered Pedagogy Improve Student Attitudes and Performance in Introductory
Percentage of participants Coping strategy Coping strategy using strategy (N=55) using strategy (N=55) Music/art/performance/ Alcohol use 11% (n = 6) 4% (n = 2) movies (not at home) Caffeine use 5% (n = 3) Pet(s) 7% (n = 4) Eating to relax 35% (n = 19) Planning or scheduling 24% (n = 13) Errands/shopping 4% (n = 2) Reading 16% (n
of astudent’s perceived inclusiveness within an academic unit, provides empirical evidence of theunwelcoming culture of engineering graduate education. According to Gardner et al. [3],engineering graduate students reported a relatively lower sense of belonging within theiracademic department compared to students in other disciplines. O’Meara et al.’s [4] research onSTEM students’ sense of belonging echoed this claim, highlighting that there are fewerfacilitators (e.g., a critical mass of women, micro affirmations) for creating an inclusiveenvironment in STEM graduate programs compared to those in non-STEM disciplines. Theseauthors collectively emphasized the need for investigating engineering graduate studentexperience and integration
zero as shown in Fig. 4 (a) and will increase eventually.The pendulum will keep moving forwards and pass the varticle projection of the CoP as shown inFig. 4 (b). This is a case where the counterclockwise force is not sufficient enough to prevent fromfalling for the given parameters. (a) (b)Fig. 3. Simulation results when the pendulum does not fall. (a) Position x vs velocity x˙ of the CoM. The dot is the initial conditionwhere x0 = 0.05 m and x˙ 0 = 0.1 m/s. The solid line is |xo + x˙ o | and the dashed dotted line is the movement of the CoM for q > 0.The square is the position of u = 0.25 m. (b) The trajectory of the CoM. The dashed vertical
current state of forensic engineering education.AcknowledgmentOne of the authors was funded by FIU University Graduate School Dissertation Year Fellowship,and this support is gratefully acknowledged. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the FIU University Graduate School.References[1] W. DeWitt, L. Geddes, F. Johnson, and L. Reader, “A master of science curriculum in forensic engineering,” in 31st Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. Impact on Engineering and Science Education. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No. 01CH37193), 2001, pp. F2B-8. doi: 10.1109/fie.2001.963696.[2] R. J. Heywood, “Responding to
Engineering Education PhD Program Quality [Work-in-Progress] Le Shorn S Benjamin PhD, Jerrod A Henderson PhD William A. Brookshire Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Houston This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant # EEC-2127509 to the American Society for Engineering Education AbstractDoctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree programs occupy the apex of the academic hierarchy. This ismainly because graduates are required to extend the bounds of existing knowledge. In the recentdoctoral discipline of engineering education, students are
(OP): comments with this code reference program recruitment, enrollment, matriculation, or other overall curricular design • Projects & Assignments (PA): comments with this code reference projects and assignments students completed in a course and may include class activities, readings, tests, papers, etc. • Scholarship (S): comments with this code reference publications or presentations students have published or submitted for publication. • Research Experience (R): comments with this code reference research experiences in classes or with faculty (but not specific to publications or presentations) • Courses (CO): comments with this code reference specific courses taken, not assignments
user of English3.1 Articulate effective linguistic choices to each otherThe C-BLI approach posits that for learners to internalize (i.e., they can use the newknowledge on their own) a scientific concept, it is important to have them verbalize in class.Through an instructor’s mediation, learners should explain communicatively theirunderstanding of the concept(s) they are learning to each other. In this spirit, the last tutoringsession was devoted to individual presentations of their understanding and reflection of thefour linguistic concepts and corpus techniques. It was found that every participant wascapable of applying the linguistic concepts to their own writing (see Table 4). While Vihaanand Shyla chose to apply all four linguistic
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one another and 14 initialcategories were identified. The categories capture the following meanings of NM1’s learningexperiences: (1) Obstacles and limitations; (2) Motivations; (3) Misconceptions about Ph.D.program; (4) Foundations and Focus; (5) Success/Survival; (6) Program comments; (7) Peer-to-peer learning; (8) Self-directed learning; (9) Mentoring & skill-building; (10) Social mentoring;(11) Goals as a mentor; (12) Mentoring as coaching; (13) Independence; (14) Why-questions. Asimilar coding process yielded 28 meaning units in the interview with a former AP lab mentor,PDM1. The following initial categories reflect PDM’s understanding of their role as a mentor:(1) Students’ independence; (2) Students’ peer-to-peer learning; (3
. Garrison, T. Anderson and W. Archer, “Critical thinking, cognitive presence, andcomputer conferencing in distance education,” American Journal of Distance Education, vol. 15,no. 1, pp. 7-23, 2001, doi: 10.1080/08923640109527071.[3] D. R. Garrison, “Shared metacognition in a community of inquiry,” Online Learning, vol. 26,no. 1, pp. 6-18, 2022, doi: 10.24059/olj.v26i1.3023.[4] A. A. Koehler, Z. Cheng, H. Fiock, H. Wang, S. Janakiraman, and K. Chartier, “Examiningstudents' use of online case-based discussions to support problem solving: Consideringindividual and collaborative experiences,” Computers & Education, vol. 179, no. 104407, 2022,doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104407.[5] J. P. How, “New STEM and Engineering Education Paradigms [From the
September of 2010, she served as the Outreach Program Coordinator for the Women in Engineering & Science Program at Kansas State University from 2000-2010. She began her work in STEM outreach and student support at Girls to Women, a private not for profit in Kansas City, in the late 90’s. She has also served on the board for WEPAN from 2012-2014. She earned her M.S. in Youth Development from the University of Nebraska and her B.S. in Family Studies at Kansas State University.Dr. Dayna L. Mart´ınez, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc. Dr. Dayna L. Mart´ınez currently serves as a Director of Research & Innovation at SHPE. In this role, she oversees the Equipando Padres program, pre-college programming
complexity of thestakeholders, the evolving and interactive norms, and resources involved. These complexsystems can include local, state, and federal interdependencies and/or global interdependenciesthat require examination from a systemic and governance approach. These are common in areasof public planning, international affairs, and policymaking relying heavily on modeling thatemploys innovative methods for actual implementation. Figure 1. Engineering Systems, Bilen, S.,2020With the increasing rate of technological innovation and convergence among technologies andsystems—such as Industry 4.0; energy and communication systems; the digitalization of industrythrough automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence
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workforce and researchers who will generate scientificand technological knowledge for addressing society’s grand challenges. The current model ofSTEM PhD was designed at the end of World War II (WWII), when a report by Vannevar Bush[1] set the direction of federally funded scientific research in the USA. It considered curiosity-driven basic research as the starting point from which technological applications emerged throughbasic research → applied research → development → production → marketplace. This model ofresearch as well as doctoral training appeared to work well when there was steady growth of basicresearch at private companies until the early 1990’s, the golden era of (corporate) research [2,3 ].Then the US industrial research enterprise
% 36-40 Years 3 0 3 2.7% 41-45 Years 2 1 3 2.7%The end of the survey included four optional questions, two of which had multiple-choice styleanswers and two of which had free-form text answers that were then parsed into appropriategroups: • Did you earn your graduate degree(s) in the US? o Yes o No, but there was a similar academic culture (e.g., Canada) o No, and there was a noticeably different academic • Is English your first language? o Yes o No • What is your gender identity? • What is your race/ethnicity? Table 2 shows