. It'snecessary in phase diagrams to prevent clutter and confusion, but students can benefit by seeingdatapoints on S/N fatigue curves and in graphs of Charpy impact energy vs. temperature. In suchgraphs, data points help students understand the degree of scatter that is normally found in thesemechanical tests.Some limitations of graphing software can be overcome by changing default settings on fonts,standard symbols, line thicknesses, hard-to-read vertically-oriented text, or a legend that fails tolist symbols in the same order as they appear on the graph. Other limitations are best overcomeby converting a graph to artwork.This paper demonstrates ways to improve the quality of engineering graphs used in materialseducation by comparing many examples of
, Abdulkarim S. Ahmed3,5, Fatai O. Anafi1,5,Adrian O. Eberemu4,5, Ayodeji N. Oyedeji1,5,6, Kazeem A. Salami1,6, Akinlolu Akande7, David Dodoo-Arhin8 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 2 Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 3 Department of Chemical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 4 Department of Civil Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 5 Africa Centre of Excellence on New Pedagogies in Engineering Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 6
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was an importanttransferable skill (11 to 3), whereas for DS the order of career vs. transferable skills was reversed(3 to 7).Post-course survey /HYHORIDJUHHPHQWRXWRI x¯ ± s /HYHORIDJUHHPHQWRXWRI x¯ ± s &RQILGHQFHLQ &RQILGHQFHLQ SURFHVVLQJ
question is “Whichphase(s) are present at point G and in what fractions?” A figure would be included in this questionin which students interpret and use to answer the question.In the traditional class, there were three high stake exams which means a student’s final gradein the class relied heavily on these exams. The percentage of each test in the traditional classcontributed to 75% of total grade, 25% for each of the three exams. Figure 4 shows thepercentage of incorrect questions according to type, split up by the three different exams fromthe traditional class. When observing the total percentage of questions wrong, Figure 4 showsthat students struggled the least with Exam 1, the second least with Exam 2, and the most withExam 3. Figure 4
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of their favoritelaboratory and the reason(s) for their decision (Appendix 2, Question B2). Specifically, learnerswere asked if the following characteristics apply to their feelings on their favorite materials labexperience and what made an activity stand out, where an “Other” answer was provided as anoption for learners to add an additional typed-out answer not otherwise listed. The specific questionprompts are numbered as follows, referenced in the horizontal axis of Figure 7: 1. The activities were fun 2. Your attention was kept for the duration of the lab 3. The session was interactive 4. You were able to learn new engineering concepts in the labs 5. You were able to retain knowledge that was taught in the lab 6. You had a
as one question in thefinal exam showed that the students benefitted from this lab. There were only 9 students in theclass and so a robust assessment to prove the success and benefits of this lab. However, studentreflections and student work give a good insight to encourage the continuation of this lab in thein-person mode.References:[1] S. Zirbel, “Compliant Mechanisms for Deployable Space Systems,” Theses Diss., Nov. 2014, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/5612.[2] C. Edwards and S. Hegerty, “Where It’s Cool to be Kitty: An Art Therapy Group for Young People with Mental Health Issues Using Origami and Mindfulness,” Soc. Work Groups, vol. 41, no. 1–2, pp. 151–164, Apr
providedvalues for these respective parameters, do some algebra, and punch the values into a calculator. Understanding this equation is more complicated. Memorization is necessary, but, inaddition, what each parameter in the equation means or represents is required (for example,providing a written definition or explanation for each parameter).1Question-Based Understanding How are concept-understanding exercises implemented in an introductory materialsscience and engineering course? What kind(s) of assignments can an instructor provide to helpstudents come to understandings of important concepts? To reiterate, for the student, developingunderstandings of concepts (i.e., thinking and pondering) are toilsome activities for the learner.Whereas
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program was not reminded to the survey respondents. We reliedon them remembering their experience with the modules. This should be considered as alimitation together with the small sample size (n=38) while interpreting the findings of our study.Future studies with higher number of participants will be needed for more solidconclusions.AcknowledgementThis work received IRB approval under protocol number 23547 and was supported by the Collegeof Engineering and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the the University ofIllinois Urbana-Champaign as part of the Strategic Instructional Initiatives Program (SIIP). Theauthors thank Prof. Matthew West and Prof. Luke Olson for helpful discussions.References [1] K. Thornton, S. Nola, R